KH Favorites and Worsts


Male Character: Leon
Female Character: Aerith
Non-Human Male: Genie
Non-Human Female:
Princess: Belle (she's always been my favorite princess in Disney period)
Boss: Riku (the 2nd fight in HB)
Enemy: the Shadow heartless. like someone said before, they're cute. I wish I could have one for a pet, though it would try to kill me.
World: Hallow Bastion
Area: Those portals to the parts of other worlds in "The End of the World"
Keyblade: Oblivion
Donald's Weapon: It doesn't really matter. He sucks anyway.
Goofy's Weapon: Don't pay attention
Other Weapon: ???
Accessory: Again, I really don't pay attention.
Magic: Curaga
Ability: Glide
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Does phantom count? I get scared ****less when I fight it.


Male Character: Donald
Female Character: Don't really have one... so I'll just put Ursula.
Non-Human Male: Hades
Non-Human Female: Ursula
Princess: Jasmine
Boss: Dragon Maleficent
Enemy: The big dog shield ones.
World: Halloweentown
Area: Oogie Boogie's lair
Keyblade: Kingdom Key... duh
Donald's Weapon: Default weapon
Goofy's Weapon: Default again
Other Weapon: I guess riku's keyblade of doom.
Accessory: :/
Magic: Gravity
Ability: Negative combo. Why do they even make it? Lmao.
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Anything Winnie the Pooh made you do. :ban:
Male Character: Leon
Female Character: Yuffi
Non-Human Male: Genie
Non-Human Female: Tink
Princess: Belle
Boss: Riku
Enemy: Defenders
World: Hollow Bastion
Area: I dunno
Keyblade: Ultima Weapon
Donald's Weapon: Save the Queen
Goofy's Weapon: Save the King
Other Weapon: Gunblade
Accessory: Crystal crown
Magic: Cure /cura/ Curaga, saved my ass many times.
Ability: Super-glide
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Sephiroth battle, it was challenging


Male Character: Clayton
Female Character: Jane, just don't like her.
Non-Human Male: -
Non-Human Female: -
Princess: Jasmine
Boss: Clayton
Enemy: Dark balls, they always disappear
World: The Jungle
Area: -
Keyblade: Spell binder
Donald's Weapon: - warhammer
Goofy's Weapon: Knight's shield
Other Weapon: -
Accessory: Dunno
Magic: Stop
Ability: -
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Looking for rare gems

Male Character: Sora
Female Character: Kairi
Non-Human Male: -
Non-Human Female: -
Princess: Belle
Boss: Sephiroth
Enemy: Flying Heartless
World: Hollow Bastion
Area: Colisseum
Keyblade: Oathkeeper
Donald's Weapon: Save the Queen
Goofy's Weapon: Save the King
Other Weapon: Buster Sword
Accessory: Ribbon
Magic: Cure
Ability: -
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Synthesizing Ultima weapon


Male Character: Captain hook
Female Character: Maleificent.
Non-Human Male: -
Non-Human Female: Ursula. She is octopus??? O.O
Princess: -
Boss: Captain Hook
Enemy: The first heartless you encounter dont really remember their names.
World: Captain Hook's ship
Area: Ship
Keyblade: The first Keyblade
Donald's Weapon: -
Goofy's Weapon: -
Other Weapon: -
Accessory: -
Magic: Blizzard
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: -

Male Character:
Female Character: Kairi
Non-Human Male: Cheshire Cat
Non-Human Female: ???
Princess: Ariel
Boss: Wonderland firey boss.
Enemy: Angels
World: wonderland

Area: Bizarre Room
Keyblade: Metal Chocobo
Donald's Weapon: Save the Queen
Goofy's Weapon: Save the King
Other Weapon: Squall's Sword
Accessory: Ribbon
Magic: fire
Ability: None
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Synthesizing


Male Character: Captain Hook
Female Character: Maleificent. Not really that impressive.
Non-Human Male: ???
Non-Human Female: ???
Princess: alice

Boss: Captain Hook
Enemy: Shadows, there are so many of 'em....
World: Captain Hook's ship.
Area: Ship, the Hold.
Keyblade: Divine Rose
Donald's Weapon: ???
Goofy's Weapon: ???
Other Weapon: Sephiroth's long sword.
Accessory: ???
Magic: Blizzard, such a short range.
Ability: ???
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: ???


Male Character: Riku/Cloud
Female Character: Aerith (I'm assuming she counts since she's in the game)
Non-Human Male: Pongo
Non-Human Female: Perdida
Princess: Kairi
Boss: Sephiroth
Enemy: Wyvern
World: Halloween Town
Area: Colisseum
Keyblade: Oathkeeper
Donald's Weapon: Save the Queen
Goofy's Weapon: Save the King
Other Weapon: Buster Sword
Accessory: Ribbon/Crystal Crown
Magic: Curaga
Ability: Ars Arcanum/Trinity
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Jungle Slider


Male Character: Clayton
Female Character: Yuffie
Non-Human Male: Pete
Non-Human Female: Ursula or Maleficent
Princess: -NA
Boss: Captain Hook
Enemy: The first heartless you encounter dont really remember their names.
World: Wonderland, strangely
Area: Ship
Keyblade: Lady Luck
Donald's Weapon: Mage's Staff
Goofy's Weapon: Knight's Shield
Other Weapon: Clayton's shotgun?
Accessory: Protect Chain
Magic: Blizzard
Ability: Treasure Magnet
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Pooh's Honey Hunt

Male Character: Riku
Female Character: Kairi
Non-Human Male: Moogle
Non-Human Female: Moogle
Princess: Belle
Boss: Hades
Enemy: Mushroom
World: Halloween Town and Hollow Bastion (KH1)
Area: Entrance of Hollow Bastion (KH1)
Keyblade: Oblivion
Donald's Weapon: Save the Queen
Goofy's Weapon: Save the King
Other Weapon: Soul Eater
Accessory: IDK
Magic: Stop
Ability: Gliding
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Feeding Winnie the Pooh


Male Character: Demyx
Female Character: Aqua
Non-Human Male:
Non-Human Female:
Princess: Snow White
Boss: Demyx
World: Little Mermaid's World, first game, it's hard to swim ><
Area: Where you have to grab onto a dolphin to get where Ursula is and there's water punching you back.
Donald's Weapon:
Goofy's Weapon:
Other Weapon: -
Magic: Blizzard
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Ice Cream Game with Donald's Nephews in Birth by Sleep
Male Character: Sora
Female Character: Kairi
Non-Human Male: Donald
Non-Human Female: Ariel
Princess: Alice
Boss: Hollow Bastion Boss
Enemy: Angels
World: Hollow Bastion
Area: Bizarre Room
Keyblade: Metal Chocobo
Donald's Weapon: Save the Queen
Goofy's Weapon: Save the King
Other Weapon: Squall's Sword
Accessory: Ribbon
Magic: Cura
Ability: -
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Synthesizing


Male Character: Captain Hook
Female Character: Ursula
Non-Human Male: Cerberus
Non-Human Female: -
Princess: -
Boss: Captain Hook
Enemy: Way too many shadows..
World: The whale..the name escapes me.
Area: Ship, the Hold.
Keyblade: Divine Rose
Donald's Weapon: -
Goofy's Weapon: -
Other Weapon: Sephiroth's long sword.
Accessory: -
Magic: Blizzard, I rarely used it.
Ability: -
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: -
Male Character: Sora
Female Character: Aerith
Non-Human Male: King mickey
Non-Human Female: Queen mini
Princess: Alice
Boss: First Fight with Ansem in Hallow Bastion
Enemy: Bandits
World: Neverland
Area: Nerverland Ship: deck
Keyblade: Ultimate weapon
Donald's Weapon: Save the queen
Goofy's Weapon: Save the king
Other Weapon: Sephiroths Sword
Accessory: Omega arts
Magic: Curaga
Ability: Dodge roll
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Synthesizing


Male Character: Peter pan
Female Character: Kairi
Non-Human Male: Goofy
Non-Human Female: Maleificent
Princess: Kairi
Boss: Parasite cage/Meleifcent (When shes a dragon)
Enemy: Wyvern
World: Monstro/Hallow Bastion (I keep falling off the ledges)
Area: All (mostly)
Keyblade: Kingdom blade
Donald's Weapon: Starter weapon
Goofy's Weapon: Starter weapon
Other Weapon: Sephiroth's long sword.
Accessory: Ribbon
Magic: Aeroaga
Ability: Trinity limit (it uses all your mp)
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: 100 acre wood (Tigger bounce)

Male Character: Sora
Female Character: Yuffie
Non-Human Male: Genie
Non-Human Female: ???
Princess: Kairi
Boss: Ansem (first time at Destiny Island)
Enemy: Soldier
World: Hollow Bastion
Area: 2nd district
Keyblade: Oblivion
Donald's Weapon: Save the Queen
Goofy's Weapon: Save the King
Other Weapon: Buster Sword
Accessory: Ribbon
Magic: Areoaga
Ability: Ragnarok
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: Winnie The Pooh


Male Character: Geppetto
Female Character: Ursula
Non-Human Male: ???
Non-Human Female: ???
Princess: Alice
Boss: Ursula (Worst boss in any game ever)
Enemy: Angels
World: Atlantica
Area: Everywhere in Atlantica (I really hated this world if you cant tell :P)
Keyblade: Divine Rose
Donald's Weapon: Starter
Goofy's Weapon: Starter
Other Weapon:
Accessory: ???
Magic: Blizzard
Ability: Dodge Roll
Side-Quest/Mini-Game: None