Kingdom Hearts


Too orsm for you.
Jul 5, 2006
Kingdom Hearts


Destiny Islands. This is probably the most safest place in the entire universe. Not long ago, the darkness began to appear and destroy many worlds. Many children dwell here. Their laughter is heard amongst all over the island and it brings smiles to people's faces. They have no idea that the darkness is coming to Destiny Islands and that they will soon become victims of the terrifying and destructive Heartless.

Yes, the Heartless. They are coming to Destiny Islands. Now the children will soon make a choice. Will they be true to the light and follow it? Or will they seek greed and walk down the road to darkness? Their fates will be soon decided ...


1. No powerplaying and godmodding. Pure and simple. Don't do it.
2. No killing off without permission.
3. There can be more than one Keyblade master.
4. No one-liners; post at least one paragraph.
5. Have fun with this, ya?


Theme Song:
Pardon, but you have the 'Eternal Flame' RP, couldn't you just stick with one for a while before making another?

Name: Yai Kisurgi
age: 23
Weapon: Gloves that deal heavy damage and can use magic (Low level.)
1, Low level magic (Fire, Blizzard, Water, gravity, cure and the like;Is connected to his gloves.)
2, 8th Heaven (A skill that deals heavy damage.
3, Tamer-Yai is kind with alot of animals, and happens to have a pure-white husky named Tilk.
1, Elder- He is older than alot of the people on the island, and babysits the younger children.
2, Fighter- He is quick, agile, and can give heavy damage.
3, Tracker-This trait allows to her determine special information.
Appearance: He has long black hair with spiky bangs that stick straight up. Along with a black jacket with a white undershirt with a mark on it. (It is the Quake 4 logo.)
Personality: He is the 'father' of the group, along with a special mentor. He is quite serious, yet, he cares alot about others.
Bio: "Since I was young, I've always helped others, but the sky has been becoming as black as smoke, I fear the great Darkness is coming to pass."
Themesong (What do we need this for?):'Let the bodies hit the floor.'
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You don't have to just make one RP; you can make as many as you want as long as you keep up to date with them. There is really no limit for RPs.

Name: Faith Crest

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Weapon: Two black gloves for martial arts, but will soon receive a Keyblade.

Power(s): The element of fire, but it shall not be unlocked until much later.

Personality: The kindest person in the world, according to the people around her. Faith is quite nice with everyone and will do anything to protect them as long as it is for the justice that is right. She can be quiet at times, but she is a very lively person


Bio: Faith came to Destiny Islands when she was just about six years old, so that means she has been there for eight years now. She enjoyed her time with her friends and cherished the beautiful sunset that was there. It was just a time of relaxing until something occurred to Faith and her friends one day. Faith had come from another world. Did it mean that there were other worlds out there?

It did indeed mean it. She couldn't recall her previous life before Destiny Islands and wanted to know more. But no matter what happened, she was always happy in Destiny Islands and so she decided that she would come back after being to all of the worlds. But there is a mysterious past to Faith. A foggy past ... that she might just want to uncover.

Theme Song: Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway
Name: Kuja Lionheart

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Weapon: Kaladbolg sword crafted from darkness in his heart
Power(s): Get Load of This- Hits the enemy 10 times with single slash.
Dark Magic- Controls darkness and uses it as an armor or weapon
Final Haven- Uses power of hell and heven to destroy my enemies.

Personality: Acts evil but he is very kind hearted and wishes to help those he loves.


Bio: Kuja wanted power to protect his friends but in the end became high lvl. heartless but one day no one knows why but Kuja rebeled and joined forces of good but Kuja has nothing cause he has no heart or soul so no one how Kuja can betray the darkness that controls him. Kuja used all the darkness in him to make his sword that as he does more good Kuja changes from dark to light. Kuja is now on journey to get both his heart and his soul back and was one of leading cause of Destiny Islands destruction even if he doesn't want it to happen.

Theme Song: Naruto OS- Harmonia
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I think I will join.

Name: Deon Sasuka

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Weapon: A Black Longsword called Dynasty

Power(s): Deon has the ability to call people and spirits from the dead and use them in battle. He can also turn his blade into darkness and slam the ground with an awesome power. It is called, " Dark Shattering Slam " .

Personality: Deon is a very angry person who loves to attack anything he sees. He is very hard to befriend, and if you do, he will protect you at any cost. He will protect his friends and his family, but no one else. He rarely smiles or acts happy, but he will once in a blue moon.

Appearance(s): Deon is about 5'7 and weighs probably 155 pounds. No one is sure because he hasn't been weighed in years. His long, dark-brown hair always gets in his face and covers his sapphire-blue eyes alot. He also wears dark shaded sunglasses over his eyes so nobody can tell what he is thinking. He wears a black shirt with little scratches showing the scars of his battles. He wears a watch on his left arm and wears dark-blue jeans that go all the way to his ankles. He wears a jade necklace and bracelet that he found in a street somewhere. He holds his sword in a holster on his belt. His shoes are scuffed, old, and dirty.

Bio: Not much is known about Deon. All people know is that he showed up one day 5 years ago with nothing but the clothes on his back and his sword. He said he was from a faraway land that he couldn't say because he said it was forbidden. That is all people really know of Deon Sasuka.

Theme Song: The Tunnel by Marty Casey and the Lovehammers
Oh, what the heck, I'll do this:

Name~Yuna Celestia (I'm bad at making up names D=)
Weapon~A long, pink, staff, decorated with crystals at the top. It has great magical powers.
Power(s)~Can do white and black magic: Fira, Thundaga, Watera, Blizzaga, Nulshock, Nulblaze, Nulfrost, Life, Cure, and Nultide (i think that's what it's called)
Personality~She is a bit anti-social, but talkative when the topic interests here. She prefers to be by herself rather than with others, and usually keeps to herself. However, she can be rather loud at times and jokes around a bit too much.
Appearance(s)~Brown hair that goes to her shoulders and is parted to the left. She has hazel eyes and is around 5 "4. She has an average weight of about 130. Her usual outfit is a purple tank top and a medium length black skirt.
Bio~Yuna was born in Destiny Islands, and has lived there her entire life. She spends her time practicing her magic and stays by herself. Every once in a while, she'll hang out with others, but not often. So far, there hasn't been anything exciting in her life.
Theme Song~Real Emotion-FFX-2
Ok, I'm thinking of spending some time at Destiny Island

I'll think I'll spend some time here. Ok here is my profile:
My character is based on the great warrior from the Soul Calibur Games, the great Siegfried!! Yeah Soul Calibur III!!

Name:Siegfried Leonhart.
Nickname: Leon, Sieg or "S. Leonhart"
Age: 16 (aging seems to have stopped?)
Weapon:Two Handed Long Sword (Zweihander Type)
Weapon's name: "Requiem"
Secret Weapon: The Soul Calibur
Power(s):He is a master of sword fighting and skilled in magic spells like firaga, blizaga and thundaga. He is weak against earth and wind type magic. He has some moderate magical defense and his offensive magical power is low. His power increases if he weilds the Soul Calibur instead of using his default weapon, The Requiem.

Personality: He is calmed, quiet and he is somehow anti-social. He is in someway cold and doesn't like anyone messing with his life. Despite the fact that he has a very lonely nature, he can be a true friend to those around him and he is willing to sacrifice everything in order to save his friends, even his life. He is also searching for a long lost relative and also for a woman, that relative seems to be Sieg's brother and he was supposedly consumed by the darkness by becoming a heartless. He is now tormented by the memories of his past. He is afflicted by a curse that threatens to turn Siegfried into the world's greatest enemy, the cursed Azure Knight once known as "Nightmare".


Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color:Grey almost brown eyes. Sometimes his eye color changes with his emotions.

Siegfried Leonhart and his sword "The Requiem"
*Thanks to Project Soul and the Wikkipedia for this picture.

Small Bio: Lost and tormented by a mysterious past. He wandered the world alone, trying to find someone that is very important to him. He was traveling to a certain land on his ship with his last friends but he suffered an accident and he ended up alone in the mysterious "Destiny Island". Now he is tring to build a raft in order to continue his journey. In the past, he was tormented by the darkness and he almost fell to the dark side once, but he was saved by the woman he loved and then she disappeared in the darkness, leaving only a ring. He was tragically afflicted by a devastating curse that stopped his aging and began to consume Sieg's heart with sadness. Now he keeps punishing himself for his failure and he is trying to attone for his sins by trying to save the only person he ever cared in the world.Now he is the keeper of the legendary sword.

Theme Song:Eyes on Me from FFVIII, "Haunted" by Evanencess and The One Winged Angel from AC.

You must play this game!!
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Well if S.Leonhart is joining then this must be good:

Age: 18 (aging seems to have stopped?)
Weapons:Katana and Huge sword(only in Sarago form)
Weapon's name: "The Magnificent" and "Sarago's Punishment"
Description:His weapon is a silver katana with the words "Mag"across it.
Sarago's weapon:

Power(s):He is a master of the katana and skilled in magic spells like firaga, blizaga and thundaga.He has a high resitance to elemental magic.He can transform into his true form called Sarago wich causes his power to increase by 10 times.

Personality: He is calmed, quiet and he is somehow anti-social and also very arrogant towards rivals. He is in someway cold and doesn't like anyone messing with his life.He sees him self greater than anyone else.

Hair Color: white
Eye Color:Green

Sarago Appearence:

Sago's Bio: He came to Destiny Islands for mysterios reasons.In his past he caused many people too suffer and turn to darkness in his homeland the rest is unknown.
Sarago Bio:The legendery champion of darkness has not been seen for over 1000years.
Theme Song: One-Winged Angel from FVII and FFVII AC
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OOC: Hurray! Thanks for joining, we're starting now.

Destiny Islands. A peaceful place where islanders relax. A place where children's laughter and the calm ocean can be heard. The lives of many of these islanders - no, all of them - were about to change. They would soon know enough about what will happen to them in the future. It would affect them forever. But for now, peace reigned on Destiny Islands. Children were playing, talking and, literally, having fun. Just like another ordinary day on the island.

Faith Crest opened her eyes and breathed hard under her breath. "Not again," she muttered to herself, so that no one could hear her. After taking a long deep breath, she jumped off the bent palm tree she had accidentally fallen asleep under. She sighed and felt relieved. Another day here ... it just doesn't change. Good old Destiny Islands. But I have this horrible feeling that something will soon happen. But what?
I hope I'm not too late to participate in this. I'm not entirely familiar with how these things go, so I'll observe only, for now.

Name: Riku

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weapon: Way to the Dawn

Power(s): Eternal Session (Floats in towards enemy quickly and strikes with his keyblade, followed by energy bullets hurled at the enemy. To strike multiple enemies, he initiates Master Hearts - an attack where energy-blades are eminated from his arms and he runs around frantically, striking the enemy. Finishes of with "Journey's End", where he unleashes his Keyblade's full power in order to crush the surrounding darkness.

Dark Aura (Calls on the power of darkness lurking deep within him. He fades into the shadows, the re-appears, charging at the enemy at lightning speed with his Keyblade. During this attack, he is invincible. Finishes off with remaining still, while his Keyblade rises into the air, descends to the ground and creates shockwaves, followed with lightning blasts in random directions.

Berserk Slash (He enters a state of rage and ultimately destroys what stands before him)

Stepping through (Creates a door to darkness. The door opens at his command, swallowing all enemies before him and the door. Riku ascends to the sky, aided by the darkness, then commands the door to close, imploding shorty afterwards.)

Oblivion (Riku's Keyblade duplicates to form the infamous "Oblivion" Key. He uses these dual keys to annihilate any opponent. All attacks are doubled in strength and effect when this attack is activated. Riku can only use this attack for a limited period of time, as it drains away a great deal of strength.)

Personality: Before he accepted the darkness, Riku was active, competitive, courageous, fearless, strong, brave, determined, and an overall nice person. However, once he let the darkness consume him, he no longer existed as Riku, but as Ansem. Now, he resides yet again on Destiny Islands, only after defeating Ansem from the depths of his heart. Ansem and the darkness still lurk there, and Riku uses this to his advantage in battle, but he must be careful: the hate, rage and sorrow that comes with the Darkness may one day become too strong for him to ignore...

Appearance(s): Riku, currently, Riku, possessed by Ansem, Riku, as he appears when calling upon the powers of Ansem and the darkness. He currently wears his hood up, in this state

Bio: Riku, originally, was a young man who desperately wished to travel to another world. He became bored with the exasperating monotony that was the Destiny Islands. His little excitement came from defeating his friends in battle, effortlessly. This grew tiresome for him. When the Heartless took his world, he showed no fear in stepping into darkness, granting him the right to "Keyblade Master", thus resulting in his own Keyblade. He found Sora in many other worlds, but was blinded by the darkness that Maleficent gave him. He was soon to be used as a puppet by Ansem (later, Xehanort's Heartless). When Ansem did away with Riku's body in Hollow Bastion (home to the final door), Riku returned as a spirit, thanks to his strong heart, to help his friends escape. After Sora later defeated Ansem at Kingdom Hearts, Riku helped Sora and King Mickey close the door to darkness. In another story, a year later, Riku fought Ansem from his heart in Castle Oblivion. He now controls the darkness that he was given, yet fights for the light, allowing him to also draw strength from the Light. He draws on the darkness in tight spots, but he fears that one day, the darkness will grow and consume his heart again...

Theme Song: (a) Riku's Theme, Kingdom Hearts II, (b) Another Side, Another Story, Kingdom Hearts II (Organization XIII's theme), (c) Forze Del Mal, Kingdom Hearts (Riku/Ansem Battle Music)
Yai awoke with a start, the treehouse was amazingly quiet. "Its coming, the Great Darkness." He put on his gloves and started down to see the children playing and sparring. "Amazing, not even one of them has a clue whats going to happen." he kept a close eye on the kids and kept a high alert.
Yuna began picking her books up off the sand. She had stayed up all night practicing her spells.

"I'm so tired..." she muttered sleepily to herself.

Carrying her books, she headed towards the dock where she had her small boat tied up. She sat down and headed toward the main island, trying her best not to fall asleep. When she got to the main island, she tied up her boat and walked into her small home and ascended the stairs to her room, then plopped down on the bed.

"So much for doing anything fun this morning." she sighed.
Kuja wakes up in mysterious cave and wonders what going on the last thing he remembered was escaping from the heartless on tries to think of the place but he can't remember well he decides I might as well look around.

Kuja jumps up and walks outside to see nice island and he say "Were am I and I may have just helped end this realm for all I know."

Kuja sees many people running around playing and decides to go to miniature island and see if he can get answers.
Faith sighed and looked out at the ocean. She thoroughly remembered what had happened when she had somehow ended up here eight years ago. She couldn't remember of the life that she had before coming here. The wind breeze swept throughout the islands and she smiled such an angelic smile. Faith closed her eyes and felt at peace. Being here on the islands had changed her life forever. Her mind cast back to that fateful day when she arrived ...

At the time, Faith was only six years old. A light glowed in the sky of Destiny Islands. That light eventually revealed Faith falling from the sky. A huge splash was heard; she had fallen into the water. Unconscious, out of mind and out of sight. She opened her eyes and began to drown as she came to the surface. "Please!" she cried. "Help! I can't swim! Help!" Fortunately, it was the islanders that heard her and rescued her. Once Faith was nursed back to health, she then decided to live here ... or rather, she ended up being here because of her accident.
Sago standing on a branch of a tree looking at the people and the sea with a smile on his face.

He spoke to himself "ah you pathetic people your fun is about to begin"

and then began to laugh.
Siegfried Leonhart awoke at a strange world. He began to wander until he found a young child that told him that he was on Destiny Islands.

"How, did I ended up here? I remember I was fighting against him, so what am I doing here? Wait!! The sword!!! Where is it?! Ahhh My head.....I can't remember....."

Sieg began to explore the area. He noticed the large ammount of kids playing arround him. He then stopped at the river and when he saw his reflection on the waters surface he got surprised.

"What?! I'm younger! But how?! Well, at least I can use my sword and wear my armor so I guess it will not be a problem."

Sieg then began to feel a terrible evil energy that was somehow familiar to him.

"What?! This energy....I remember this energy is from someone, but who?"

Then a young man arrives. The young man chalanges Siegfried to a battle.

Siegfried: "I don't have time to deal with these, I must find the one behind the evil energy.....Very well, if you want to fight me then I shall take you on.....but I must warn you, if you are after the powers of Darkness, don't expect to get pass here alive...."

Siegfried draws his huge blade and points it towards his new oponent.
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Yuna awoke suddenly from her sleep and looked at the small clock by her bed. It had only been an hour since she'd fallen asleep. It was her dreams that woke her though. She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. In fact, she'd had that feeling for about a week now. Which was part of the reason she had stayed up so late practicing her magic the night before.

Deciding that this was probably a time to be with everyone else, she jumped out of bed and got ready before heading over to the small island where everyone went during the day.

She was surprised to see that only a couple of people were there. Yuna walked over to the dock and sat down, staring out at the ocean. She had pretty much lived here her whole life. These islands were her home, and she wanted to keep it that way.

But she had the feeling that that was going to change soon. And these feeling of hers were usually right...
"Answers ..." whispered Faith. "My questions, which lead to my answers. What are they?" She noticed that everyone was too caught up in their lives to even spare a moment for her nowadays. I guess it's all the same here on the islands now. They get interested in me for the first few years because I'm from somewhere else and then they forget about me. It must be the same for everybody. She jumped into the ocean from the bent palm tree and swam to the shore.

At least she knew how to swim now. Back eight years ago, she hadn't got the faintest idea how to do that. Faith watched everyone have their fun and it just made her sad to realise that there was more than the islands, but she couldn't reach where she wanted to go. I need to be alone. She hurried to the other side of the islands and smiled. No one was here. Hardly anyone came here anymore. "Well, I'm glad that's over," she said. "Peace and quiet. I need to be alone for a while ..."
As Sago watched the people he noticed a girl at the docks staring at the sea like she was expecting somthing bad to happen.

He then spoke to himself "ah little girl do not worry the fun will begin soon".

He then noticed a girl was swimming toward the otherside of the islands

he then spoke to himself "Dont worry you wont miss the fun "

Then he noticed a fight was going too begin between 2 people.

"ah this should be intereasting".

He then jumped down from the branch onto the beach and walked closer too the fight too watch.
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