Knights of the Old Republic

Alrighty shall do...

Who is everyone's favourite Jedi?
Mine is Kit Fisto, because he is the coolest looking guy ever...
Stupid Sidious, that bastard...
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Count Dooku. He's just so awesome. :wacky: And yes, he's still a Jedi by technicality.

... in my mind. >_>
I was referring to the fact he had doubts about remaining a Sith, but whatever.
Hmm, I think the most popular character is of course Darth Vader. I know this by the reaction of people in the theaters. Yes, I saw Return of the Jedi in the theaters. Which was where he got the most reaction. Its weird how audience react in the theaters. Usually you do not see much. But boy did the audience cheer Vader when he first showed in the Return of the Jedi.

Myself, I really do not have a favorite. But I am told I am like Yoda.
Well, besides Kit Fisto I am quite fond of Ki-Adi Mundi, although he was kinda a stuckup toss-face, otherwise, he was cool.
And Mace Windu has to be up there...
Ultimate Cool:cool:
I dont like Ki-adi mundi just cause my friend loves him and we have a fight over who is better. He is a bigger star wars fanatic then me and he always thinks he wins but he doesnt.
...only Anakin and Obi-Wan...

Moving on...
Question 2:
Everyones favourite Non-Jedi character?
Mine is Han Solo by far...
He had the suave, cool thing going on, plus, his ship was cool
Although, the Fetts (Jango and Boba) have to be up there as well...
Well, I have been watching the Spike presentation of the Star Wars series. It is kinda annoying watching it with comercials. Particularly when I have all the movies. But what the hech? I was just curious to see how much they cut. Tonight Spike is showing Revenge of the Sith.