

Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
I haven't seen this film in YEARS! Me and my mate saw it in Asda yesterday and decided to buy it

Omg it's so cheesy and cheap looking with ridiculously bad acting but I can't help but love it still, and I hate the fat that Im attracted to David Bowie haha

It used to scare the shit out of me as a kid but Ijust sat there and had a thouroughly good laugh at it last night. I love that Fox dude when they are trying to get over that stinky place, he had me in stitches.

Does anyone else still love this film? :monster:
o_O Strangely, yes...

I haven't seen it years, but I still remember that dumb song about the baby. And the Bog of Eternal Stench. AND that scene when David Bowie rolls that ball into the darkness and that mutilating machine came's actually quite crappy, the acting, the effects...but I'm still drawn to it...I don't know why...perhap subliminal messaging?

....Leki loves the Labyrinth. :D

David Bowie is fantastic. The effects where quite good for an old movie, and I quite like them. I especially love the Cleaners scene, where David's like, 'Nothing? Nothing?! Tra la la, NOTHING?!' XD
Hello. Hello.

Yes major fan of Labrynth. I actually have been watching it since I was a little kid, I still to this day sing all the songs.

Much love.

My favorite part is when Jareth pulls off his goblin costume and goes 'Nothing Nothing? Nothing? Tra-la-la'
I don't remember that scene! Dammit! I must remember to go to Wal-Mart and grab this movie out of the $2 DVD bin!
Hello. Hello.

Yes major fan of Labrynth. I actually have been watching it since I was a little kid, I still to this day sing all the songs.

Much love.

My favorite part is when Jareth pulls off his goblin costume and goes 'Nothing Nothing? Nothing? Tra-la-la'
Favorite Jareth quote ever. ^___^

I don't remember that scene! Dammit! I must remember to go to Wal-Mart and grab this movie out of the $2 DVD bin!
It's actually quite old....... so I dunno if you could find it. >_<

And actually, to this movie, there's supposed to be a sequel in manga for, where Toby is abit grown up, and ends up in the Labyrinth.
I got the movie in UMD for my psp as well as vhs.

It might not be so hard to find. Very good movie though.

And yeah, Sarah and Hoggle (where the name hogwarts came from btw) just escape the oubliette and Jareth is sitting listening to their conversation. Sarah/Hoggle says something ending in 'Nothing' and Jareth goes off.

But yeah, thats the part where he asks Sarah how she's finding the labrynth and she goes...oh bitch...she goes :

'its a peice of cake'

'A peice of cake is it? Well lets see how you deal with this little slice'

And Jareth changes the game. Its so on.
Oh yeah! Now I remember! Thanx! I should get this for the PSP. I did see it at GameStop!
-_- I adore this movie. So much. I love Jareth, and his crystal 'balls', I love the Henson creatures, I love Sarah, I love TEH BABY, I love...I love... yeah.. @@
I think David is one of the few, FEW men I would except in tights. Although they kinda.... made me laugh. XD

I quite liked how he was basically changing time for Sarah. And her 'It's not FAIR!' lines always made me laugh. She's so funny.
I always wanted to be in that scene where she ate that apple and had that big (godawful) dresss on. I was like Id so stay there with him :wacky:
I actually love that film. Used to scare the shit out of me when I was little and still kinda does. Might watch it tonight actually.
the song's do it for me.

"You remind me of the babe."
"What babe?"
"The babe with the power."
"What power?"
"Power of Voodoo"
"Who do?"
"You do!"
"Do what?"
"Remind me of the babe!"

I always wanted to be in that scene where she ate that apple and had that big (godawful) dresss on. I was like Id so stay there with him :wacky:

I adore this movie. Loved it since the first time I saw it as a kid. And YES, ME TO. I always wanted to be in that scene. Her dress was soo beautiful. And Jareth was soo beautiful. : drool : I'd been like: I'm yours! xD
I hadn't seen it until last year!

My brother gave it to me. It was his present a few years back but he didn't like it. >.<

So yeah, I was happy and even more delighted when I got to watch it!

I simply love David Bowie in this. He has something sexy about him in this movie that I can't quite put my finger on. >.<

I think that the young girl was Jennifer Connelly as well. So young back then. >.<
This is one of those classic films I loved in my childhood. My sister's obsessed about it, though the obsession has calmed down here and there. It didn't scare me and to be frank, I really loved the creatures in it.