Kiss Me

Hey Julius, hey Namine, hey Tyler *Kisses Namine on cheek, give hug to Julius and handshake to Tyler*
I am fine my friend. I am in a very... hmm how do you call it. Re-fined mood suppose
My friends school sucks we know but it is a thing we must all go through whether we like it or not. I love you all *Kisses everyone on cheek (yes even the guys)*
why dont guys kiss on the lips? XD that would make me happy! i dont mind giving everyone kisses aslong as there my friend.......... :)

give everyone kisses!
because it ain't socially acceptable in society, besides, religion hates it and if religion hates it society hates it
o, your in college FFGuy? wait... *looks at FFGuys age* .... is that correct? Hmmm... i'm a senior in high school, and i have a hard time choosing which college to go to. Do you have any ideas? *kisses ffguy*