Knights of the Round! PLEASE!

Nice summon but too powerful for any new game. I like to see the popular ones like Ifrit, Shiva again.
I agree that a KOTR cut scene on the PS3 would look awesome. But is it not sensible that the summons would depend on what world each game is set in. I agree the basic summons could be the same Ifrit/Shiva etc but the more lavish summons must surely change. I would welcome SE introducing new summons if it is set in an entirely new world. Anyone have info on this, is it a new world? or are we revisiting one from earlier in the series?
Well seeing as no two final fantasies, from the main series off course, have been located in the same world I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a brand new world.

OT: What people don't seem to realize is that, summons like KOTR and ultimate weapons and equipment , items exist solely for the side quests.

For example, in FFX you don't need the Celestial Weapons to beat the game, you need them mostly for the Arena, FFVII you don't have to breed a golden chocobo to get KOTR and fight the Weapons, and so on.

KOTR was powerful, but without it you would have a lot of trouble against Ruby maybe?
Well seeing as no two final fantasies, from the main series off course, have been located in the same world I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a brand new world.
Ahem, FFX-2?

Thinking about it, KoTR would be insanely cool! But im guessing Square Enix may leave it as an FFVII exclusive. Looking back, many FF's have exclusive powerfull summons. VI's Crusader, VIII's Eden, IX's Ark, X's Anima...

Maybe the next time we'll see KoTR in action as a actual summon would be the people's beloved FFVII remake should they actualy ever get round to doing it. I would love to fight it as a boss monster though, as part of a huge side quest for the Excaliber Sword with lot's of English folklore references about King Arthur and whatnot involved.