Judge pics anyone?


ShinRa Guard
Apr 7, 2007
St. Louis
does anyone have pics of the judges without their helmets on? Particularly Zaargbath and Drace cuz you see them without their helmets for less than a second *dramatized....for Zaargbath 2 seconds, Drace about 25*
Yes I would like to see these also, if I can get them off google then I'll post them here.
The judges are just pure awesomeness, I cant describe it. They are just amazing lol ^^ Thankies for those images JR.
lol Blckwltz called Rulia a man!!

And as far as Rapid Punishment your right some FFF members are obessed but I think its cool to each his/her own ya know. I'm in love with Rulia;) JK JK...I like the judges I just wished they had more screen time. I would love to see a game as far as being a judge.... That would be awesome
Ahhhh....kool I forgot what all of them but Drace and Gabranth looked like.

Everyone loves the Judges cause as SapphireStar says they are pure awesomeness. And they got wicked armor!
Don't worry about it. I'm quite notorious for confusing people with my gender. There was another pic I could show you of the faces, but it makes them all very very ugly.

Also, check your bestiary for Ghis and Bergan face images. Not sure if you get one of you know who (for those who have completed it), but the two judges I mentioned are there.