Kingdom hearts: the four aces

Hidden Love

Jul 16, 2008
We all know what happened with sora, but its been 19 years since the last time he was seen now the portals and magic have been sealed away. the only connection is through the newest rock sensation "the four aces"

all who are interested i cant give you a template but you should know what to do. there is four main characters and if you wish to play them you must ask me first other than that i will add to the storyline as and when i can manage them

Name: Krystal Miyumi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: dark elf
Band position: bassist
Appearance: ebony skin with long light blue hair. She has piercing crimson eyes and her slim lips hide fangs that are the only proof to her vampirism. Her broad white feathered angel wings give her the power of flight hidden on this picture :P

Weapon: Adoring Kiss & Rumbling Rosebud, Double Key Blade fighting style, magic modifier+5 (Adoring Kiss), strength modifier+5 (Rumbling Rosebud), and ability draw(A) cure boost (R).
Clothes: She wears a black denim skirt, with a white t-shirt woth a skull motif, her armour consists of a spiked shoulder guard and golden gauntlets (alot like vincent valentines claw). She also wears a protection amulet her father gave her as a child
Magic(optional): N/A
"POWER OF LOVE"- An aura of light surrounds Krystal then explodes with gale force power.
"DISTILLED HEAVEN"- Adoring Kiss fires off a beam of light energy.
"THE BLESS OF LOVE"- This move has the same effect as cura.
"DARK HEARTS"- Dark energy attack
"LOVE BURNS"- An aura of fire surrounds Krystal and causes fire damage to anyone it touches
Limit (optional): THE SCALES OF BALANCE
DESCRIPTION: A glyph of the yin-yang sign appears on the floor and Krystal stabs down on the centre of the symbol, causing a blast radius of light then one of dark to travel from her and around all people on the field
EFFECT: 25% of damage done to the enemies is regenerated on the party if not then damage is as normal on the enemy
Form(s) (optional): "Succubus attack"- increased speed and agility
History: abandoned as a child when a vampire slaughtered her family. She is the only survivor but it came with a price. She was turned and now her tormented soul fights for what she feels to be right. Now she has returned to find that her brother was still alive and in the same state as her. She decided to replace him in the fight for power. this fallen angel will not give up her fights.

this is my character and her three friends (to be introduced later) form the rest of the band one is her brother (also me) the other two are up for grabs
her brother:
Name: Fayd Miyumi
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Demon
Band Position: Lead singer
Appearance: ebony skin with long lilac hair. he has piercing crimson eyes and his slim lips hide fangs that are the only proof to his vampirism. His broad black feathered angel wings give him the power of flight Here he is

Weapon: Light-bringer & Hells-gate, Double Key Blade fighting style, magic modifier+5 (Light-bringer), strength modifier+5 (Hells-gate), and ability draw(L) cure boost (H).
Clothes: He wears black cargo style pants, a black short sleeved shirt, with a spiked shoulder guard and golden gauntlets (alot like vincent valentines claw). He also wears a protection amulet his father gave him as a child
Magic(optional): N/A
"HEAVENS WRATH"- an aura of light surrounds fayd then explodes with gale force power.
"HEAVENS MIGHT"- Light-bringer fires off a beam of light energy
"HEAVENS BLESSING"- has the same effect as cura.
"ENTROPIES BLAST"- dark energy attack
"INFERNAL SUNRISE"- an aura of fire surrounds fayd and causes fire damage to anyone it touches
Limit (optional): THE SCALES OF BALANCE
DESCRIPTION: A glyph of the yin-yang sign appears on the floor and fayd stabs down on the centre of the symbol, causing a blast radius of light then one of dark to travel from him and around all people on the field
EFFECT: if the enemies have higher hp than the party then 25% of damage is regenerated on the party if not then damage is as normal on the enemy
Form(s) (optional): "Demonic"- increased speed and agility
History: abandoned as a child when a vampire slaughtered his family. he is the only survivor but it came with a price. he was turned and now his tormented soul fights for what he feels right. now he is the champion of balance and a full-fledged demon. this fallen angel will not give up his fights

DRUMMER- position open



SEPHIROTH- Stephen Hownam

SPARTAN- Eddie Alvarez
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And the New guy
-Name: Stephen Hownam
-Age: 19
-Race: Human
-Gender: male
-Side: Light

standing at 6 feet tall Stephen has an Athletic build he is clean shaven with short brown hair that has blond highlights in it, he styles it depending on the day and/or his mood. he has a tattoo that takes up most of the space on the left side of his Torso and also his Left arm

Clothes: Stephen normally wears a Black DC beanie that has a visor, with the Visor poitning backwards and slightly to the right, He wears a pair of Black G-star Jeans. most of the time he wears a black or a white FCUK T-shirt. With multiple patterns and Styles of T-shirt in his cupboards. His trainers are quite Often black DC's but has other pairs in his collection. often wears a Black Hoodie if he thinks he will be getting into trouble or breaking the rules. Always Carries a black rucksack that he refers to as his 'bag of tricks' that hangs most of the way down his back so it sits jin the small of his back.

Bag of tricks: Stephen's Bag, commonly known as the bag of Tricks contains many Items including can's of black spray paint, a 1 liter bottle of the Energy drink Relentless and a plain white mask. contains other various items that hold less importance.

-Armour: Stephen's only armour isn't technically armour as it his Auto mail arm. It is made from light but durable metal.

-First impression: Due to Stephen's auto mail arm most people think he had suffered from abuse during his life. appears to put his friends first no matter what he does.

-Personality: trust worthy and honorable.Stephen puts the well being of his friends before his own. This is one of his main weaknesses and how he lost his arm. always smiling Stephen tries to keep all moods light no matter the situation and is always thinking up witty one line jokes to make people laugh.

-weapons: Stephen wields three weapons but only two of them can be seen. His two Daggers that are strapped to each of his thighs. these can be used for close combat kills, stealth kills and can also be thrown.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 648x486.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 648x486.

his third weapon only appears when he calls it. It is His Keyblade way to Dawn

(reserved Keyblade the Nobody Keyblade)
-Magic: doesn't cast any.

-Skills: Master swordsman and Dagger wielder. Extremely accurate when throwing his blades.

-Strength: his right arm is less brittle than his left as it is made of metal. Physically strong and exceedingly quick.

-weaknesses: tries to hard to defend anything that he deems 'worth saving' never backs down from a fight and is always first in to help a friend.

-Short History: Raised in a large family he never had what he wanted, from a young age he developed a fond sense of Justice and began fighting on the side of light. Began dagger training at 16 and one and a half years later was bestowed with His Keyblade. Stayed on his home planed of Radient Gardens and was laced in a deep sleep in a strange pod on his 18 birthday.
ah damn. i wanted to be a guitarist T.T. so if i want to join, i have to become the bassist?
nope you can be the guitarist if you wish i will just edit my own characters, i meant for krystal to either be the lead or the bassist anyway lol
sure, i shall pitch in as the Drummer *smiles* i have played the drums for a band before so i know whats happening
ok you will now get the bonus keyblade "The ace of clubs" it has the same stats as the one you currently own but allows the four aces move set to be accessed
the only other change you must make to your profile is the band position must be added as well as the new weapon stats, that will also enable ace form and that is like master form but with added bonuses
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Really? Thanks a lot. i'll make my profile. btw, i cant seemed to make the hyper-links like how Sephiroth did. All i can do is put a direct link in. how do you do it?

Name: Desiree Elsman

Age: 18

Race: Human

Band Position: Guitarist


Her hair is this coloured with streaks this colour. She wears a loose black mini skirt that reaches just above her high socks. Instead of the green jacket she wears, she has a white suit shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow and a very dark navy tie done loosely. Her shoes are a pair of white converse, leather low top. On her right wrist is a handcuff with the chain broken in the middle. On that hand, she wears a a black watch. On the left are around 4 black, metal wrist bands. She wears a dark red Japanese armour skirt that only covers the sides of the hip and she has two dark red japanese shoulder pauldron on her shoulder. She also always carry around her White Gibson Les Paul Custom on her back. On the body of the guitar is two black spreading wings that start from the back and reaches over the sides and onto the front. The case has back pack straps on the back plus a strap that runs from top to bottom. It also doesn't have the gold thing at the front. Hanging from her neck is a pair of headphones.

Always seen with her cat Aria. When transported into the Kingdom Heart world, Aria changes into a Vulpix looking fox (minus the power) and s the size of a small kitten. It always either sits on her head or wraps itself around her neck.

Headphones:(Ignore the two wires that connect the headphones with the band at the top)

Personality: A cheery, optimistic an generally a nice type of person. She is a bit tomboyish and rough around the edge, always being one of the guys and a bit of a punk girl.


Illuminatus: Keychain resembles a white flaring sun
Magic: 3
Strength: 7
Ability: Increase strength and allows curaja

Ace of Hearts
Magic: 3
Strength: 7

Skills: Expert swordsman and knows super-glide (i think thats what its called)

Limit: Solo Encore
Description: Whipping her guitar out of its case, Illuminatus is rammed into the ground where she rests her foot. Desiree then plays an electrifying solo that sparks out electricity in every direction. The keyblade shoots out the sound waves and causes massive tremors before causing the ground 10 metres from her to shoot up like spikes.

History: Desiree came from a rich family. Although they were rich, the family lived quietly in order to not draw attention
. Living in a small town, she went to a public school. She was gifted in music and as a result, her parents invested a lot for her hobby. She decided one day to go out and explore for a while, to see what the world was like beyond the mountains that sheltered the town. Not long after leaving, when Desiree entered the first large metropolis, she became the target for the shadier side of town. She soon began living life hard as she survived in the ghetto of the city, learning how to fight with a sword and street smarts.
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ok i will approve you...


you also get "Ace of Hearts" For being the four aces guitarist, the same stats as your current keyblade but with the same added abilities as the one i listed for sephiroth, make the same changes as he needs to and you are ready
(Not really considered as a musician and yet....)

Name: Eddie Alvarez
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Human
Appearance: long black shiny hair, handsome, slender man. About 5'11", thin (can't say about weight).
Personality: Easy going, but knows the difference between fun time and serious time. Can say that he likes watching american football and blitzball.


Weapon 1:

FN P-90 Sub Machine Gun

Ordained with a crocodile on the butt stock
Bullets Available:
Standard: Str 1, Mag 1
Fire: Str :2, Mag :3 Deals Fire Damage
Death: Instant kill

Weapon 2:

Guardian Soul Keyblade
Str: 5, Mag: 1
Special Ability: None

Skills: Expert at guns, can use any gun available. Fairly decent swordsman, (he is about half as good as Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Star Wars series)

Vanguard Strike: Eddie charges forward, as he moves forward, Eddie shoots at the enemy with his gun. He then Throws a flashbang grenade at the enemy. Amidst the confusion, Eddie then cuts them down quickly and effortlessly with his Keyblade.

Little is known about Eddie's past, from what he said, he was a soldier from a family of elite soldiers who served within a certain kingdom. He then since abandoned that life, joining up with the 4 Aces band as a stage hand, helping the band with whatever they need.
infact is it alright if im not a member of the band, i like my Keyblade and was about to change my weapon set anyway
will post and updated bio at the end of this post.

Here you goo.
-Name: Stephen Hownam
-Age: 19
-Race: Human
-Gender: male
-Side: Light

standing at 6 feet tall Stephen has an Athletic build he is clean shaven with short brown hair that has blond highlights in it, he styles it depending on the day and/or his mood. he has a tattoo that takes up most of the space on the left side of his Torso and also his Left arm

Clothes: Stephen normally wears a Black DC beanie that has a visor, with the Visor poitning backwards and slightly to the right, He wears a pair of Black G-star Jeans. most of the time he wears a black or a white FCUK T-shirt. With multiple patterns and Styles of T-shirt in his cupboards. His trainers are quite Often black DC's but has other pairs in his collection. often wears a Black Hoodie if he thinks he will be getting into trouble or breaking the rules. Always Carries a black rucksack that he refers to as his 'bag of tricks' that hangs most of the way down his back so it sits jin the small of his back.

Bag of tricks: Stephen's Bag, commonly known as the bag of Tricks contains many Items including can's of black spray paint, a 1 liter bottle of the Energy drink Relentless and a plain white mask. contains other various items that hold less importance.

-Armour: Stephen's only armour isn't technically armour as it his Auto mail arm. It is made from light but durable metal.

-First impression: Due to Stephen's auto mail arm most people think he had suffered from abuse during his life. appears to put his friends first no matter what he does.

-Personality: trust worthy and honorable.Stephen puts the well being of his friends before his own. This is one of his main weaknesses and how he lost his arm. always smiling Stephen tries to keep all moods light no matter the situation and is always thinking up witty one line jokes to make people laugh.

-weapons: Stephen wields a single handgun that is holstered to his right thigh. it has a catholic design on the handle although Stephen isn't very religious
His Gun

-Magic: doesn't cast any.

-Skills: master marksman

-Strength: quite fast and agile because he practices Parkour

-weaknesses: tries to hard to defend anything that he deems 'worth saving' never backs down from a fight and is always first in to help a friend.

-Short History: Raised in a large family he never had what he wanted, from a young age he developed a fond sense of Justice and began fighting on the side of light. Trained heavily in Parkour since he was 16. became a fond user of his Gun at 17. Born and raised in radiant Garden Stephen tends not to stay away from his home planet, but does have a gummi ship called the Aile Grasper that he uses to follow his favorite band teh four aces.

-Aile Grasper: the Aile grasper is a single person gummi ship that has six main canons and also two missile launchers that can hold four rockets each. Although Stephen has never had any reason to use the weapons of the Grasper he likes to have them fully armed just in case he does need them. The Aile Grasper looks like this

For those who are unaware of Parkour it is this
you do realise you get that as well as your chosen keyblade right? it can only be used in limit though lol oh well at least your character knows parkour, oh and spartan i have only one thing to say

<<approved character>>

if you decide to be the drummer then tell me, as the slot was inexplicably freed somehow lol
yea you should do, and thanks for accepting my new character, when will this RP become active?
it will be when we have a couple more characters and i finish the planning for the first plot hook lets say a total of 6 characters so thats one more needed. Now the band is full, oh and yes you do keep the gun and marksmanship skills and you already chosen keyblade, you also get the shiny and new "Ace of clubs" for your troubles, as long as you put it on, its the same stats as your current but allows ace form and set moves make the changess needed (included the band position) and i will finalise your movement into the four aces
Koffin for the win!

Name: Koffin Shepherd "The Wayward One"

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Appearance: Koffin is not a man of extreme physique. He has a slender size that allows him to be agile but still retains some muscle to add a certain toned appearance to his body that shows that he knows how to treat his body with respect. He stands at about 5 feet 11 inches, average hieght among most humans and weighs around 160 pounds. Most of which is represented by muscle instead of fat. Other than his slender yet impressive physique he maintains other physical attriubutes that add to an outstanding natural beuty. He has light blue eyes that shine with hope and show the untaimed man inside of him. His hair on the other hand has a semi-contridicting feel to it. He has a light whitish grey head of hair, which at his young age is an awkward attribute. Never the less his hair is the least of worries in his mind and thus is thrown in a mess and not bothered to be fixed...

Attire: Koffin has an unusual desicion in what his attire is... He wears a well-kept white dress shirt with the sleaves torn off to add a sort of rugged look to it. Over his shirt he wears a black dress coat (fashioned and patched by his own hand) unbuttoned loostley. Upon his legs are a fine pair of black dress pants that fit tightly around his legs but still allow him good movement. For footwear, he keeps in the same trend a nice pair of black dress shoes the still aford exceptional movement. To finish off the rest of the attire he has a black tie that he has loosley thrown underneath his collar.

Personality: Koffin is indeed a young man with good intentions and great character. Although at first he might come of as the kind of person who is hard to get along with, but indeed he is a friend to many and gets along well with most people. He has a heart that always stands true, and a strong will that is hardly ever broken. He believes and what he thinks to be right and true and won't hesitate to defend it, although he does not think violence is the answer "All the time". By that i mean he won't hesitate to defend him or others in a more physical behavior if he has to. Above all though, his most outstanding characteristic is his witt, he is always about himself and it comes in handy if you ever wan't to deliver a laugh or so... His witt is not to be taken lightly though, although he is yound, he is aged in wisdom. His wisdom is what defines him as a person, he has been a guru to many in his life, he will not hesitate to lend advice to those he feel are in need. Although some things must be learned on their own...

Equipment: None



Str:5, Mag:5
Special Abilities: Uh.... can't think of any XD

Armour: Koffin believes that his mind is his armor and as long as he has his witt about him then he will stand strong in battle.

Fighting Style: Koffin has a unique style of fighting. In the sense of he first relies on his witt and then uses his physical attributes afterwards. He believes that a person is only as strong as their mind is. This means that Koffin allows for his oppenent to make a some sort of mishap that will allow Koffin to find his oppenents weakness. Koffin then takes advantage of that weakness. After his battle of minds has taken place he will use an array of swift and agile movements that are thought through completley then neatly executed. Also if needed Koffin is willing to make sacrifices...

Magic: Koffin knows all basic spells up to their "ARA" level. Other than that he doesn't often use magic to fight his battles.

Skills: Extremely talented with his keyblade and is very smart. Idk if those are really skills, regardless those are his "skills"

Streanghts: Extremely Clever. His Witt above everything is his most admirable attirubute...

Weaknesses: NONE! Jk... He isn't very strong, and sometimes he looses his cool and completley looses all his witt and cleverness.

History: As a child Koffin was not who he was as of now... he was lazy (which he retains some escence of now) he was almost unmotivated to do anything... This all changed after an occurence that happened to him in his teenage years. See he came opon a girl who he fell in love with... Fooled by his own foolish thoughts of what love is he ended up getting torn into pieces by the girl, he wondered why this had to happen to him, why he felt so terrible, he then discovered that even though his heart was broken he learnded from the experience. And that is what taught him his most important lesson... His major philosophy is that it is not the events that happen to us who shape us to be who we are, but what we learn from those experiences who define who we are... This encouraged him to move through life with the motivation that from every experience he would have (good or bad) something would be learned... Although he is wise Koffin is humble and knows that he among everyone else always has something new to learn, and thus he has traveled many places trying to discover the secrets of life, and at the same time discovering who he is himself... These travels have earned him the nickname "The Wayward One"
so which angle are you playing ollie? (can i call you that or will you kill me?)) you a misunderstood good guy or a way too well understood bad guy? or a little of both?

when we find that out i think i can attempt to start this party

oh and spartan you still need to make the additions to your profile
Lol Ollie is okay but get used to calling me Koffin cause im changing my name back to that, is soon as i remember how to >< I am a good guy, not that misundertsood, but im not the cheesey kind of good guy who says stuff like "With the power of friendship we can do anything" but im not the misunderstood kind of over used guy who always says stuff about darkness and the pain he always feels... im just THAT guy if you know what i mean... Funny, Laid-Back, Wise, All around freakin amazing... Koffin :D