Lady Aerith Has Returned ^_^

LOL! :P What can I say? I can't cheat on my King now ;) That'd be very un-Queenly of me xDD
You can, he's cheating on you, you know.
I saw him on the docks getting favours from the sailors there.
So that's why you wore that skimpy outfit for me.
Aww snoogums, sorry you couldn't "get it to work properly". We'll try again later, ok? ^_~

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*SorcerssEdea7 glomps Lady Aerith*
YAY!!! your Back!!! ^-^ I've missed you!!!!
LOL! I don't even know you xD Why do you keep posting weird stuff in my thread. GTFO!!
Private session, no watchers (paying or not) allowed xDDD ;)
Awww :(
*starts drilling holes in the wall*

Welcome back, lady Aerith.....remember this....if anyone bothers you just sick me on them and i ll cast my white mage magic on them :P
What are you gonna do, Cure them to death?

...I can't believe I replied to that with anything other than