Kissing Eyes

Kiss with Eyes Open?

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Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
You kiss with your eyes open or shut? Usually I tend to close my eyes when I'm kissing but sometimes I'll open them up, especially if it's a very emotional pucker. If I open them up when it's not an emotional pucker I get bored... or more likely... I'll just start cracking up with how goofy the other person looks while they're kissing me. Fish-face hehe
Hmmm...shamful to say, but I aint been kissed ha!
I've been asked out by a good number of girls, however I'm saving it for right one

Edit...don't slag off my username in comparison to this. the name Lone_wolf has nothing to do with me being single
Eyes closed definately!! Makes me self conscious about what I'd look like when I kiss.. but I'm a person who's really aware of my surroundings so I'm guilty of eyes open for a quick peek about lmao! But I obviously don't if its one of those kisses, when nothing else matters :-)
It's something I never focused on before, but I prefer to with my eyes closed. Every once in a while I'll catch myself with my eyes open and sorta feel an awkward staring off feeling, so I end up closing them. Either way, it doesn't matter for me.
It's something I never focused on before, but I prefer to with my eyes closed. Every once in a while I'll catch myself with my eyes open and sorta feel an awkward staring off feeling, so I end up closing them. Either way, it doesn't matter for me.

I've seen the girls you've kissed. I'd close my eyes too. :P
Yea yea, please refrain from fucking this anymore

I close my eyes at first, but I like to peep my eyes open and catch a peek at what the other person's face is looking like while it's 2 centimeters away from me. ^.^