Jury Duty

Tyler Breeze

Nov 27, 2012
Have you guys ever had to do it? Do you like it or hate it? I know my Dad gets swept away like, twice a year for it. Honestly I'm clueless as to what happens or whatever. I do know somebody here that's done it (Chris ;) ), and he hated it. So basically, do you like doing it? Or is just something that you do because you have to?
I did Federal a while back. Was on a case that lasted over 10 weeks. Was able to go home at night though. It was an anti trust case which could get boring.
Just once, and the last one they threatened to throw me in jail because I didn't tell them I changed addresses. They love to point out that you're going against your will and what happens to you if you don't.

You get kicked out of the system if you've been an inactive voter for a certain period of time. Since I lost faith in the voting system, I probably wont be doing jury duty anymore.

Anyway the one case I had, was for aggravated assault and robbery.
If you have a valid driver's license they can nab you for jury duty too.
Yeah i did it. Thankfully circumstances meant that It didnt go on for long at all. Something that I am VERY happy about. I got called for it and I couldnt back out o, it as there was no legitimate reason for me to knock it back. You get off with it if your disabled and along those lines. One of the boxes actually says. Tick this box if your in prison and cannot attend :lew: Out of all the people, they only needed 4 and i was the first fucking name out the hat -__-

Its not much fun. If your a gossip though then I imagine it would be your wet dream. In the UK you only have to do jury duty once and youl never have to again. Im glad I got it out the way and it wasn't long and dragged out.
I got asked to do it once but had a letter written from my boss to get out of it.

I can only imagine how boring it would be. Not to mention I have no idea what kind of people I'd have to be in the court room with. What if they decided to rape and or kill me after I was done?

I don't know what type of people they are so therefore I think it would have been stupid to put myself in harms way.

My boss thought it was sad I decided not to do it because apparently he loved it when he got to do it. :hmmm: