Killing Beatrix

It's not childish at all to feel like killing a boss who never lost the battle not because of being difficult but due to plot reasons i can perfectly understand how annoying that is and why some people would kill her when they get to control her.

And the simple fact that she felt no problem whatsoever to kill all those innocent Burmecian's shows how sudden her change was.

But to each it's own, if you don't feel like killing her then don't do it.
I am an incredibly vindictive, childish person when it comes to killing an arrogant boss that can't be beat by normal means (and insults my party! D:<) in a video game :wacky:

to her credit, she did save steiner's behind a number of times during bahamut's raid. Like I said I don't hate her, I just wanted to even the score...and it was very satisfying. ho ho
Actually, it was the arrogance and the insults that did it more than anything.

That's how I felt anyway.

I hated having her virtually spit in my face after defeating me, knowing damn well that wouldn't be the case if they actually did let you smack her down to 0 HP.
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There doesn't seem to be any contrast in Beatrix's approach or personality throughout the game. Burmecians were presumably slaughtered in numbers during the war but that doesn't mean to say Beatrix executed such actions personally; regardless of your position, it's emotionally far more tolerable to let other people fulfil such deeds than yourself. Beatrix, as a character strikes me as more of a direct protector of the royal family than your typical General is (in the sense of being on the battlefield), which could justify the claim why she could have been with Brahne during the entire invasion rather than slaughtering Burmecians with the rest of her soldiers/Black Mages.

Anyway, pointing being: there's sufficient evidence that she never wanted to mindlessly kill anyone (trusting that she even did so), let alone expressed an immediate contrast in personality between the Burmecian incident, and
reviving Garnet
What an awesome idea! I hadn't thought of killing her in my party :hmmm: The fact that every single boss fight with her is unwinnable did annoy me. I may try that one day if I can get the game back from my friend.
Actually, it was the arrogance and the insults that did it more than anything.

That's how I felt anyway.

I hated having her virtually spit in my face after defeating me, knowing damn well that wouldn't be the case if they actually did let you smack her down to 0 HP.

FFIX does have a rather common theme of anatagonists who like to rub it in (especially Kuja). Those are the best antagonists though in my opinion, I love a good b***ard character XD

And of course you can't beat her, the events of the game wouldn't be the same if you could beat her (well, maybe the final time, but not the first two occasions).
I never actually tried killing her. I loved her character actually and I was pretty excited when she joined you, however brief it was. The thought of killing her never crossed my mind. I may try it next time I play though. :hmmm:
FFIX does have a rather common theme of anatagonists who like to rub it in (especially Kuja). Those are the best antagonists though in my opinion, I love a good b***ard character XD
Yeah, but Kuja got his, didn't he? It's annoying that Beatrix slips by as the only undefeated opponent in the game, especially considering that you're given 3 "chances".

And of course you can't beat her, the events of the game wouldn't be the same if you could beat her (well, maybe the final time, but not the first two occasions).
You pretty much just answered this yourself. The final time could've easily saw her defeat. Zidane and company are forgiving. She would've been granted pardon after her defeat, confirmed her doubt about Brahne upon seeing Garnet, and still would've fought by your side.

Oh well.
I did kill her once, but died right after that. I hadn't saved it in a while up to that point, so I was a little pissed when it happened.
Well, Beatrix was very hard indeed when you battle against her but the funny thing that I noticed is that and don't get me wrong, she had good magic and whatnot during the time shes with you but I don't ever recall her being AS strong as she was when you fought against her. Correct me if im wrong because I haven't played in a while... XD. Like she didn't have shitloads of HP and her strength wasn't as high as it was when she fought against you. Idk, it could always be cos the monster have higher defense and whatnot... but still idk.. XD
I'll shaddup :wacky: I mean, I dont wanna sound like an idiot or anything... XD. But I quite like Beatrix as a character but in battle she was too good and I will try and kill her next time I play XD. I will be very proud of myself if I do.. XD what was yer secret? xD
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Actually, it was the arrogance and the insults that did it more than anything.

That's how I felt anyway.

I hated having her virtually spit in my face after defeating me, knowing damn well that wouldn't be the case if they actually did let you smack her down to 0 HP.
That too. Winning by hax and then rubbing it in my face...yeah, that didn't go over well with my gamer pride.
The moment I saw her in my party I had Freya impale her. Words can't describe the satisfaction I got from seeing her HP hit zero.

So who else killed her? Or am I alone in this act of gleeful homicide?

(it's not that I hate her...I just hate not being able to kill her in our encounters :wacky:)

ha ha ha ha!

hahaha you're crazy. This post makes me laugh. But no, I've never killed her for no reason like that. So what did you do after you killed her, revive her instantly?
i left her dead and finished off the monsters with freya, naturally <3
Never hated Beatrix personally. :p She was always one of my favorite characters in this game next to Freya, Zidane, and Vivi. I nearly creamed when I got her in my party.
Oh good. It wasn't just me. I don't buy the "Alexandrian Protector" bit at all. She didn't show any remorse for her actions. She was just upset that it was black mages and not her soldiers doing the slaughtering.

She was lording it over the Burmecians and Cleyrans the whole time. What was worse is that while Kuja was the bad guy and Brahne was brainwashed. Beatrix was just a good little soldier. Seeing her all happy in the ending kind of made me sick. Also Reno and Seifer. What is it with mass murderers getting off scott-free in FF's? What kind of morals are those?
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Yeah, the FF games would have been hugely improved by public execution scenes for these characters in the ending! =P - don't forget AVALANCHE were terrorists, they should pay for their actions too! Where are the morals in the FF series?!

Seriously, this idea that Beatrix is some cold-blooded mass murderer is just ridiculous. It was Brahne using the eidolons and Black Mages that wiped most people out in Burmecia and Cleyra. Also, it's the concept of redemption, and someone trying to atone for their actions (see also: Cait Sith). Beatrix helps save Garnet and then helps to defend Alexandria.

And Seifer was just as much brainwashed as Brahne in my opinion.
It wasn't just the mages, it was the Alexandrian army too. And yeah an execution would be odd but they should have just let you kill her. Avalanche, who were much more in the grey area, *did* die and one of them even said that it was probably karma.

Also she's described as a cold, heartless killer in the game. Redemption is all well and good but there's a limit. Doing things like she did and saying sorry is just dumb.
Ha, although I never really took to Beatrix as a character and I did think that her whole turn around in opinion was really quite stupid I didn't hate her quite enough for that to kill her once she joined my party. I did still kill her, though only to get more exp for the other characters. When Steiner is running around Alexandria fighting the mist monsters you can get an amazing amount of exp just from those few that are lurking around if you get rid of Beatrix from your team. Same goes for any parts in the game where the likes of Marcus join your team or any other member of Tantalus.

In fact, this is kind of unrelated but if you'e picked up all the star sign coins (can't remember their full name) when you first reach Treno and pick up the Blood Sword Steiner is virtually unkillable; so if you kill your other party members Steiner levels up like as fast as hell.
I think the thing about beatrix that made me mad wasn't that she was so tough, but that as a boss she was so easy! the only thing she had going for her was that she could one hit people like Vivi but if you kept pheonix downs in stock and healed everyone as they needed it her fights were about as hard as killing a zaghnol. If i could go back to where i was a few days ago in the story and kill her like this I would, but the thought never crossed my mind.
Hahahaha some of you are so cruel for wanting her to just get KO'd. So funny. But I guess she deserves it. I remember inflicting so much damage on her, only for her to cut all my characters HP down to 1...:(