Le Coco Shop

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I think she plans on using the sig from both of us MicciMicci. :gasp: Like having double sig. :gasp:

Oic. I thought she was planning on comparing and then choosing. :gasp: I'll get right on it then.
Mariella: :tighthug:

Nesseh: The pleasure is mine. <3




I couldn't mesh the dark blue and lime green together, sorry. This is the most creative I could get. :gasp:

!B: I don't wanna get all awkward on you, dear.. But you have a pending request on Vikkivikki's signature shop as well. I'm not comfortable with making you a set knowing that. :|

Devil Nero: The images aren't of the same people, but I'll do my best. :gasp: Check back again soon.
It's two different requests :gasp:
I want a avatar and a signature of this picture please. Avatar size 150x150 and signature size 400x150. I want the a awesome background on black and grey. I also want a text to say Sephiroth on the avatar and signature. Add a secound text on the signature that say One Winged Angel. I want the texts to have a awesome text style.

Here is the picture for my avatar and signature.

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!B: I don't wanna get all awkward on you, dear.. But you have a pending request on Vikkivikki's signature shop as well. I'm not comfortable with making you a set knowing that. :|

Ah, okay.. I requested from there because I know I can have two sigs at once. >.<

Oic. I thought she was planning on comparing and then choosing. :gasp: I'll get right on it then.

^^; Heh. Sorry about the confusion :gasp:
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I want a avatar and a signature of this picture please. Avatar size 150x150 and signature size 400x150. I want the a awesome background on black and grey. I also want a text to say Sephiroth on the avatar and signature. Add a secound text on the signature that say One Winged Angel. I want the texts to have a awesome text style.

-crosses off my list;- Patience is a virtue you clearly don't have. -_- -writes name into little black book;- :gasp:

And you know what, it's about time I had a Coco Piece. :awesome: I've had an epic Mits piece. I wants an epic MicciMicci piece. =D

Image: http://i39.tinypic.com/2r7wty0.jpg
Text: Lily Rose Shinra
Quote: Fighting For Freedom (if you can't fit it on, it doesn't matter)
Colours: Whatever you feel fits =3
Size: I'm prefering long at the moment. something around 430/450x125/140? if at all possible. =3

Pl0x MicciMicci. It's for something kinda special. =3 It'll make sense soon. :awesome: Love yoooooo <3 =3
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Stella: You're welcome. <3

!B: No problem. It's all cleared up now. :gasp:

It's two different requests :gasp:

... You're right. :gasp: I should read slower. Sorreh. :gasp:

I want a avatar and a signature of this picture please. Avatar size 150x150 and signature size 400x150. I want the a awesome background on black and grey. I also want a text to say Sephiroth on the avatar and signature. Add a secound text on the signature that say One Winged Angel. I want the texts to have a awesome text style.

Here is the picture for my avatar and signature.


I'm not one to judge, really. But you're coming off too strong when posting requests. I'll still provide you the set. Although maybe next time, just fill out a sort of form.

Type: Avatar and Signature
Color: Black and grey
Size: 400x150
Text: Avatar - Sephiroth and Signature - Sephiroth, One Winged Angel

No more, "I want this, I want that." because it seems demanding. Thanks.

Axel: Fo' sho' Vikkivikki :gasp: <3

EDIT: Check back once in a while guys. I'll be working on the requests this week.
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!B: Dear, I really tried doing a lot of stuff with that stock. But it's just too dark. I can't produce anything nice >_> Sorry.

Sasuke: I'm still on that first request you posted. :gasp:

I know my Photoshop-ing is going a litle slow (well, a LOT slow). My laptop crashed (it's being reapired for a week) and I had to install Photoshop on my mom's laptop just to keep doing this :gasp: Sorry. I actually don't have any of my brushes here or my pre-made stocks. >____>
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Miccccciiiiii can I bug you to make me a siggeh? :D I don't wanna overload poor Vikki. Now, I'm not sure if you can render Gerard out of this image or not, but let me know if you can't and I'll render it for you.
or this one

Colors don't matter...changed my mind. :P And text "So long and goodnight"

If that pic won't work I'll see if I can find another good one I really want used. Thanks in advance, dearest! <333
Sorry to have kept you, Mandi. My inspiration dried up recently, and I only got it back like...a few hours ago. :gasp:

I hope this is good for you:


Awww hun it's okay! It's perfect! *snuggles Micci* Thank you dear!
If you're not too busy I was wondering if I could request an avatar and signature? I've seen the avatars and sigs you've made for other people in the forums, and I knew you were the person to ask!

Type: Avatar and Signature
Colours: Black and Red (can the theme be dark and arhcaic?)
Image: http://www.wikisquare.com/_media/vs/personnages/jan_rosencrantz.jpg
Size: I'm not really sure about the size! Whatever you think would be appropriate.
Text: Signature - Riskbreaker

Thanks a lot! :D
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[FONT=&quot]Hey gorgeous!

I have yet another request! Also, if it's not too much trouble, I would like an extra signature of the sequel to the first set I've requested. I'd love to wear both of them together!

However, if it's too much to ask, please just fulfill the first request and I'll come back with the other later on. =)

Hopefully the images I've provided is good enough for you to work with. =)
1st Request:

Type: Signature and Avatar please.
Stock: The Blue Lagoon
Size: 400x130 or close to that.
Text: A story of natural love...
Other: Could you please make it as passionate, loving and beachy looking as possible!

2nd Request:

Type: Signature please.
Stock: Return to the Blue Lagoon
Size: 400x130 or close to that.
Text: Return to the Romance.
Other: Could you please make it as passionate, loving and beachy looking as possible!

Thank you so much in advance! =D


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Graye: I haven't done yours since when you posted that, you weren't a member yet. Well, you are now, so I'll get to it tomorrow. :awesome:

Kandy: Sorry, I couldn't make the tag of first request. It was hard to work around the stock. If you could give me a different one, I'd be happy to continue. ^^



Also, sorry about the size. :gasp: I had to make it bigger, or it wouldn't look okay.
But still, I could make it smaller, if it bothers you. <3
OMG I am so surprised at how quick you managed to produce this. :gasp:

Actually when I logged off last night I intended to come back and say not to worry about the size considering it may not be suitable for the stock.

So I'm absolutely overjoyed with what you've done!!!!!!!! Not bothered at all! =D

Here is a different stock for the first piece I am craving for. XD I love Christopher Atkins and Brooke Shields in this movie. :gasp:

This one is the one I initially wanted but wasn't sure what you would think of the stock. It is perfectly innocent if you watch the movie I swear. :gasp:

Blue Lagoon

However if you feel awkward using it, here's another:

Blue Lagoon version 2

Text: [FONT=&quot]A story of natural love...[/FONT]

Please work with whatever size suits you. =D

Thank you so so so much!!! And thank you again in advance for this one!!!
oh, i didn't know that! well thanks anyway, there's no rush :)
Graye: Sorry it took so long. :gasp:



Kandy: I couldn't use the first image. D: Not because of the form, but it was blocking too much of their face. I hope that's okay. D:

Kandy: I couldn't use the first image. D: Not because of the form, but it was blocking too much of their face. I hope that's okay. D:


It's more than okay. =0 It's beautiful!!! I love it!

I agree that it was the better image to use and you did such an amazing job with it! It's simply breathtaking!!!

I love that you added, 'blue lagoon' in the text as well. =D

Thank you so so much. You always fulfill my requests perfectly!!!
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