
Oh. Bravo then. Thanks, Kandy. :3

JSR said:
No, but love and anger are the easiest to write about because they're the more poetic of emotions that you feel. If you can manage to write a three minute song about cleaning your room that consists of more than "I'm cleaning my room, I'm picking stuff up off the floor" and so on, then you really need to get out more.

And that pinball song would be Pinball Wizard by The Who.

Sure, they're the easiest but that doesn't give those two feelings dominance in one of the most expressive forms of art, does it? No, there's more to us humans than just love and hate.

And I'll have you know that a song about cleaning a room could be very well done! Why, I saw a women on some ferret documentary make a song about all the junk her ferrets collect for nests and damn, but it was actually a good song! It may not seem 'inspired' at first thought, but give it some time, and you could really have something amusing and fun to listen too.

I know. How about a song about writing an essay? Sure, you wouldn't think it's the best topic, but there's a lot of room for griping and complaining and accusing the offending teacher of ruining everything... and end it with getting an A on the paper. :3 That'd be funny.

Ah, yes, that was the song! Thankies. :3

Bjork said:
Firstly I don't think there's anything wrong with love songs. Love is part of life, and love is as a topic for any as a song. There are plenty of fantastic love songs; Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley, Purple Rain by Prince, I can't make you love me by Bonnie Raitt, I want you by Elvis Costello, etc etc. Then there is the excellence of breakup albums, Blood on the Rails and Grace and Danger in particular. Love songs are good.

I also disagree about with the notion that current love songs are bad. Current pop music ballads are bad, but they always have been and always will be. This also applies to what is known as R&B. There are plenty of good recent love songs too. Go and buy a Belle and Sebastian album. Or the Decemberists, Bjork, Tori Amos, Eliott Smith, Iron and Wine, The Shins etc etc

I never said there was anything BAD about love songs, nor did I say current love songs are bad! Quite the contrary, I think a number of these love songs are very good! Shit, I even have some on my puter here! I only think that they are repetitive, going on about the same thing -- about the cheating, yearning, loving parts of this single emotion -- with no kind of angle on it.

It's like this: Lots of current songs just sing about love -- how it's needed, how it's special, how [whoever] betrayed it, yadda yadda...

But some of them have an angle on the subject. They approach love through something like, 'the best valintine I could afford' or like the song, "Let's Here It For the Boy" by Deniece Williams where the song is basically about how the boyfriend isn't very awesome by the speaker loves him anyways.

These songs are about love -- same old love! -- but in a variety of new approaches to the subject. A majority of current songs lack this variety. So I have nothing against love songs, I just wish they were a little more imaginative. It isn't that hard to do.

And while I'm on the subject, songs aren't that hard to write when they aren't about love. Gordon Lightfoot didn't seem to have a problem doing it. Here's three songs of his, Don Quixote, If I Could, and The Pony Man (which is about a dream and a personal favorite of mine) in respective order.


http://www.lightfoot.ca/ificould.htm Note that this is also a love song, but it has a unique angle to it that separates it from the whole "I NEED UR LOVINZ" that is so prevalent in most songs today.


And this is just one artist. I could easily find more. These songs have been made and been very popular during their time. My issue is that songwriters today can't do the same and be, ya'know, creative! It isn't impossible thing to do, nor is it even a rare occurrence. It only has become that way recently.