Help Just a quick question.

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Solider of the Wasteland
Dec 22, 2008
North of Ohio, South of Canada, West of Wisconsin,
This is not so much as I need help as I just want know what to do with this particular item. I recently purchased a few Forgotten Grimores and have started to kill the associated monsters with said Grimores. Well almost every time a monster drops something whether it be rare or common it also drops a Pebble. It sells for 2 gil and as far as I know it doesn't do anything Bazaar wise (I have a strategy guide and it doesnt say anything about it.).

I just want to know what they are for if anything....its starting to piss me off. I bought these Grimores to get rare drops thus get more gil but these things aren't helping at all. Anybody else having this problem and know what they are for?
Pebbles don't do anything besides let new items open in the Bazaar. After you sell about 200 I think it is you can buy a new item at the Bazaar. It may be just collecting 200 (or whatever the number is). Regardless that's what they're for.
EDIT: The Forgotten Grimoires let that type of monster drop an Arcana I believe. I may be wrong, I haven't played in a while.
I can't help you with your question, sorry, but-

What exactly are the Grimoires for? And how do you use them? Negalmuur dropped one and I didn't sell it because it was a curious looking item. They're selling for a lot of gil at the shops, too.

I'm too lazy to start up my PS2 but if need be I will.
Don't fret about the Forgotten Grimore's, they will help you in the long run. Yes, Pebbles end up getting dropped with other items, but you will start to acquire the rare items you seek. These will work out especially handy later when you're power-leveling, especially in areas where you find a lot of undead spawning.

For 2 gil a Pebble, you could always sell them. I know 2 gil isn't much, but if you're item farming in a hardcore manner, 1,000 Pebbles turn into 2,000 gil, and gil in FFXII is hard to come by. But as far as I know, the Pebble's really serve no purpose (and I'm figuring your strategy guide says so as well).
EDIT: The Forgotten Grimoires let that type of monster drop an Arcana I believe. I may be wrong, I haven't played in a while.

It's the canopic jar that allows arcanas to drop from any monster and high arcanas to drop from rare game, not the grimoires I think...

The Dragoon's Monograph increases the chances rare items drop from Dragon-type and Plant-type monsters
The Hunter's Monograph increases the chances rare items drop from Beast-type and Avion-type monsters
The Knight's Monograph increases the chances rare items drop from Giant-type and Insect-type monsters
The Mage's Monograph increases the chances rare items drop from Fiend-type monsters
The Sage's Monograph increases the chances rare items drop from Elemental-type monsters
The Scholar's Monograph increases the chances rare items drop from Construct-type monsters
The Warmage's Monograph increases the chances rare items drop from Amorph-type and Undead-type monsters

Regarding the pebble, I don't think it really has a purpose... sorry I can't help with this... all I know is that you can unlock a bazaar package with 99 of them by selling 5 quality stones... as far as I know, they won't unlock anything in the bazaar themselves... sorry.
Monographs allow normal monsters from that class to drop pebbles. Pebbles are useless. They don't do anything. NOTHING AT ALL.
They allow RARE monsters from that class to drop Arcanas.
Which is still pretty useless, but keep in mind that 10 Arcanas and some other items unlock High Arcana, which is a very rare item that's used to make really good stuff. Other than that, Warmage's Monograph + Dustia farming = lots of Arcanas before even going into Giza in the beginning of the game. Arcana x 15 + Gysahl Greens x 33 = HERMES SANDALS, AWESOME!

Canopic Jar is a monograph too, but it's obtained later in the game. It allows all normal monsters do drop Arcanas and all rare monsters to drop High Arcanas. However, it's a low chance, slightly unreliable.
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