Lack of Magic or Forethought?


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 25, 2006
has anybody figured out why there is no Earth magiks? i have tons of earth weak monsters and no magik to use on them. Is this something the creators of ffxii left out intentionally and if so why? Any body have any ideas?
I think the reason for the lack of earth magic is so that the earth summon (forget his name) is more useful.
Same reason as why VII had enemies weak against Holy but no Holy spell. Other than summoning Alexander that is. More likely is the fact they had to tone down the presentation of the spells a bit since they had the fights taking place in the field rather than the previous way of being summoned to a mini-battle plain for each fight. I don't know how they could have included Quake and not make it feel quite poor to be honest.
Some of the monsters can cast Tremor (same as quake really). It's annoying because I was hoping to get that one it's pretty harsh. But yeah, the gaia rod is useful.
Yeah, I found that annoying... I think, too, there was a gun ammo that was earth-based, but I found guns to be extremely pointless. Ohhh well. :(
they should have made earth magicks because like this one time i was playing the game i was so weak against the monster and then i check what it's weakness was and it was earth then i was thinking "darn it i haven't found anything that earth based!!!!" (i HATE using rods and guns baisicly anything that's 2-handed)
I would have liked to have seen a much bigger selection of magic in this game. ^___^ It was somewhat limited in that category.
I agree. A wider range of magic would have been much better. Perhaps Sqaure could work on magic combinations. Imagine being able to cast water and earth magic to get a mud type magic? or casting water and thunder magic together for added oompf!
Yeah, I found that annoying... I think, too, there was a gun ammo that was earth-based, but I found guns to be extremely pointless. Ohhh well. :(

Not when you have Silence shot equipped. That helped me out a lot. They also never miss and damage dealt is not dependent on the enemies' defense. The only real downside is that they're kind of slow to fire and they are no good against bubble shaped enemies.
Haha I don't know how effective "mud magic" would be. XD
I would like to see more arcane or "forbidden" magic if you would.
Maybe have some sidequests to obtain forbidden magic?? ^__^