Kingdoms of Ru (FFkingdoms Remixed!!!)

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Kamui was over head the camp of the silver army, until White appeared by his side, "You didn't need to use those to get here," he pointed to her wings,"the distance wasn't that far, it should have been easy for you."

"i apologise Kamui," her wings disappeared into white feathers, then they to disappeared,"i just thought of using them, i haven't in a while now."

"i know, you don't need to apologise, hmmm... i wonder what has to be done, to take down this small army, and their leader is already down, or to let them be, and return?"

"i do not know Kamui, Zack didn't tell me what to do, when i arrived by your side, he did not inform me."

"i suppose it would be best if we destroyed them, but leave two survivors and the leader to tell them not to attack again."

"APPEAR" Shirakun sword appeared in his right hand now

sky yks eht morf niar sdrahs eci, as ice began to rain down on the battle field and the camp, Kamui and White began to decend and killing the soldiers, "Seems this is what is mean't to be done, mother, WHITE! you think this is going to be easy?"

"It should be,"

"Then i won't be bothered to warn you not to die CRY OUT SHIRAKUN"
Same thing again here, guys, do you want to continue (in the absence of Chocobo God) or stop here?
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