Last TV Show You Watched

The Alienist - I've only seen the first episode so far but for a darker Sherlock Holmes clone (sorta) it's ok. I want to watch more but I'm not completely hooked yet. I'll go back to it ;).

Nailed It! - Now this is funny as hell. Think Master Chef but focused on baking and with bakers who...can't bake. Some of the results are incredible :D. Nearly finished this one.

Samurai Champloo
- This is hard. I'm not actually that fussed on it, even though everyone raves about it. Maybe it's the genre that I'm not liking so much, or maybe the characters. I can't actually figure out why I'm not hooked :/.

That's about it for now, I think :s. I'd like to check out so much of the anime on Netflix along with Once Upon A Time. One daaaay~. Oh and OitNB has a new season coming really soon (this month?). Not enough time in the world :(.
Just finished up with the Haunting of Hill House on Netflix.

It was actually... really good. Ending probably isn't the direction I would have hoped for, but my goodness. They did a really good job building up these characters. Overall plot is cool too. I won't spoil anything but this show is definitely worth a watch if you're subbed to Netflix.

8.6/10. Would have been even higher but the season peaked half way through (seriously huuuge what the shit moment in there somewhere) and it wasn't quite able to hit those highs again with the ending.