Kimahri's best path


Chocobo Breeder
Jun 22, 2009
I honestly think going throughout the game that Kimahri can have the best path, since he theoretically doesn't have his own sphere grid. What do you think is the best path and I'll try it out. :)
In the Regular Sphere Grid most evryone suggests you send him down Rikku's path. However I find this doesn't really help that much. Instead I feel he is better off being sent down Lulu or Wakka's path depending on if you prefer mellee or magic. In the Expert Sphere Grid you can send anyone anywhere so it doesn't really matter anyway.
I think I sent him down Rikkus path last time, I remember him being piss poor though and I just never used him, he was physically weak and he had no real use to me

This time round Ive got him hot on Aurons heels, Id rather have the strength otherwise he's just a waste of space, he's already 10 times better than what I remember him being

I remember my last playthrough Id be in Omegas dungeon and he was STILL hitting for shit, I must have sent him all the worst directions possible ¬.¬

So yeah, Aurons path is the way forward imo
I think I sent him down Rikkus path last time, I remember him being piss poor though and I just never used him, he was physically weak and he had no real use to me

This time round Ive got him hot on Aurons heels, Id rather have the strength otherwise he's just a waste of space, he's already 10 times better than what I remember him being

I remember my last playthrough Id be in Omegas dungeon and he was STILL hitting for shit, I must have sent him all the worst directions possible ¬.¬

So yeah, Aurons path is the way forward imo

Problem with Auron's sphere grid though, is that most of his grid is just HP slots. So if you let Kimahri go down that path he gets a lot of HP, but hits like a girl :P

Personally I think taking him down either Tidus' or Wakka's path makes the best character. Wakka has a lot of strength slots in his grid and a healthy number of accuracy and HP slots as well. This makes him a great all rounder, allowing him to take out flying enemies like Wakka, and due to his relatively high strength and piercing ability on his weapons, help out against heavily armoured foes like Auron.

Tidus grid is another option and it's great for Kimahri because it gives you 2 characters with haste, hastega, and delay attack, which makes boss battles a complete breeze.
Goddamit, I never have much luck with Kimhari, Il send him off down another direction when I see an opening to move elsewhere ¬.¬
I always send Kimahri down Auron's path, since it's nice to have an Auron prototype before the real thing turns up :wacky:

Although by the time Auron shows up, I forget about Kimahri anyway >< And he misses the best training spot - the Highbridge before Kimahri always ends up being an inferior Auron for me.
On the expert sphere grid, he got a bit of everyone at the start (made him like a red mage or something) so he's got basic magic, fire blizzard etc, cure, haste and steal from rikku, and after that he's heading after auron.

So basically his grid looks like a swirl! but in my first game he was also shit and hit like a girl, so now I always had him gaining AP and am making him a tank :P
I go with Wakka's usually. Before too long, he can hit the flyers, and it's nice having more than just Wakka to hit them. Auron's is the best choice though realistically, given the battles with Biran and Yenke. If you neglect Kimahri, I'd imagine those battles will be tricky.

Still, Kimahri is utterly useless. They should have fleshed out the Blue Magic a lot more, and not just an Overdrive. Then again, that wouldn't have suited his character so much.
given the battles with Biran and Yenke. If you neglect Kimahri, I'd imagine those battles will be tricky.

Actually, it doesn't matter if you neglect Kimahri, because Biran and Yenke's stats change according to Kimahri's. The stronger Kimahri is, the stronger they will be, the weaker Kimahri is, the weaker they will be.

I wouldn't exactly say Kimahri was utterly useless though, he's pretty much invaluable as a tank until you get Auron, during those early stages. And you can get really far ahead with training at the start too. It all depends how much time and effort you put into him, I think. The more effort you put into him, the better fighter you'll get back out.
Wakka's grid, not Auron's, has the highest Strength boost, so if you want a good physical hitter, send Kimahri down Wakka's path. I would reccomend going into Rikku's at least far enough to get Steal and Use first though.
Thanks everyone, but there are return spheres too, thought I would throw in a little twist, is there a certain point I should get into someones sphere grid and take it back and go through theirs? :)
I used the standard sphere grid on my first game, since then i've always used the expert grid, it's more flexible. I suggest putting him on the same path as Auron, it really worked out. Matter of fact I used the same method for Wakka, as I discovered that Tidus alone could easily take out most evasive flyers. 3 powerhouses, one sharpshooter.
Ive taken him off Aurons path now and sent him back up Tidus' path, going like, back in the opposite direction, not sure how that's going to pan out . This is just trial and error :wacky: I'm aiming to find Wakkas path, but I've forgotten how to zoom out so Im just hoing for the best. His str is....adequate for now, not as good as Tidus' Wakkas or Aurons, , and that's wven with peircing :gonk: but meh, it's better than it has been on previous playthroughs
I sent Kimahri over to Tidus to pick up haste and stuff. Then after spending some time there I made him pop on over to Auron's grid. Whenever I can figure out a quick way to get him there, I'm going to try to have him learn all of the higher level offensive magic spells.
That all depends on what you'd go for. Personally, I'm all about power before defense before evasion and so on. But this is Final Fantasy and power is not only physical, but mental (magic). If you want pure physical power, go for Auron's path (I did this. It worked very well for me). If you're about defense and healing, obviously Yuna's. So on, and so on..
Personally, I started him on Rikku's side for some Use/Steal and speed. Once I got to a Lv.2 break point to the left, I opened that and went mid-Yuna's grid. From then on he had some power and White spells. Once he reached Holy he got pretty awesome.

This was all planned around the fact that I never use Yuna. So I needed more steal/use and heal.
I usually send him through Auron's path. I find he's at least semi-useful that way.
I don't tend to use Kimahri much though. He's almost always undertrained in my playthroughs.:/
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The best path is, not to waste time with him. His overdrive is useless, his role is useless. You need specialized characters in the main quest of FFX, because of the specialized enemies. Anyone is useful against a certain type of enemies, but you don't need someone twice and that's what Kimahri basicly is: A copycat (pun not intended) I prefer using the saved time to level everyone else nicely and even. I usually never escape from battle and switch everyone in for one action at least. So leaving out Kimahri saves lots of time and gives more AP for the rest.
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If you are using the international sphere grid, I suggest that you should have him learn steal first. After doing so, it's up to you to decide who's path are you going to follow. (Well, I guess I respect other people's opinions =))

If you are using the original sphere grid, I suggest you should have him learn steal first too. And after doing so, you should send him up to Wakka's section of the sphere grid for more strength. Only Wakka, not Auron's because there is no path from the center to Auron's section at the original sphere grid. You should I think take up almost half of Wakka's section to get to Auron's section.