Late game problem with Gil Snapper hunt and season change


Dec 6, 2006
Hello. I've seen several similar posts but no definitive answer and no way to get around this... I've gotten all 13 espers, finished the plot up to Bahamut island, and finished all hunts - EXCEPT ONE. This one, as you might have guessed, is the Gil Snapper hunt. It isn't because I don't know how to get there. I know the trees to cut down, etc.

The problem comes in that it never changes to rainy season in Giza plains. I've read another post that the rainy/dry season is linked to the odd or even hours total of playing the game, I can first hand tell you this is not correct since I've waited and re-crystal-zoned on even and odd hours and it remains the dry season. I talk to the weather guy near the Southgate in Rabanastre and he constantly says there's not much time left in the dry season

I've read somewhere that the seasons are dependent on the plot, and since I'm as far as you can get in the plot, I'm afraid it will never go to rainy season and I can't complete the Gil Snapper hunt.

Does anyone know how to change it back to rainy season? Thanks in advance.
I'm guessing you found a glitch. I've gone through the hunts by rank and haven't deviated from that so I did the Gil Snapper fairly early on.

The only hunts I did earlier in the game were Rogue Tomato, Thextera, Cactus, and Nidhogg.

Storyline wise, I'm at the same position you are, but I haven't completed all of the hunts yet. I'm doing the Rank VII's right now. So if you've done ALL of the hunts besides the Gil Snapper, I'm betting you found a glitch in the game.

I'll try and find out more info on this, though. Hopefully we'll find a way for you to trigger it back to the rains.

Have you tried entering Giza from Ozmone Plain? That might make a difference, but it's only a guess.
good idea, haven't tried that. yeah I beat Behemoth King, Ixion, Shadowseer, etc... but no Gil Snapper lol.

I'll let you know how it goes from Ozmone.
Update: OK, tried to enter Giza from the Estersand, Westersand, and Ozmone, and no luck. Still dry season. It's been this way for weeks but I didn't really realize it until now when the Gil Snapper is the stupid last hunt left.

Between this and the unavailable Zodiac Spear because I got a few treasures, it's really disappointing if Square didn't make a way out here also. I'm probly gonna play it again anyway but with this Gil Snapper thing, the annoying camera system, and the difficulty of some items (i.e. Danjuro & others) in treasures and drops, I guess FFXII drops to an 8.5/10 in my book now. Without a guide from the beginning you're outta luck.

If anyone has any info about how to get the Gil Snapper in the end game please share!!
im not at a point where the plot won't move on, but I'm fairly late in the game (beat giruvegan) and I've done about 30 hunts. I finally got the weather to change and Giza is raining... except once again I'm running around the tracks of the beast and the gil snapper won't appear. I did this early on in the game and he didn't appear either. I've zoned for a solid 30 minutes while it was raining and it still won't appear.

Another glitch?
Could be. I know it has to be a heavy downpour for him to appear.

Is the Banga there when you cross that bridge you made with the trees?
i'm at the same part of the game (although not all the espers) and for awhile i thought i was having the same problem, even made a post about it, then all of a sudden it was raining. i had teleported to jahara and was en route to the caverns when it turned to rain.
well, I'm at the same point in the game, although I did the gil snapper fairly early as well. I think its all just a simple matter of timing. I mean, for the first part of the game where it changed seasons, it wouldn't STOP raining, and I hadn't finished the cluckatrice hunt so I ended up doing it when I was like level 50! but, yeah, it doesn't change with the plot, I think that you are kinda just unlucky with the timing like I was, but eventually it'll be better.