Land of Dragons Quest Discussion

Alrighty here's an other team 5 more to go. Also this team is the first NPC team where abilities have been described. This is because Hera might be playing this team so I have to give away it's abilities.

Team Xenos:
These creatures are all aliens to this world. However the power of the dragons draws out fighters from various regions of the galaxy. The Xenos were formally a group of intergalactic bounty hunters who have specialized their racial abilities into hunting and combat. The group send to earth are amongst their elite.
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4 members:
1 Leader a draconian who carries the title of ‘Warlord’ he’s from a races related to dragons and as natural abilities he has.
Good leadership:
His commands encourage the team and he can think up a plan under the most dire of situations.
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Combat reflexes:
He reacts before he thinks. Making him seem even faster then he is.
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Tough/natural armour:
He seems difficult to harm. His body is capable to survive even the mightiest of blows. Also his scales protect him from certain attacks, especially fire.
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Rather then hands like a humans the Warlord has claws that rip through armour flesh and bone alike.
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He also has great strength and speed as would be expected.
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1 Defender
An Minotaur like creature who walks around in a very strong armour, though not the fastest he is actually faster then his armour would suggest he is. However when it comes to strength he’s even stronger then his leader. Carries a large axe as weapon.
His job in battle is to protect the other members from very powerful attacks.
His natural abilities include a great fortitude and resistance to many mind confusing spells.
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1 Attacker
Armed with two talons this insect like creature relies on high speed combat to win. His disadvantage is that a few powerful attacks is enough to knock him out even with his exoskeleton. However hitting him is quite difficult because of his natural abilities:
He’s very nimble and even though his body looks quite like a humanoids he can make movements that a human physically can’t.
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His skin is like that of an chameleon and constantly changes colour while moving making it hard to see how big he really is.
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Once he has identified his prey few powers in this universe can make him loose track of it. Afterimages don’t fool him and he’ll always will head straight for his real target.
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1 Supportive
This creature looks like a fairy and most probably is. Though small in size it’s fast and possess great magical powers. In fact it’s likely she’s even more capable in magic then most normal sized creatures are. To it’s spell list belongs:
This spell instantly heals the wounds of herself or allies, this makes it hard to finish the team while the fairy is still conscious.
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Lightning blast:
A very potent lightning spell capable of frying an elephant in a single shot. The lighting travels fast making it hard to dodge.
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Torrent of flames:
A continues sea of fire seems to spread from the fairy’s hands consuming everything within a 45 degree arc in front of her. The flames reach extremely high temperatures and can melt rocks if they are exposed to it long enough.
thnx for the offer HL but were already using this to see which one of our vast banks of PC's is best so we kinda like this crossoverness:P...

Personally i dont really like the idea of watching the fights, not for the work it is for us, but more for the fact that it seems to reduce the tention of the fight, if you've seen someone do all his tricks once before its less fun when you battle him. (i dont read bio's until i suspect foul play or need some hard facts on an attack when its important i get it right for my responce. for example: "does that attack explode when it hits and if so whats the expected area of effect?"
Don't worry Frenzy characters like a certain person on nameless team #2 will actually enjoy others watching their fight so they can surrender in advance :D
Point seconded:P Gotta love yellow eyed badasses (why do you think my circle have yellow eyes??:P)
Hey guys, and this is directed to everyone who hasn't been active lately, you guys should still be posting in the LoD unless you have startd to give up on it. We may be in the process of making a very good quest, but the RP is still ongoing until FireFreny or Dachnon use that little girl (who could kick our asses:lol: ) to tell us about the tourney. The game is still ongoing.
I've been waiting for Frenzy to post so I can continue with Ku's story but since that seems to take a while (he claims to be at page 3 of the post). Ravona will be contacting you as soon as I finished making the last 5 teams.

I'm running out of ideas for completely original characters. I could probably make 1 cyborg team and I was thinking about an Eldar team (Frenzy can roleplay them :P).

But please if you have good ideas speak up.
i shall be demanding them beeing harliquins:P probably, troupe member, troup leader, shadowseer, solitair:P
I'm still on vacation myself, but i'll try as best as I can to post when I can. Though I am waiting on the posts of some other characters.
I'm currently trying to involve both RPGirl and Serge68 in the tournament. Once everyone arrived the tounament can begin.

Hera Ledro said he would determine how the teams are lined up but I might need to make a few adjustments after he is done to keep my plans for the story intact.

The 5 teams that I haven't described yet are patheticly weak teams compared to the rest. So if you get lined up against one of those you have to think up what abilities they have yourself and RP the entire fight into an easy victory for you.
I really am out of good ideas for those last few teams.
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Alright, here are the line-ups for tourney:

First Round

Team 1 vs. Team 5

Team 7 vs. Team 10

Team 2 vs. Team 6

Team 8 vs. Team 3

Team 9 vs. Team 4

Second Round

Winner of 1st match vs. Winner of 2nd match

Winner of 3rd Match vs. Winner of 4th match

Winner of 5th match sit out


Winner of Second round First Match vs. Winner of Second Round Second Match

Winner of fifth match sit out


Winner of Semi-Finals vs. Winner of 5th Match!

The winning team (if agreeable to Drachnon and FireFrenzy) will also, in addition to meeting the Dragon Elders thing, win a 20 level level up in the RP! First, however, FireFrenzy and Drachnon have to agree to this :D
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Can match 4 and 5 be swithed? In the current line up Squall True Lionheart and Serge fight only 2 matches while the rest of us Fight 4 times. Also it works better if team 9 fights less.

I'm fine with the 20 levels increase, though if an NPC team wins the levels will be simply lost. There will be a one day break between the first and second round and between the second round and the finals. This way the teams can recover after their fight.
(and the players can do some roleplaying)

On a side note since there are no bogus teams anymore the first round will no longer be an easy victory. All teams will have to fight their hardest to win.
Fair enough. I'll have NPC teams fight.


It's been editted. Those were just the results of the random Draw.
You'll have the NPC teams fight? you have no clue what most of ythe characters DO as far as i know:S let alone how the work so you can roleplay the properly... and besides keep your "filthy hands" offa my characters!

The NPC teams were bound to fight anyways. We didn't have enough PC teams to account for a full tourney. Also, if we werent going to do the skipping thing, we'd need...16 teams total. That way it would be a five round tourney with everybody fighting the same amount.

Its not like I'm controlling them :P I don't have to know what they do :D Unless you guys are prepared to fight us all with your NPC teams, I'm still confused as to how this is gonna b prepared.
well you guys are fighting versus the other teams normally and me and drach will try to write some cool ass battle story for the fights you'll be watching...
Well if RPGirl won't post soon I'll asume her character manages to avoid getting sucked into the portal Ravona made for her and then spends the entire time during the tournament searching for the PC's.

Then we can always decide what to do with her character at a later time.
sounds sane that would also allow us to get back to doing what we wanna do:P pwnage the stuffing out of other PC's