Just got FFXII and I love it so far.


Jun 5, 2008
Firstly, I am having a blast with this game thus far, I have gone through FFX and tried FFX-2 (didn't get into that one), and this is my 3rd stab at the Final Fantasy series. I <3 Square Enix.

Anyway, I have a few questions.

Firstly, I've just got the "Dawn Shard" and am now supposed to be heading south of Giza Plains. What level should I be around while attempting this?

Next, I've noticed that I rarely have Gil to spend on gear as it is continuously spent on potions of various effects. Is the only real way to get Gil to do chain kills to get better loot?

Third, I've noticed that my quickenings are basically useless unless chained 3+. Is this how they're supposed to be? I just hope I'm not missing any key combos like the Overdrives in FFX had. I don't use them on anyone but bosses or "Hunt" targets, usually.

Thanks for your future input, I am excited to hear from you all.
Quickenings are a waste of time unless you link them, I didn't realise they could be linked for the longest time >_<

Selling equipment and loot is the way forward for getting loot so jsut keep killing stuff untill you get more to sell :monster:

Not sure what level you should be mind.....Im sure Judge Rulia will mosey into this thread and love youon the spot. She is one of the few that seem to like this game around here xD
Thank you for confirming my suspicions. I hope to hear from this Judge Rulia soon :)
I've had FF XII for a while now, and it is an amazing game. early in the game Vaan's quickening is worth getting as well as as many spells as possible. if you're stuck on a part, try this time-consuming trick: start over the game and train forever with the chars you are using at that point in time to get all sorts of strength from mass lvls and some licenses that would be useful later in the game. that's what i have done, and it's worked out well so far.
I really don't know what level you should be, sorry.

Yes, you have to sell your loot in order to get gil. Sell old equipment as well to help out. If I remember correctly there is a grimoire you can get at a bazaar that makes monsters drop more valuable loot, but you get that MUCH later in the game.

And yes, chaining quickenings is the key to dealing massive damage. Try to hit the 'Mist Charge' on a characters move to execute a quickening again, causing even more damage. :P
I'd say stay as far away from items as possible in this one, and try to rely on magic and techniques. this way you don't have to buy as much items. Items can be useful, but they cost too much in the end so you want to conserve them. and when it comes to quikenings, I say the same thing, get all your quikenings as soon as possible, but only use them when a boss is at about quarter health, or you'll find yourself fighting a boss without mp.
and for what level, if you have made it this far you should be able to go onto the next area at the level you are now, just be wary of elementals that attack when you use magic around them.
Such prompt replies! I appreciate everyone's input.

I am around the same level of the monsters around the Giza Plains (17-19ish?) but I keep reading that I should have power-leveled to 20-25 before the bombing cut-scene in the beginning of the game, where I first meet Balthier and Fran. This quite frankly blows my mind as I tried "power leveling" but it's a long road :\
? That's ridiculous. No need for it - if anything, people have managed to get their characters onto the Leviathan at level 12. But I would recommend characters being at level 20+ ESPECIALLY once you get to Golmore Jungle, which you need to go through the Ozmone Plains for. Monsters in Ozmone Plains are in their early 20's, so see what the general levels of creatures are, and make sure you're a level or two above them. If you want to level a character up quickly, make your party only consist of one member or two, then go after a couple monsters that you know you can handle. You'll get more experience points that way.

What I would worry about more then anything is the level 99 Chocobo that will appear if certain conditions are met, but he doesn't appear just yet on the Ozmone Plains. Best thing about him? He isn't classed as a rare game, hunt, and can come as many times as possible, though it might be a pain in getting him to appear.

Quickenings are alright, but after a while, I didn't use them unless I seriously got ganged up against in regular monster fights.

You say you are in Giza Plains still? Be careful, but only of one monster. Not any wolf, frog, gator, bunny, horse - but of the Werewolf. They're level 21, and there's two of them always walking around. I think you'd be able to spot them. Try to use Libra on them, and you'll get your info.

Anything else?
Like JR said, 20+ is ridiculous. You're fine at the level you are now.
It's best not to bother using quickenings, as they drain all your MP. Just get all three for your characters so they can have three times as much MP.
As long as you set your gambits correctly, FFXII is very easy.
Attack foe till' HP Critical
Then poach the for
Then pick up loot.

Thats up to 3 peices of loot. :D

Poach is a teqnick you can buy. Works for me but it takes awhile XD.
Thank you Judge Rulia and Vince Noir, it sounded unnecessary to me but I thought I may have missed something.

I spent bits and pieces of last night (3-4 hours total, I think) in the Bhujerba Lhusu Mines, and I leveled all six of my characters from 16-17 to 21 before retiring for the night. I pulled in around 65,000 gil (spent half of it on every technik, spell, gambit and gear I could get) so now I'm pretty set. Plus I got about 500-600 license points for each character. All in all not too bad of a farming session I think.

I just got to Jahara and now Vayne's brother (his name slips my mind) has joined me as a guest.


On the poaching thing, I tried it and from the time I used Poach it seemed that if I stole before poaching I'd recieve nothing during the poach. Granted I only used it a few times, but I figured it was the same thing as stealing twice - the monster simply doesn't have anything to take. I'm assuming I'm wrong in my assumption.
Start getting Grimoires. As you collect more, stuff that will drop will be worth more in terms of gil.

If you're stuck on Grimoires, and how to earn them, ask in the Help section we've got in General Discussion.

I wouldn't go as far to say setting your Gambits = easy game.
I've received two of these grimoires thus far, the beast one and the one you can get by talking to the magic vendor something like 25 times...do I have to equip them somehow or is it just a "have it in your pack" kind of thing?
No need to equip, they just rest in your inventory. Do you know how to get the others?