
Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Does anyone else think it's completely lame that the best way to level in this game is to stand outside of Altair (the place you start), kill all the enemies but one, and then attack and heal yourself with your characters. That's easily the fastest way to get up your stats. Not only do you control how hard you hit but how much and all of that. Anyone else thinking major lame-age?
yea. to be honest, I think 2 is the worst of the franchise. And yea, total lame-age. Almost as lame as drawing magic for a whole battle to get stronger
I don't mind the system overall... I just think that's lame. Cause I showed BustaMom this earlier... I just had him attack himself, my attack myself, and my magic caster try to keep us healed. And when the battle was over, we'd all improved in like 3 different areas. lol It was kinda strange.
Actually, I think it's a fantastic system, it just should not increase your stats when you attack yourself. I think it's completely absurd that a magic user in other FF games will get tons of MP and spells whether he actually bothers to use one or not.

Really, though, I did a lot of training by fighting those Captains in Fynn. They did so much damage, my HP levels shot through the roof- kinda funny, actually.
Is the level system for this game like elder scrolls, you use a skill i.e. magic and your magic stats will increase???
Not really. In Elder Scrolls the enemies lvl up with you. this is like the old classic dungeon crawler ways where getting hurt and dealing damage earns experience and you do that ad nauseum till you can destroy the enemy in one hit :)
It's like real life, in a way. If you use a sword a lot, you get stronger. If you get punched in the gut a lot, eventually, you will be able to resist more damage. If you cast spells constantly... you get the idea.

The problem comes when one party member says "Hey, I have an idea! Why don't I hurt you and then cast Cure on you a billion times in a row, so you get 9999 HP without fighting a single enemy?"
Lol.....well i never expected the older ff games to be Problem free. Although HOW THE HELL could square miss that??
It was a revolutionary idea for its time but now its a bit retarded - my friend leveled the HP up to 9999 in like a few hours by attacking himself over and over and healing when critical, i like to compare it to VIII - kinda difficult to understand and master and you can get absurdley strong very early on :dry:
Yeah i like 8 but the fact that the monsters get stronger with you ruined it for me big time. I hope they will never do that again......EVER
Erm, they didn't in the game, or at least not in Dawn of Souls. They had fixed HP amounts, just like in FF 1. Maybe you're thinking of something else?
Erm the only time the monsters leveld up with you was in FFVIII o_0 which is why its kinda lame that you can have 9999 HP at the start of the game fighting monsters that take off like 2 XD
Yeah, anyway..

Does anyone else think it's completely lame that the best way to level in this game is to stand outside of Altair (the place you start), kill all the enemies but one, and then attack and heal yourself with your characters. That's easily the fastest way to get up your stats. Not only do you control how hard you hit but how much and all of that. Anyone else thinking major lame-age?
Well, don't do that then. Play honestly. :P
Though, if you did, the game definitely won't be that easy and quick to beat.
well i think it must have been a big flaw that they never thought to look for cuz how many times do you attack yopurself(except when healing)