Help Judge Gheis


Nov 18, 2006
I cant beat this guy he wipes out all my charecters any tips would be helpful thanks Mike
That's the one on Leviathan correct? If so, iirc you can kill soldiers still on the ship, try leveling up a bit or take the easy way out and use quickenings.

My strategy at the time was have one person continually attack him while 2 healed. Continue to shuffle characters in and out if you need more MP, and don't want to use items.
I tried like mad to get slow on him but couldn't get it to stick so my focus was on his little minions, get them down and have one person doing dedicated healing. Took me a few tries to get him, but once you get the stragglers taken care of, he shouldn't be too much trouble.
If your having trouble with regular storyline bosses, just level up for a while. Fill out the Augments on your License Board as well. The mandatory bosses that you have to fight throughout the game are pretty easy if you just level up a bit.

It's a good idea to do alot of extra leveling up anyway if you plan on beating some of the Hunts.