Jenova and Sephiroth

He might have been out of his mind, but I think it was his decision of doing the things he did. Jenova's cells were only a tool of destruction to be quite honest. He was the leading benefactor to the
death of Aeris
as well as the
coming of meteor


He is definitely running the show, with square's official statements of them stating no one is above him in the VII Universe, that pretty much tells you everything about Sephiroth's character. Anyhow he can "potentially" take over the planet anyhow, considering he does not become one with the life stream due to his unsurpassed will power.

So he "technically" can come back any time and complete his mission after all. Lol, blame square, this is probably done on purpose for future works when they are to continue the VII saga with Cloud's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grand son will fight him :kelly:.
:Monster said:
Midgard is the land of the Humans, not Gods, or Giants. The land of the Gods is called Asgard... And the giants, Jotunheim.

And it's agreements about the Tree part. It's called Yggdrasil, for additional information. (Spellings may differ, I can't be too sure either.)

And Midgard Zolom was a summon in Final Fantasy VI too, though it went by the name Midgardsomr.

Ah! Yes, thank you. You are correct of course. I was trying to recall it off the top of my head and didn't have enough time to look it up. Thank you for the info!

eternaloblivion said:
consider thinking jeneva was controlling sephiroth her blood in his so maybe her cells spread and controlled him
or maybe sephiroth is jenova "gasp

No, we've already established that Jenova is dead. The body is a puppet, nothing more, and Sephiroth is following his own ambitions fueled by his speculations of Jenova.
you know as long as i played this game....i never truly understood sephiroths intentions...but after reading a few posts here..iy all makes sense of why these things have happened in the game. thanx a lot guys!!!! i fully understand it now
:seph:could was the 1 to kill sephiroth and then becam a puppet so that sephiroth could retern but i think it was all his mothers fault
Ok something people do not take into consideration is that Jenova was not possibly in her most powerful form when this game takes place. She was not only dead, but you fight her dead body parts in seperate pieces(like on the shinra ship when you leave Junon disguised as shoulders you fight her arm).

So Jenova was not quite complete but was still having an effect on Sephiroth. I actually think meteor and Aerith's death were Jenova's will not Sephiroth's and she was using him to carry out her wishes, because it was the exact thing she had failed to accomplish in the past because of th cetra. Which Aerith happens to be the last of. I think Sephiroth is Jenova and vice versa almost as kind of the same being..... Does anyone like my reasoning?
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You're theory is nice, but logically impossible. We know that Sephiroth was born 2,000 years after Jenova was killed. What you're proposing is possible if you factor in things like genetic memory, since we also know that Sephiroth was created by the injection of Jenova cells while he was in the womb. With THAT in mind, then yes, perhaps Sephiroth was completing Jenova's agenda, albeit unconcously. However, it is impossible for Jenova and Sephiroth to be the same entity. There's simply too many places where that theory would be voided, no matter how much it is stretched to fit.