Land of Dragons


OOC: It's ok, if you are Goku's 381st great-grandson. :)
IOC: Aiden turned around when he noticed that the Jake he attacked was an afterimage, in other words a simple shadow of the real Jake. After searching Jake for a few seconds he discovers that Jake is already heading straight at him, sword in hand, trying to crush Aiden with his attack. After that, Aiden dodged the last attack and then, using the whole weight of his sword, he slashed forward. Both swords clashed and Aiden was able to push Jake's sword back. Soon after that, Aiden took a defensive position waiting for Jake's next move.
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((By the way, when I was taking Tae kwon do on the west coast, if your poomse wasn't gold metal material by the time of your next competitive tournament, then you'd pay for it dearly, and that was just in middle school))


Walking through the streets of the city was easy. Surprising yes, but easy. Why? Be cause his still unsheathed blade was covered inliquid bug goo. But he had his sights set. And he really did want another good scrap. That fight with Aiden sent him wanting.

He was going to head for that karate club. His sights were set as soon as he began a-humming and Estilo de Reino fighting song as he squeezed his way through the hustiling and bustling masses of the city. Men and women obsessed only with the affairs of their daily lives, children running around the streets playing, and getting themselves into who knows what kinds of trouble. For a few moments, it all seemed so surreal.

But then he realized that he was at a gate, barred from his selected destination. No doubt there were probably security guards around lying in wait, trying to catch guys like him. After but a moment's deliberation, he decided to forego the exoected trouble as a means to sate his ever growing curiosity. Since he was entering a school, Macon needed to dispose of his blades.
So with a mighty swing and a few minor incantations, he tossed his blade over the fence into a muddy little plot of ground. He needn't worry about his blade, seeing as how he put a minor tracking incantaion upon it.
With his weaponry disposed of, he traversed the dirt path and pushed his way through the flesh-pot of students that await him behind the closed school doors.
His japanese was poor, on an extrem level, but just barely enough to him around, and up the club door after several attempts and misdirection. But when he did, he was amazed.

It turned out better than he'd ever expected. All around him were marvelous fighters, training as hard as they could. Macon himself hadn't seen students this focused and energized sincec he left his own father's academy years ago! Some worked on their Katas, which were perfected as he could tell through what must've ages or repetition. There was a kid with a strainge air about him giving lectures to some of the other students, and he almost missed the girl. Were they realted? AFter one acquires a certain amount of proficiency with magic, you gained a sense of the energies of others. Normal people gave off little, if any feeling at all, while the stronger folks could have auras that on the near verge of being painful. Sparring was top-notch between the students as well.
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OOC: uhm serge68 I deleted that post with Shizuka as it was posted after Frenzy's post while in the time line it should be in front of it. Besides these are high school students their kata's won't be perfected yet.
If you want to encounter Shizuka you first need to enter her school (there is security at the gate though) and go too the martial arts class where Ku is giving a guest lecture. Shizuka will be there as well.
OOC: You can kill me for not posting later. I've been really busy in the real world.

IC: Jake used the momentum from Aiden's counter to whirl backwards, his spines singing through the air as they cut anything that went near them.

As he landed, Jake whirled around, his tail sweeping towards his foe's head. When his tail had returned, he used the force to jump up and come down, sword bearing on his foe.

However, he redirected the attack and swing it off to the side. From his left hand, which had released the blade, he blasted a large ball of fire straight towards his foe. He then brought his sword back into action, swinging it towards his foe's head and leaving a trail of dust in the air as it swept accross the sky.
OOC: No need to explain me. Two more posts and then we may proceed with the other parts of the RP.

Aiden saw surprised as Jake's tail came straight at him at an amazing speed. Without losing valuable timeJosh made a side step dodge and then he soon noticed another incoming attack, it was Jake's sword being brought down towards his head. Aiden rised his sword upward with great skill and blocked Jake's attack. Both swords clashed and they both began to struggle. After a few attempts, Aiden was able to dodge Jake's attack and after that he moved a few stepps backward. Soon after that he took his fighting stance and he swung his sword forward trying to slash Jake's chest while a huge cloud of dust was lifted due to that attack.
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OOC: ACK! God-modding, god-modding :D :P Careful Squall :lol: You can't 'push me back' as you said. You can jump back and make an impact that could push me back, but the reactions and actions on my part have to be left to me.

IC: Jake backed away slowly as Aiden pushed off, stepping ever so slowly as Aiden came around for the swing. It was slow and sloppy, no matter how powerful it was, and Jake deflected the blade with ease. I thought that he'd be a little more powerful, Jake thought as the swords created sparks from the sliding metal. Oh well. Guess I'll have to deal with it.

As Aiden's attack was deflected, Jake used his tail to push himself upwards, effectively sending himself singing through the air.

"Well, I am dissapointed," Jake called from above. "I expected you t'be a lot strnger than you are. Well, let's finish this," he sighed. Jake really enjoyed a good battle, and was hoping to have such a thing now. But that wasn't the case. His opponent was at full-power already, and wasn't half as powerful as Jake imagined.

"Come on."
OOC: Already edited.....sorry.......the battle has ended.

"Well in fact I am even more disappointed than you...." Aiden claimed as he stood there, staring at Jake. "You see, this man known as Aiden is nothing more than a pawn, a mere puppet under my control whose full power must yet be unleashed......yours pale in comparison to my might...Jake your powers are limited, and sometimes they fail you. The ammount of energy that you believe is the whole power that Aiden can possess is just a decoy....something that I created in order to fool you...." As Aiden approached Jake, he could sense his opponent's power growing. "Your power is only a mere obstacle, your grandfather Hera Ledro is the one I'm after, not you....Hera Ledro is the heir of the Great Dragon, only he can possess it's awsome power." Aiden then laughed evilly as he gazed at Jake.

"I'm sorry, but your power does no longer catches my attention......I have felt Hera Ledro's presence nearby...." Aiden then changed back to his human form and he sheathed his sword. After that he turned arround and left while saying "Until we meet again.....son of dragon......your grandfather would be very disappointed....tell your grandfather that a servant of the great dragon is searching for him." As Aiden walked away, a dark portal appeared in front of him. Aiden crossed the portal and disappeared in its dark mist, leaving only his evil laughter filling the air.
Jake stood there, exasperated at the fact that he had just fought a puppet. This is insane, Jake thought. He's going after grandpa, and he thinks he's the heir of the Great Dragon? I think he's got his information crossed. I'm the grandson of the Great Dragon, adn am his heir. Hera told me that ages ago, when I was still a little kid. How am I gonna explain this to grandpa...

Jake watched as the dark portal faded, controlling every instinct that commanded him to go after Aiden. In a burst of crimson flame, he reverted back to his teenage human body prior to any transformation.

He jumped up in the air and hovered there for a moment. Well, Jake thought. I have to figure this out. My own power, from experience, is greater than Grandpa's unless he's in Mystic Allsie form. even then, he is hard pressed to beat me in strength and speed. It's only my lack of strategy that makes me lose to him, he said so himself. I have to find him and tell him, or else Aiden will get to him first. Aiden was weak, but i think that was just the tip of the iceberg. I have to warn Grandpa.
Aiden appeared at the highest tower of the Dark Dragon Castle. He walked slowly towards a huge mirror and bowed in front of it. Suddenly a huge dragon eye appeared inside the mirror and a grave voice filled the air.

"You have served me you must go after the heir of the Great Dragon....Jake and Hera Ledro....those two will have their strenght drained and offered to the great dragon...." The dark being said as if he knew what lies beyond the bounds of destiny itself.

Aiden stood up and grinned, his face showed how much satisfaction he felt when he noticed the ammount of power that Jake possessed. "Yes master, Jake has fell on our trap and it's only a matter of time until we acomplish our goals." Aiden said with a gentle noble voice and then laughed devilishly as the dark clouds surrounding the cursed castle began to gather, enveloping the tower with its evil.
OOC: Guys, you're giving up here. I've been waiting for an interfering post to help me with my story too. I think, though, that Neo should post soon, as he seems to be the *cough* least active member here.

Congrats Squall, Serge, Drachnon, and FireFrenzy. You have all levelled up!

IC: Maybe... Jake thought, halting in mid-flight. Maybe I should go after Aiden...It would answer my questions, and he pissed me off when he left like that.

Jake re-directed his thoughts, and focussed on Hera Ledro. Grandpa! He grinned with satisfaction as he felt Hera's mind home in on his. We have a problem.

Hurry, Hera replied. I need to get on with this.

Aiden's not as you thought he was! He's working for the Great Dragon. Hera's mind spiked up with surprise.

Stay right there, he said. I'll be right there.

Got it.


Hera Ledro relayed his message to Jake, and turned to Dracus. "We'll finish this later, dragon-murdering scum," he called to his opponent. "You're lucky, else I wuold gut you here and now." Hera shot past Dracus, berrating him with wind.

He flew out into the open, homing in on Jake again, and shot east, towards his current position.

It took him all of ten minutes to fly there. He managed to keep a lock on his signature, but on the way, he noticed Aiden's energy. It was far more malicious than before, and Hera's eyebrows folded into a V as he frowned with unease.

He saw Jake standing on the ground, kicking a boulder in frustration. It shattered under the power of the blow.

Hera landed beside him. "What's up?"
OOC: Thanks Hera. Sorry for not posting. I was just waiting for someone to show up.
Soon, Aiden was called by his master. "You must send one of our warriors after Hera and Jake, do what you have to do in order to stop them!" Aiden bowed and left while grinning. "As you wish, master....." Suddenly Aiden arrived to the balcony of the towar and from there he began to chant an ancient spell.

"From the depts of oblivion I summon thee"

Suddenly, an armoured knight mounting a dark dragon emerged from the flames of a nearby volcano. The Dragon Raider hovered in front of the towar's balcony awaiting for Aiden's commands.

"Seek Hera Ledro and his grandson, Jake. They are the enemies of our master and they must be stopped. Bring Hera Ledro alive......" He then stopped and grinned, then he said "Kill his grandson....."

After this words were said, the dark dragon raider went to find Hera Ledro and Jake, the air still filled with Aiden's evil laughter.
OT: if the 2 of you would stop that senseless bikkering we could get the story moving again... its kinda hard to get the 2 of you involved without forcibly breaking up those fights... which we could do if you guys insist but you wont like the results and it would call for major godmodding...
OOC: lol. We're not bickering. Feel free to intrude between us anytime, I won't call it God-Modding, as it is within the rules that we set down in the Quest Discussion thread. As RP Master, I give you And Drachnon (as you are the Quest Masters at this point) full permission to intrude on us in instances like these.
OOC: Time for some fun:p As you gave me god mod rights, I intend to make full use of them!

Katara was getting fed up with this world, it was cold and generally unpleasant. But she had been hired to do a job and doing it is what she would would do. She had gotten a cool nifty gadget to locate the one called “Hera Ledro” when she was there she was to call him to the tournament. Luckily the gadget seemed to be working FINE at the high speed she was keeping to keep up with her quarry. As she neared her target she noticed that he was fighting with some weird man of unknown nature. Since her mission had been “need-to-know” and she hadn't really been paying attention she figured it might be one of the targets for the other shinobi on her team.

Stealthily she moved closer and saw he was fighting some kind of shadowy being mounted on a black dragon. Quite certain no one had said anything about dragon riders she decided it was time to “show off” and see if he would come quietly, she could always force him but it would be hard to transport him if she had to dislocate both of his shoulders to keep him from doing continuing silly notions he might have like attacking her. The fight in its self wasn't uninteresting to watch, the man that she had identified as Hera Ledro was battered and bruised but seemed to have the upper hand if only barely, the dragons ferocity and the riders skill with the blade were keeping it quite even with the energy blasts Hera was firing to try and shoot them down.

She almost disliked interrupting the fight, quickly allowing her armor to cover her she made a few quick seals to activate a few “tricks” she had, she was quite certain she could easily beat her target but one didn't live long enough to make Jounin by making mistakes. Another set of flurried hand signals and she was on the back of the dragon, her blade already spinning to gain the required momentum before the chakra field's green death had fully formed and was ready to slice the mans armored head from his shoulders he blade bit deep into his neck and was only slowed for a mere moment by the spinal column before the blade seared through and the head rolled off. Falling from the dragons broad back and landing in front of Hera's feet.

Jumping from the dragons back she landed a good 10 feet away knowing that she could always that she would have plenty of time to react if he made a move she didn't like. Taking a few moments to shake the blood from her blade, she asked “Hera Ledro and Jake I presume?”

“Yes we are, Who might you be?”

“Our name is not important, but what is important is that you have been invited to join a tournament of the most powerful beings on this world, and it is our job to bring you there.” The girl in the cat like armor continued.

“I am not sure I should be trusting someone who shows up out of nowhere and destroys life without asking questions.” They seemed to be ill at ease with her standing there in full battle regalia with drawn sword and mask on. “I was here to meet with my grandson Jake, I would like to confer with him in this matter.

“Grandfather, I think we should go with her we have no indication of her lying and she destroyed that dragon rider, and you know what they say “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.” the one called Jake said.

“Hera, we would like to congratulate you on your descendant's wisdom we would not have liked to do you lasting harm if you had chosen not to come along. I might have been less then ideally precise when i said “invited” i seemed to have implied that presence was optional and i can assure you it isn't. If my briefing is correct i seem to remember you possessing abilities to travel quickly from place to place? We would like for you to wait for me here i shall be along shortly.”she siad giving them a folded sheat of paper “Ooh and one more thing, if you raise your hand in anger to strike a blow at the participants of the tournament outside of the ring we can assure you it is the last thing that hand will ever do.” And with that she vanished...

A while later she rematerialized near the other one she had been told to bring to the tournament she was momentarily startled by the mans apparent insanity but luckily her face and posture was covered by the armor and such details weren't visible

“Mister Aiden I presume?” She asked as she stood infront of the man “I am here representing a group of people who would like to see you present at a tournament there organizing. It would be a great stage to have the ultimate showdown with both Jake and Hera Ledro.”

“By now Jake will be dead and Hera Ledro will be begging for mercy” the man called Aiden countered.

“Actually we can assure you there both on there way to the tournament, alive and well. Your assassin did a good job while he lasted though, and Hera Ledro was hard pressed to defend against his onslaught, but we couldn't let you kill one of the contestants now could we? In case you don't believe me I brought you this.” she said as she threw his sword down on the floor in front of Aiden. “The organization offers you a chance for revenge and allow me to say that your presence isn't optional. If you would be so kind as to proceed here and wait for me there.” She said as handed him a folded piece of paper before turning her back on him “Ooh and one more thing if you raise your hand against another competitor outside the ring I have been allowed to make sure that hand never does anything again.” she said before vanishing.

A few moments later she appeared in the lush green mountain valley where as she had expected Jake and Hera had already gotten too. “Nice of you to join us here, we suspect Sir Aden will be along in a few moments and as i have already told you if one of the 2 of you makes problems we will make sure its the last thing either one of you ever does.” Just as she said that the air seemed to sizzle with static electricity and in a flash of blinding light appeared Aiden (consider your self teleported by ST decree with a bit of help from Nova's spaceship). “I assume both of you remember what we will do to either of you if one of you makes a wrong move. This is the location of the tournament."she said handing them a map with a cross on it "We expect all of you to be present there at 1300 tomorrow, if that isn't possible I would like to know now so that we can arrange transportation.
OOC: LOL OMG Nicely done, but I gave you permission to control me only :lol: OMG, I was laughing my ass off when I read that. I'll let you control Squall this time, but not again. I meant that you could only control my characters But, shall we get on with the tourney then?

IC: Who does she think she is, Jake conferred with Hera through his thoughts. I will admit that I think it wise to go with her, but only so that we can get this damn thing over with. Hera nodded.

Well, I can't wait to kill that person, Hera replied. She destroys life as if it were nothing but a stone in the way of a river. Turning to thew female he replied. "Oh, it's possible. I hope you expect a show. And," he said, reading her thoughts. "We were hardly hard pressed to beat that...whatever the hell it was. We didn't want to waste energy on a low-life like that." Turning to Aiden, he said in a voice so threatening and low that it showed his true hatred of the darkness within his heart. "You will pay for your crimes. Following Jake's brother, the great Dark Dragon. You will die, no matter what happens. I will make sure that you pay."

Jake floated up and Hera followed suit, swinging his tail so that it singed through the air not 2 millimetres from Aiden's chin. It was an Allsie threat, and it meant that death could only follow.

Hera soared through the air alongside Jake, fuming at the fact that they had been played..l
OOC: It’s been a while since I last posted but here it is. The person in this post is the same person who invited Nova to the tournament. She’s in charge of ensuring everyone who’s supposed to join the tournament joins. Though she seems to have an other agenda as well.
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Ravona looked at the viewing crystal in front of her, which showed the images of Hero Ledro and Jake. Good, Ravona thought to herself That’s two more candidates. Only a few more.<o:p></o:p>
Ravona was pleased with the work of the Shinobi girl called Katara. She had proven to be a most useful pawn and this way Ravona didn’t have to go there herself to invite them like she had done with Nova.
Ravona moved her hand over the crystal ball and an other images appeared, it was the man called Macon Bright. He was currently travelling through Japan without any sort of goal or so it appeared. Ravona had already send an other pawn to fetch him however so she didn’t have to visit him herself either.
That left only one more person who would be ‘invited’ to the tournament. The image changed again showing Tripod the so called trigater. Ravona thought about sending an other pawn but unfortunately there were to few that could get to the girl and bring her back in time for the tournament. Ravona stood up from her chair and the images in the crystal faded. She walked towards the wall and held her arm forwards with her fingers spread. Suddenly a hole of eternal darkness formed in the wall and steadily grew bigger. Ravona stepped through and the next moment she found herself on the edge of a small town. Ravona looked around and saw Tripod. Ravona’s appearance blurred for a moment and then disappeared, only to reappear in front of Tripod.
Before Tripod could say anything Ravona spoke:
“I’m here to take you too the tournament.” Ravona waved her hand and another portal of darkness appeared. “Step through there and you’ll get there within a second.” Then Ravona disappeared again. Leaving Tripod and an opened portal. Though it would appear that Tripod was left a choice if she hesitated too long the portal would instead try to suck her in. However Ravona was quite confident that Tripod couldn’t just pass up on this chance.
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At the same time in Tokyo an young girl stood on the top of Tokyo tower her eyes fixed on a person on the ground. The girl grinned. Ravona had ordered her to make sure Macon Bright joined the tournament however it was to her own judgement to determine how this mission would be executed.
The girl jumped down from Tokyo tower and landed only several meters away from Macon. The girl spoke:
“Mr. Bright, I’ve been told to take to a certain tournament, to bad they didn’t say you need to be conscious when you arrive there.”
Then the girl suddenly jumped towards Macon while her skin turned black. And she made a punch towards Macon’s chin hoping to KO him in one blow.
((It feels like ages since I last posted here. But it feels good to.))

“Mr. Bright, I’ve been told to take to a certain tournament, to bad they didn’t say you need to be conscious when you arrive there.”

...And then, she slugged. Well, she tried to at the least. You see, Macon caught the girls fist with his left hand. He had in fact, cupped her fist in his hand as his right fist shot towards her sternum. The idea wasn't to incapacitate, but rather to push her back. He was in fact successful and his blow connected like a dream. But he also feared his own strength; as a result, he pulled his punch significantly because he was afraid of killing her in one blow.

Unfortunately for Macon, he blocked too lightly, and as a result, her punch connected to the very tip of his throat.

"It seems that I shouldn't have pulled my punch. I not gonna' make that same mistake twice..."

...And then he fell to the ground like a stone.

In his last moments of consciousness, he reflected on his failure to properly gauge his opponent's strength before attacking.

He would not make the same mistake twice, or ever again.