AD Police:To Protect and Serve, all 12 episodes in essentially one sitting... its definately the best series to come from the Bubblegum Crisis franchise... though Tokyo 2040 comes close.
The last anime I watched was The Weathering Continent. I liked it, though it was too bad it's just a one-shot. Can anyone recommend me a good fantasy anime?
15th episode of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Don't let the long title fool you; this anime is made of epic win! Although it is a bit logic/laws of physics defying, you'll forget all about reality when watching this show, lol.
Macross Frontier 03, 04 - Again another new anime, great CG animations , the story seems like it's gonna go along the lines of the original Macross series, but meh .. I'll jsut have to wait and see.
Lovely Complex. It had a cute love story with equally adorable characters, but I was a little irritated by the two main characters. The girl cried ALL THE TIME and the Otani's reasons for not being with her were just ridiculous to the point that they were not believable to me.
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