Kingdom Hearts III

whatever it is I just hope its not for a handheld machine, though chances are there...
man the ps3 is never gonna drop in price, I probably gotta wait for years, which is ok in a way, cuz a lot of cool games will be released by then
I saw the video recently and it looks so great. I can't wait to get it. :)

By the way, the names of the three characters are: Aqua (the blue haired girl), Venn (the blondie), and Terra (the brown haired one who has Ansem's eyes).
Yes KH III looks freakin amazing. But i will have to find some way to get 500 bucks for a PS3. I'm already saving up for an xbox 360. oh well ill just wait until the price goes down a lot like the ps2 has hopefully in a couple years it will be a reasonable price that most people can afford. Then ill be able to get KH III.
Who knows?
Maybe they have invented a ps2 which plays ps3 games?

Besides Birth by sleep looks to be like kh3 anyway, but just for psp.
Umm...should there even be a Kingdom Hearts III subforum when there is no Kingdom Hearts III in the foreseeable future? It was fine when people thought the footage for Birth By Sleep etc. were KHIII, but seems a bit out of place since the only KH coming any time soon is for portables. Maybe it should be renamed to Kingdom Hearts Spinoffs, or Prequels, or some such. Not trying to cause a ruckus, just a thought. :)
Whoa whoa whoa......Why is everyone saying that KHIII will be on the PS3? There is barely information on KHIII. Nomura barely hinted at a KHIII yet. Most likely it will be on the PS3 but you can't start making assumptions up. That trailer everyone keeps talking about is actually KH: Birth By Sleep.
Who knows?
Maybe they have invented a ps2 which plays ps3 games?
They have. It's called a PS3. :wacky:

Umm...should there even be a Kingdom Hearts III subforum when there is no Kingdom Hearts III in the foreseeable future?
We have no title for this game as of yet and, as such, we're just calling it Kingdom Hearts III, since it's the third title in the main series.
I found some KH3 pics in KH-vids:



By the looking of the graphics I think KH3 will be PS2 game.
Excuse me, but that's not KH3. That's Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and it's for the PSP.
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My speculation is that there is going to be the introduction of a new force.

KHI was about Heartless.
KHII was about Heartless and Nobodies.
KHIII will be about Heartless and Nobodies and ?

My guess is that this crest will appear again in KHIII and the empty spot on the crest will be occupied by a new symbol for the last evil force that emerges.

Problem with that theory. the nobodys were wiped out along with their leader. So how would they come back?
Problem with that theory. the nobodys were wiped out along with their leader. So how would they come back?

Actually, as long as heartless are still stealing hearts, and heartless are still being born, what happens to the body? thats right! nobodies. If heartless are beingborn, nobodies are sure to be born as well. And don't forget about Organization number 14, she could still be around
Ummm where is the video of Kingdom Hearts 3 cause i cant find it. And theories are so funny to read.
Ummm where is the video of Kingdom Hearts 3 cause i cant find it. And theories are so funny to read.

There isn't any KH3!!!!!!!!!11!!!

Just 3 sequels!!!!11!!11!

Just type in You Tube "Birth By Sleep" or "358/2 Days" or "Coded" (make sure you put "Kingdom Hearts" in front of them
And don't forget about Organization number 14
I think you mean "Organization 13"
Anyway maybe the KHIII will be a great graphic game but what about the story line,the story base and who'll be the big super giant evil?!All of us know that FFX-2 is great graphic game for the PS2 put it suck!is that what gonna happen to this game too?
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I have a theory...
See In KH 2 we saw that Sora and buddies destroyed the Bad nobodies correct? Soo, maybe the Good nobodies are going to rise against Sora with the heartless and then there would be a 2nd Keyblade war... but then again that seems crazy.. anyways I just thought of a second one too....
Well seeing that heartless still exist in hearts we could get a deeper meaning of how to totally wipe them out, making this a repeat of KH1 but, with a sidetwist, that the keyblade master doesn't only have the key to shut the door to darkness but also has to lock it himself(Thus making Sora dead :( ) So then in another sequel, they will try to regain him(Or in still KH3) but end up verusing Ansem(In Sora's body) which could end the KH series or then try to find out if Sora's heart is still alive somewhere....
P.S. That was a long theory dontcha think? :)