Job advice


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 22, 2007
Ok, so recently ive been seeing sites with bad job advice. WHO SAYS KNIGHT IS A BAD JOB? IT IS A GREAT JOB! im so angry at the people who get 10 minutes into the game and think they know everything so post your teams and give advice to others who ask for good job customizations. dont be afraid to ask questions.

Ok, can some one PLEASE tell me if ranger is a good job? i find him Ok but many people says hes weak.
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Personally I consider all jobs worthwhile, they just need to have a very good job level and equipment (as well as base level) there is the fact though that not all characters can equip the best things in the game and that's what make them look like bad classes, the ranger is one of them, still, with all the equipment I gave him so far, he can do good damage at the back row, but as barrage's description says, all 4 hits are less powerful than a real one.

My team personally is this one
Black Mage/Magus
White Mage/Devout
Monk/Black Belt
(I tend to change constantly between them)
Monks and further up grades are good especially un armed put them with a red or black/white mage as they can be upgraded as well 2 ninjas and 2 sages I had at the end.
well ya but my team is...
ingus Black belt/ninja
arc sage /summoner
luneth Knight /
refia Dragoon/ (once in along while white mage but its weak)

i think its a good team. well actually im only at goldor but i played it originally and im re-forming my team. so many people say it stinks cuz no white mage. i dont really get white mage. red mage heals fine for me.
my freinds team is teif summoner warrior and freelancer and says my team stinks.
My team is:

Luneth Ninja
Arc Magus
Refia Devout
Ingus Dragoon

Kinda random, I know, but I have no problems beating anything but that damn final boss. But then, I am severely underleved at this point.
Yeah but i just have a problem with white mage. its just that when you have a party of 4, you need each character to bring something new to your team and balance it. i just dont get people whose party is white mage, black mage, warrior and evoker. it just doesnt make sense. its too unbalenced. like my monk and my knight deal out haevy damage, and switch to other jobs that do heavy damage, while my sage keeps everyone healed and when no one needs healing he'll throw in a bio or thundaga or something. then, ref as dragoon the just add some extra punch since 34% of the enemies are flying or wind and it helps if you have a dragoon. and last, i can switch to my awesome sommoner to throw in bahamut if im in trouble. thats a balanced team. if i replace my monk with with white then my party will suck. you have to balance them. right now im in temple of time and i havent had a problem with one boss except medusa and i only lost cuz i didnt play the game for a month cuz i couldnt find my charger
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