Least favorite character class

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Personally I couldn't stand the knight class, since none of the techniques actually killed nor did anything really reliable or useful. I always paired the other secondary skill w/ calculator so that he wouldn't be as helpless.

Btw, mediators rock. And they're the only ones that can learn that "use gun" support skill. No other character can do this.
Mediator hands down I cannot stand them I hate the stupid monsters they suck and don't deserve to be on the same team as cloud and orlandu!!!
Calculators are the worst character class they don't do anything. Atleast Mediator's can talk all a calculator can do is stand around and get pecked to death by Choocobos(sp?).
I would say that calculators are the strongest class available, you just have to know how to use their skills correctly.

The worst class would have to be the geomancer. They are average at everything and their magic sucks.
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I would say that calculators are the strongest class available, you just have to know how to use their skills correctly.

The worst class would have to be the geomancer. They are average at everything and their magic sucks.

I agree, Caclulators can end a battle very quickly if you know how to use them.

In my opinion the oracle was the worst class. I really never found anything they were useful for.
I really hated the bard, but I also guess it is unfair, because I always hated bards ever since I played FFIV.... I still hate bards
If you're talking about general classes then I would have to say the Samurai. Though the sword draws were nice, I just hate it when the sword breaks.
my least favorite had to be the mime....I just never found any reason to use them....next was the oracle, simply because I never liked their weapons of spells, I only had anyone become an oracle so they would eventually become a mediator.
Sorry guys, but i'm gonna create a favorites and least favorites thread.
So i'm gonna have to close and archive this thread. Thanks.

Sorry guys, but i'm gonna create a favorites and least favorites thread.
So i'm gonna have to close and archive this thread. Thanks.

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