
Do you like KH2

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I don't know yet :( Unfortunately it hasn't been released in the UK yet. I need to wait a couple of months.
i beat it and yea its cool but i think kh1 is cooler cuz it had a better story and it was a longer game but yea kh2 rocks
Hell yeah! I have beaten the game for my third time now. The game's just great! I have to say it's my second favorite role-playing game and I know Kingdom Hearts will be a huge success to Square Enix.
i enjoyed it though i was confused cuz i didnt play KH:COM so i was abit lost. but alas it was well worth the wait of getting it
Razgriz said:
i enjoyed it though i was confused cuz i didnt play KH:COM so i was abit lost. but alas it was well worth the wait of getting it
same with me I didn't play it yet but I'm going to get it soon it's like theres a big spot missing in between KH and KH2 because of not playing KH COM
Sasuke-kun said:
i beat it and yea its cool but i think kh1 is cooler cuz it had a better story and it was a longer game but yea kh2 rocks
yeah it does seem kinda shorter but maybe thats because of the long prologue :)
KH2 is a great game, but I felt it lead you along to much with all the movie scenes and even Jimini's journal guiding you. Kinda takes away whatever effort you need to figure out where you are going.

Some of the voice acting really was sub-par, mostly in the FF characters. All the others were great.

The addition of the reaction command was really cool, but again, took away from actual thinking, along with the fighting, where you could just repeatedly hit buttons. I'm not complaining about that though, I fight like that anyway, so it just made it easier for me.

Also the distinction between a normal mode and proud mode was nice. I've only ever played the Proud, so I don't know how easy it can be.

The upgrade to the gummi ships has it's pros and cons. Pro, a lot more versatile and easier to understand, plus with much more interesting features. The con, the cost. Just felt like I could never build my ship truly the way I wanted to.

I wish I coulda played KH:COM before this, but that is impossible for me and I more or less got the jist of what happened there in KH2.

I hated Atlantica!!!!!!!!!!!!! They butchered that level.......I enjoyed swimming around and fighting in the first, all this singing in the second..........ughh.......

Really great game though, not sure if it really matches up to all the hype prior to it's release, but it didn't fall too far below it by any means.
KH2 is a really awesome game, with awesome storyline and awesome gameplay!
The combos Sora did in the game was thrilling!

takascarnuka8113 said:
have any of u seen the secret ending? (probably)
Yes, it was really awesome!!
I can't freakin' wait for KH3!!

For those who wants to see it, here:

not exactly... the only reason that its a spoiler is because it shows wat happens (sorta) at the end... it is a definate spoiler if there is a kh3, but if there isnt, its not really a spoiler at all... well have to wait a few years...
you can view it on youtube if you so desire xD

I would cry if anyone ever said that they didn't like this game