It's sad that a mod keeps deleting my thread

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Mar 14, 2010
Is it that bad that I posted a thread about the realities of the game and a mod keeps deleting the thread

I posted the same thread twice and it got deleted twice.

Is this forum hosted by Square Enix? Are the mods employed by SE?

Are they that afraid that the game will turn to a flop and have to block threads so people don't read about it?
Your thread was merged here.

It was not deleted. It was only merged because we have a thread on the same topic.
You are posting irrelevant threads most likely. And no - this forum is no way affiliated by Square Enix and the mods are not employed. Your posts are not necessary most likely.
I actually didn't I posted 1 thread it disappeared. I posted the same thread again it disappeared..What happened to my original first thread..

Hmm..ok I don't understand why my post would be merged..I'm actually talking about FF13 in my thread..but ok..
Your original thread can be found as a POST in this thread:

How many times do the section moderators need to point that out to you?

First thread wasn't deleted. It was put into a thread that was on the same subject to prevent clutter. Second thread was closed because it was a duplicate.

Edit: Well, this post is a bit unnecessary now :sad3:
I think you need to have a look at the site rules.

Please do not try and override a moderator's decision. Your post was not deleted; it was simply merged.
Your thread was turned into a post in another already existing thread, guy. :)
Since everything has been cleared up, I'll go ahead and close this then. :)

[Thread Closed]
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