Kingdom Hearts In Dissidia anyone?


Dragon King
Oct 25, 2011
In The SKies-Birmingham, England.
Who thinks Sora and Riku would make a good addition to Dissidia? They've already added KH costumes in there, so why not characters? Sora could have his KH2 costume, then for alternates: Original, his final form and then one looking like Roxas. Riku; KH2, original, his ansem one and then one with him wearing an organisation hoodie. Xemnas, Ansem the wise and even Axel would be goood additions i think.
no i think dissidia should stay final fantasy characters only i don't think they should even add X-2 or FFXIII-2 or crisis core or anything like that.... me dissidia is about the main characters from the main way that what makes dissidid dissidia.. it would be kool if they got added as dlc through i would pay.. but sora would play to much like cloud me thinks :P
as dlc, yes that'd be cool. I think some suppor characters from the games would be cool as well, like Vincent Valentine or Wakka. But still, Sora might not be such a bad idea, I'd think he'd play more as an all-around character, as well as a ranged and cqc.
The question in my opinion no longer matters as it was stated that Duodecim would be the last Dissidia game...but in any case, I think that it should be limited to Final Fantasy titles...the spinoffs would still be final fantasy regardless though, but KH characters would not be the case.
I dont think Kingdom Hearts shouldn't be entered into a dissidia game. They shouldn't use KH characters if they were to make a third, as SE have SO many fan favourites they could add instead. In my own opinion I'd prefer Auron over Sora, Seifer over Riku, Vivi over whomever else....

Course,thats my opinion-it doesnt particularly matter.
I don't think its a good idea for Kingdom Hearts to enter a Dissidia game.

Although I wouldn't mind if Square Enix experimented with the KH series so that they could try making something different but not something as similar to Dissidia games.
Well FF characters are already in KH so what the heck! I wouldn't mind KH characters in FF games. Sora would've been cool, not as a central character but just secret non-canon character, but then they would have to also put Ramza from FF Tactics and Ashley from Vagrant Story.
I honestly never thought about them being apart of Dissidia. If you look at KH as a separate entity from FF then No, they do not belong. However, I think that Riku, Sora and Roxas would work pretty well as the Heroes with Ansem and maybe one of Org. 13 as the bad guys. I'd still play that game if that were the situation, but thats just me haha
If they were ever going to make another Dissidia, I don't this would be a bad idea! The KH series is partially related to FF. I can understand why people would rather keep the game FF-exclusive, though. KH was made to appeal to a wider market. What's more, Sora and Riku would stick out a bit amongst the characters from the main games. :hmmm:

I don't know whether another Dissidia game would be a fantastic idea anyway, unless they could develop a unique storyline to go with it. I've only played the first Dissidia, and I enjoyed it a lot, but there's only so many games of that type I can enjoy! :wacky: