Just Short of Perfection


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 11, 2007
I love perfecting games. Now, due to the time and effort it takes i've only really perfected 2 or 3. On FFXII I have 150+ hours, I'm halfway to killing Yiazmat, about a quarter way of getting the Tournesol, and trying to collect all of the other rare items. All other sidequests are complete including espers and zodiac spear and main party lv. 94 backup party lv. 85. I'm not trying to brag. I would like to think that this would be the most exciting phase of perfecting the game, but about a month and a half ago I suddenly lost all drive and motivation to finish. I still get urges to play but i'm too lazy to put it in because i know that i have at least 20+ hours of boring collecting and whatnot to do. Has anyone else had a similar experience with 12 or any RPG?
I've perfected FFIX several of times, and I still enjoy doing it. I would love to perfect FFV and all of the jobs, but I simply do not have the time to do it at the moment.
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Totally, and psychiatrists would have a field day with us man. There is something utterly compelling about getting 100%/all the items. I think its a little like obsessive collecting, hey, its just our natural geeky need to concentrate on something utterly pointless.
the only one i can say i completely perfected was FFX, i finished up the sphere grid with everyone got all the ultimate weapons, beat every arena boss, and did every sidequest. that was the best game as far as side quests and extras in the series IMO.
I love perfecting games. Now, due to the time and effort it takes i've only really perfected 2 or 3. On FFXII I have 150+ hours, I'm halfway to killing Yiazmat, about a quarter way of getting the Tournesol, and trying to collect all of the other rare items. All other sidequests are complete including espers and zodiac spear and main party lv. 94 backup party lv. 85. I'm not trying to brag. I would like to think that this would be the most exciting phase of perfecting the game, but about a month and a half ago I suddenly lost all drive and motivation to finish. I still get urges to play but i'm too lazy to put it in because i know that i have at least 20+ hours of boring collecting and whatnot to do. Has anyone else had a similar experience with 12 or any RPG?
Yup. I have beaten Yiazmat, and all I have left to fight now is Zodiark and Omega... but FFXII hasn't been in my PS2 for weeks. I guess I got tired of it.
Ive perfected previous FF games but am still playing XII, with around 40 hours my characters are all around level 42.
I think that perfecting/maximizing games is my favorite part of it all. I don't know why but you get some kind of feeling of accomplishement or something when you look at your perfect game, or maybe it's just me.

Valiant did you re-write the Sphere Grid in Final Fantasy X?
Ive completely perfected FF7 FF8 FF9 FF10 FFx-2 and ff12 with all items in each one. Each one took me over 200 hours save ff12 which took me 170 something.
Lol... I think most die-hard fans will admit to being obsessive when it comes to gathering every item, every secret, every hidden character and what not in a Final Fantasy...

Final Fantasy’s that I’ve perfected are: Final Fantasy VIII, IX, X and X-2.
I have, only because I'd get so into them, and not get far into them at all, and it just keeps me back from enjoying the game, and it keeps me way too long from going forward
I usually try perfect Final Fantasy games and have perfected FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX and FFX. It takes me about 80-100 hours. The second replay is when I perfect the game. I tend to do every side quest the second when it becomes available to me, I usually try to finish them. My goal is to be 5+ levels more than the surrounding monsters and the upcoming bosses. So when I'm at the final dungeon of the game I don't have to level as much. I usually only level characters up to 80ish (except FFVIII), just enough to beat the optional ultimate boss.

Reminds me...my boyfriend was making fun of me the other day because I was almost half way through FFV, my characters were level 41. He just beat X-Death with his characters being level 38.
There are very few games I have beat 100%. I'm more of a sit down and beat it type of guy, minus all the extra things, unless it's getting ultimate weapons and all. Plus, I just don't have as much time as I did when I was a kid.
I love perfecting games. Now, due to the time and effort it takes i've only really perfected 2 or 3. On FFXII I have 150+ hours, I'm halfway to killing Yiazmat, about a quarter way of getting the Tournesol, and trying to collect all of the other rare items. All other sidequests are complete including espers and zodiac spear and main party lv. 94 backup party lv. 85. I'm not trying to brag. I would like to think that this would be the most exciting phase of perfecting the game, but about a month and a half ago I suddenly lost all drive and motivation to finish. I still get urges to play but i'm too lazy to put it in because i know that i have at least 20+ hours of boring collecting and whatnot to do. Has anyone else had a similar experience with 12 or any RPG?

Same thing happened to me in XII. I did alot of the hunts and started trying to get some of the uber weapons....then my interest totally died and I just went ahead and beat the game.

I've never perfected a FF. I've come damn close in IX, I've done everything but finish that friendly monster sidequest and obtain the Excalibur II. VII I came kinda close, I did everything but master all my materia and beat the battle coliseum.

I'll complete stuff in a game if it helps to make things easier or if it's fun. Generally though, completing a game becomes tedious and boring, and I'll just stop when that happens. I play videogames to have fun, not to complete the game 100% due to OCD.
I'm with Cerridwen on this. I try to perfect all the Final Fantasy games that I play...all but one: FFXII. (I was going to perfect it, but I was getting bored and was afraid I'd quit the game before I had a chance to finish it.) FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, and FFX-2 were the games I've perfected. And yes, that means using a strategy guide...because it's almost impossible to truly perfect a game without one...
Well every game I've played so far is been to perfection, I don't want to name them, but let's just say from ff6 to ffx, still playing ff12.
I played it a bit when I first got it then lost all interset.Just started playing again about a week ago now I am trying to do all the side quests with my lv70 characters but I need to train them a bit more first.
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yeah its happened to me with final fantasy 10 but i managed to finish it you just gota force your self to fifnsh it lol
That feeling sinks in when I defeated all the secret bosses in XII and IX and knowing that there's another mile to go before it can be said that I've truly completed everything. But persistence paid off, at least with XII it did, and I was rewarded with the Wyrmhero Blade and the Order of Ambrosia.