Just started a new game

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Feb 24, 2009

I just started a new game of FFX
I want to see if I get as close to 100% completion as possible :)

Wish me good luck, hehe

It's been a long time since I played FFX, kinda forgot what the start was all about :P
Ummm, good luck.

Just try to remember to try and talk to everyone you see, and to complete every side quest as soon as possible, and you shouldbe fine.
And start capturing monsters as soon as you get the proper weapons to do it, otherwise getting Auron's celestial weapon will be a pain. ^^'
If you have the European version, have fun with the Dark Aeons, those things are insanely powerful.

Also, have fun with Lulu's Ultimate Weapon, Lightning is not your friend :wacky:

It'll take forever to complete the game 100% though, so good luck with that. xD
I'm in progress with that, it's been going for years now... (on and off) :D

Yeah, if you have the EU version (as have I), try and defeat all the dark aeons + penance w/o Yojimbo.
Many many many hours of training required, all good fun though.

/has yet to do this.
Maybe I'm being dumb, it's been a while since I played FFX, but is there a % that shows up then? I thought it was only in X-2 that you could see how much you completed. Sorry, it's been ages since I played! Anyway, good luck, I beat a few dark aeons when I last played which was fun :-) But never played against Penance, though I might give it a go when I have the time.
You're gonna have a long run. Good luck XD

Just remember not to throw your controller at the screen when attempting the 200 lightning dodge and getting '0' in the Chocobo race.
Oh my god the 200 lightning strikes drove me insane. I think I'd done about 75 and I got hit!!! I was so angry I gave up and never tried it again. Sorry Lulu, no Celestial weapen for you!
I know. I never have the patience to do it. When I first get to the TP I try and jump 40 times max to get some nice stuff, but trying to do 200 is so tedious. As for your earlier question charms, no, there isn't a percentage thing like there is in X-2. We're just talking about doing everything possible in the game.
Ah ok thanks for clearing that up! I could've just gone and looked at my memory card but I am too lazy to do that. I don't blame you for not having th patience, who in their right mind is going to spend an hour or however long pressing a button really quickly when the screen goes white?!? They must have the patience of a saint. I did think that it was a really stupid way of getting the Celestial Weapon, the designers could've actually made us do something that involved an element of skill and FUN.
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