Just Who Is Ultimecia?

Oct 21, 2009
Well here goes...

Well, every yin, needs a yang. So, Ultimecia is the opposite to Hyne.
So, each time a sorceress' powers are transferred over to another, Ultimecia follows them, but Ultimecia's powers have stayed, giving her an extremely long life.
Hyne started work on time compression during her lifetime, but Hyne didn't perfect it. Ultimecia did.
So, once a sorceress has gained access to her powers, Ultimecia posesses them, in the process gaining access to that time period. This is how Ultimecia perfected time compression.
Hyne and Ultimecia are linked, when Hyne was born into this world, so was Ultimecia. Every light has to have a shadow, so whereever Hyne's power goes, it's darkness goes with it.
I think Hyne is waiting for someone to finally put an end to it. Squall just delayed Ultimecia, she's still around, because Rinoa is a sorceress, it's only a matter of time before she returns.

They have to end the cycle of succession
Now you can see why so many people want to kill any potential candidates for sorceress succession
The only way I think that Ultimecia could be destroyed is if they find Hyne's descendant, the true descendant
Another reason why there are so many women being possessed by Ultimecia is because of the failed successions.
Yes, every single person that has taken's Hyne's powers has lost it. Remember what happened with Rinoa when Edea's powers transferred over to her?
Well, the only thing that can stop Ultimecia, is if a sorceress get's impregnated by a sorceress knight. Which makes Squall and Rinoa's love story integral to the plot
Remember that because Squall decided to be her knight, Rinoa was able to snap out of her possession?
Well, what would happen if a sorceress and a sorceress knight had a child?
That, is Hyne's true descendant, a sorceress by blood, not by succession.
The reason why Hyne decided to pass down her powers was probably because she was infertile. She had no living heiress, so she chose a girl that was like a daughter to her and gave the girl her powers. But the powers must of rejected her so they went on to someone else, starting the succession.
If Squall and Rinoa had a child, it would be Hyne's true descendant.

The true nature of time compression, unbeknownst to Ultimecia, is a way for the true descendant to travel to Ultimecia's compressed world and finally be rid of her.

This theory is rather new and it's unpolished, but this is who I think Ultimecia is, she is Hyne's dark side.

Okay, feel free to demolish this, but it's just a theory.
I have to say that a very intriguing theory. It confused me just a little bit, it has been a while since I have gotten to the end of the game so bear with me. Basically if Squall and Rinoa were to have a child it would be the perfect candidate to perfect time compression? Like I said it has been a while since I have been to the end of the game, so I am a little rusty on the plot lines.
Decent theory, kinda makes sense. The part about the only way of defeating her with a child that is of her blood doesn't make sense though. She takes over the body, but it's still Rinoa's blood, not her's. No special being would be created just because of the blood. The powers wouldn't be passed on unless Ultimecia chooses to take over the child's body.
Decent theory, kinda makes sense. The part about the only way of defeating her with a child that is of her blood doesn't make sense though. She takes over the body, but it's still Rinoa's blood, not her's. No special being would be created just because of the blood. The powers wouldn't be passed on unless Ultimecia chooses to take over the child's body.

Oh so what he was saying was that the child of Squall and Rinoa would be the only way to truly defeat her. Then that makes a little more sense, I was a little bit confused but that makes it a little clearer. And I think because both it would be the blood of both Squall and Rinoa then the child would have to power to not only defeat Ultimecia but withstand her attempts of possession.
Hyne's spirit must of thought that Rinoa was special, because remember that when Edea was released from Ultimecia's control, she lost her powers. When Ultimecia was released from Rinoa, Rinoa retained her powers, so that must mean that Hyne had found her vessel.
Like I said, this is a theory and my own personal interpretation. I'm still working on it.
Keep it up, it sorta makes sense. I don't know if Rinoa retained or not, I replayed FFVIII recently because I got too lazy a few years ago to finish it, and now im too lazy to finish it again, I'm at Ultimecia's castle.
Thank you very much, it needs a little revising, but I think I'm getting there. Because Rinoa being Ultimecia is just...Not possible in my book.
Rinoa being Ultimecia is just...Not possible in my book.
Yeah, I don't think that Rinoa is Ultimecia either o_O.
Nice thoughts though from what i've read and I think I know what you mean with the whole Squall and Rinoa having a baby and it only being the one that can kill Ultimecia and whatnot. Great theory though :monster: I'm not sure about Rinoa retaining her powers but nowhere did it say her powers were released so... i'm assuming that means she still has them... :hmmm:
Hyne was acually a dude, actually, more like a god.

credited with creating the world, and giving a peice of his power to sorcresses.
Rinoa-Ultimecia ?

The Ultimecia-Rinoa Theory?!? Fantastic! I don't believe in that theory, but I like this possibility.

i to have a theory:

After squall dies rinoa goes insane in an attempt to bring them back together she perfects time compression so that he and her can live in on moment in time, but she loses sight of her main goal after awhile.
It seems there are a lot of "Who Is Ultimecia" theories going about, including one of my favourites, the Rinoa Theory.
I'm not sure what to think to be honest, that is a rather fascinating viewpoint you have there, but i'm not quite sure how it works either. :hmmm:
It actually rather confused me, i'm not sure where getting pregnant came into it or anything. xD
It would probably help if I could actually remember who Hyne was. :ffs:
I need to replay VIII, clearly. :mokken:
lol, FFVIII is surprisingly complex. Always makes me think too much about stuff xD

I never believed the Rinoa = Ultimecia theory. Someone actually explained to me very well how that would just entirely fudge up the FFVIII universe. Something about powers being constantly recycled and memories going back and forth :hmmm:

I like what you tried to do with this theory, but I can't really agree with.

You're saying Ultimecia is Hyne's other half, born when he was, but that can't be right. For one, Hyne is god in the FFVIII universe, and Ultimecia is a sorceress from the future. We have no idea how far in the future Ulti is in the game, but odds are she's hasn't been born in the FFVIII timeline, or at the least has no powers yet.

Also, Edea still had her powers after Rinoa when into a coma. It was sometime during disc 3, while Squall and co were in space I assume, did Edea's lose her powers and they randomly ended up to Rinoa.

Of course this is confusing since she does control Rinoa a bit at the end of disc 2, but I think she had that "Ellone" machine in her future where she can send her conscious through time, and probably through those means is she able to control people.

Although that adds an interesting thought - Ultimecia must know Rinoa then, right? You can only enter the mind of a person you know, and I don't think the machine is able to overcome that limitation :hmmm:

(Unless between Edea being defeated and Rinoa losing conscious, Uiltimecia somehow did a quit pit stop in Rinoa to relay a message to Seifer before losing control, and only gaining it again when Edea's power goes to Rinoa and thus all that rampaging she does in space and such)

Sorry, just came to me xD

But yeah, with just the above, I can't really consider the theory, sorry >.<

Seriously, I know people are horrified at the idea of extra installments to a main FF game, but someone really needs to explain all this stuff from FFVIII, especially who the heck Ultimecia is :ness:
Ultimecia is a random sorceress from the future :mokken:

There is no friggin way RInoa could be related to her at all.

She's there so that the heroes have some butt to kick. It's like asking who is The Dark Cloud boss thing in FF3. Is it Refia?! :gasp: No. It's the baddie that needs to go down. Giant Villains don't get much screentime, especially when they are acting from afar. That's why we don't know anything about her.

I don't really think I would want to know who Ulti is anyways :hmmm:

I like your theory about Hyne alot but to me it's just not all that complicted really. It's final fantasy for peat sake :P