I've played the Demo (no spoilers)


Apr 6, 2007
United Kingdom
Words cannot describe it.



I imported the Advent Children movie / FFXIII Demo and although it was VERY costly, i am extremely impressed with FFXIII.

If anyone cares, i will be making a video review tomorrow and should have it up this time tomorrow night, so i can post here if anyone would like to listen to my thoughts.

I have yet to watch the movie but i will say that the 'Case of Denzil' feature is in Japanese only. Sadly, no dubs. Lucky for me, i downloaded the subs and will be watching it that way.

As it was a 'For Japan Only', i can live with it. Advent Children is dubbed, so it's strange they didn't dub the spin off anime.

Ah well.

Review tomorrow.
I've read the review in gamepro and the opening chain of events remind me of FF7. With the whole train ride, scorpion battle, former solider thing.
I saw a video review on Youtube a few days ago and I was really impressed. The battle system looks really intriguing so far.

I'm looking forward to watching your review :D
As it was a 'For Japan Only', i can live with it. Advent Children is dubbed, so it's strange they didn't dub the spin off anime.
Wait so ACC is dubbed in English? That's kind of odd :confused:
This game looks to be pretty good. I hear that the main protagonist named "Lightning" is supposed to be a chick version of Cloud. As if he wasn't feminine enough already lol. But yeah i'm gonna get this game. I have high expectations.
however i will more than likely be doing a video of ME playing it tomorrow. Just need to get some batteries for my camera and i'll do a proper review and show you the box it comes in.

I bought it from Yes-asia, it was £45, so about $70 i guess. That's for Advent Children on Blu Ray and the FF13 demo
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I saw the demo on youtube, and it was EPIC. Seriously, I think this one is going to be a success. I haven't been this excited since my playthrough of FFVII. I really would love to play the demo myself, but I live in the US so I would have to order Advent Children Complete online or something. I really expect great things from FFXIII. Hope it doesn't disappoint.
I saw on Youtube someone playing trough the whole demo (I think, because he reached a moment in which the demo finished). I think it is already deleted though... :wtf:

Anyway, my impression of this game so far. It was obvious that when actually playing the game, there won't be so much action like in the trailers.
I wasn't disappointed though, as I prefer more thinking and less action.
But the action in this game is nice, so for me: the battle system is GREAT! :highfive:.

The plot, from what I seen so far, is nice and reminds a little of FFVII.
The soundtrack is great as well.

So far, the game isn't disappointing me! :)
hmmm im surprised that people are saying its like ff7, ffversus looks more like it would be like ff7. But hey im jelous :) wish i was playing it... not long till 2010 though.. then we can all have it :D im kinda hoping the battle system is a little more involved than ff12 though, i don't know if it was just me but i thought ff12s system wasn't involved enough, i didn't feel like it was me fighting during the minor battles, you just seemed to run about and let the computer do the work. But one thing i am glad to see is that the summons are back, or so i believe so? were they in the demo?
u got the FF13 Versus demo or???? but anyway, tell me where to get it from!!! 8D
FFXIII Versus doesn't have a demo yet, they've only just started showing odd bits of gameplay the past two days in a private room at TGS, even then it's not full on gameplay as far as I'm aware. As for the FFXIII demo, it's only available in Japan when you buy Advent Children Complete, so if you're willing to spend a bit for the shipping as well you can get your hands on it. I've looked for the FFXIII seperately for myself, yet to see one.
i was a little disappointed with the Demo. My friend, when in Japan, bought the special edition FFVII PS3 that came with the demo. it was really short didnt really get a real since of the game play at all. they sorta through you in with out teaching you much so had to learn on your own. I did like the Combat though A Lot