Kingdom hearts: the four aces

nice addition
ill do what i want to do here and just randomly say
you can go kick ass now... go on what you waiting for?
Were it so easy? Tipsy obviously forgot, and we haven't seen eye or ear of Exiled for the past week.
Its okay guys, in Exile's absence i shall make sure things run smoothly, so get posting and he can catch up on his return.

Hey Tipsy, good luck in your exams (if you haven't already taken them) and just remember to stay calm and you will do fine
incidently im back... sorry my internet commited suicide but thats in the past... of course i cant guarantee my existence for too long... i dont know where my next connection is coming from... oh well wish me luck... oh and good luck tipsy im sure you wont need it
I know it isn't my RP but could we try and keep all the discussions in the discuss thread.

And It's okay exiled, I felt it would be a good battle ground considering it is ment for fighting.
Well, if you offering i could take it off of your hands. So thanks, i will keep it under close watch. . . hehehe