Kingdom Hearts

Heartless Sig dashed forward and just before the swords could clash Sieg made a sudden stop and shot a small dark fireball at Faith. The ball of flames was heading straight at Faith, trying to consume her with its dark flames. With his eyes glowing red as hell fire, all signs of humanity that were still left inside Sieg's heart were gone. Sieg sacrificed his heart and his soul in order to enhance Faith's power with Light, a light so pure that could vanish the beings that belonged to the realm of darkness.
Faith noticed that the Heartless Sieg had dashed forward. But no matter how strong her feelings were for him as a friend, she couldn't get the fact around her head that he was now a Heartless. It tore her to pieces to fight her former friend. But why? Why had he been turned into a Heartless? Faith remembered an old tale that someone had told her. That person had said to her that should a heart give up on life, then the body would be turned into something nasty ... something quite ugly. She was finally beginning to see what the picture was here.

She instantly noticed the small dark fireball being shot at her. Sure, she was the element of fire disguised as a mere girl, but dark fireballs? Faith couldn't handle that. Faith watched as the dark flames were trying to engulf her, but then ... she felt a strong feeling like no other. Gripping on to the Griever Keyblade with both hands tightly, she stuck it into the ground. Light engulfed Faith and shattered the dark flames that were attacking her. Faith turned to see Sieg. She knew that all signs of humanity had finally gone. "It's time to end this," she murmured, then dashing forward at him with the Keyblade in her right hand. If I don't end this madness, then who will?
As the flames threatened to engulf Faith with its darkness, the Heartless Sieg gave an inhuman laugh that stroke fear in the hearts of his opponents. No matter how weak he might look in this form was was still a threatening force. His weapons were now swift shadows that shifted from form to form, changing from one weapon to another.

Surprisingly, Faith was capable of shattering the flaming ball of dark energy. An evil expression of madness and rage could be seen on Sieg's face. Taking an offensive stance, Sieg brought back the sword on his right hand to his back and, using all the mightof his arm, he hurled the shape shifting weapon at Faith. The weapon suddenly transformed and took the form of a huge axe that came towards Faith, trying to crush her under its weight.
As Dracus watched battle through tiny bit of portal he left open he started to fear he may have to stop fight cause he needed Faith alive not as another Heartless.

Dracus sighs and says "Faith last thing I need is to watch friend lose to a Heartless."
Faith heard Heartless Sieg's inhuman laugh. Now she really knew that the Sieg she had once known was well and truly gone. Gripping the Griever Keyblade hard with both hands, she prepared herself for the onslaught she would soon face. She noticed that the shapeshifting weapon he had in his hand was now being flung at her. "Uh oh!" she muttered. As the Griever Keyblade disappeared from her hand, Faith had to dive to her left to avoid it.

Oh, crap. Getting back on to her feet as quickly as she could, she saw that it had now transformed into the form of a huge axe coming towards her. Faith continued to think to herself trying to get a way out of this. The axe was chasing her all around the second district, as she was trying to desperately escape. She found herself running sideways on the buildings. I'm really buggered, aren't I? And then suddenly, more Heartless had appeared. "Even better," she gulped.