Knights of the Old Republic

As long as you stay active on this Clan thread, you will move up. But if you are not active for more then a 2 week period without notice, you will be degraded.
Oh I did that about 8 levels ago. I just lacked the overall power to do it quickly. :wacky:
I needed 100 speed before I could do it. With 100 speed, I could cast haste, and attack in between their turns.
I'm quite durable (with the exception being against magical attacks), so I could take a fair amount of punishment. Cura was maxed quite soon after getting it, so that rarely missed too - so as soon as the bats were out it was smooth sailing.

Except when Curse randomly got a huge damage output like 40 per turn or something ridiculous. :shame: But even then it only slowed me down a smidge.
Ah, so you killed the bats before turning your attention to the Neoshadows. I suppose that reduces the number of turns they get.

I took out the Neoshadows first because of their Curse spell.