Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep GamesCom Trailer [8/19]

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
Following on from yesterday's 72 new screenshots, we can now bring you over seven minutes of combat, cutscenes and multiplayer footage in the official GamesCom trailer for Disney and Square Enix's latest Kingdom Hearts title.

The trailer features a good chunk of everything Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is about. The spin off will again feature Disney and Square Enix characters in a mash-up world, and takes place before even the original Kingdom Hearts.

This trailer includes some new Square Enix faces to the Kingdom Hearts world, including a young version of Zack Fair, Cloud's dead mentor from FF7 and the lead character of Crisis Core. Like Crisis Core, Birth By Sleep is exclusive to PSP. It's arriving in the West next month.

Source: RPGSite
Looks interesting. I think I can make the connection to why Sora's Nbody looks like Ven and the meaning of the title of the game. It's fun seeing all the young versions of everyone. I may just try playing it...
Whoa, I'm impressed.

Did anyone catch that Organization guy with the Blue Lightsabers? Does this mean that the Organization actually PRE-DATED
the fall of Radiant Garden?
^ I think they said the blue light-saber person is a new boss added to the game for the Western release. Maybe it's foreshadowing for the next KH game. KH3D maybe..?

Looking forward to the game a lot. The KH series entertains me a lot, and I've especially been psyched for BbS for a long time now ^^
In classic KH tradition, they've managed to show 90% cutscenes and 10% gameplay, making me wonder why they haven't just finished with a feature movie already.
I think I might get this. Aqua looks pretty cool. Plus, the Worlds look awesome. Mickey, I hope the player will get to play him at least once or twice, 'cause Mickey is too cool to be chillin' one the sides :)

I'm guessing since that boy's name is Terra, we won't get to see Terra (FF6) at all in the KH lineup, huh? :(
Or it could just be Xemnas, again.

Why do I feel myself getting less and less excited about this game as time goes on? I'll still buy it, but something's missing from it so far...
I want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game i want this game.... did i mention i want this game.

my local gamestation (which i hope to be working at in the next few weeks) has it for pre-orded, so thats pre ordered, as is Black Ops, Gran Turismo 5 and other such games i am waiting for :mokken:
They added so much from the Jap game looking at this trailer..... maybe i should have waited before i played it. Im wondering who is that boss with the blue sabers... a new addition perhaps? hmmmmmmm
Well, that trailer helped, I'm really wanting on BBS now. I'm even gonna go mega geek for it and pre-order the limited edition. :ryan: I'm really looking forward to it now, the plots look like it'll cause a few tears. I'm looking forward to playing as Aqua, she looks pretty immense.

Roll on 10th of September. (y)
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