Least Favorite Character

Who's your least favorite character?

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Sep 19, 2006
Texas (Yehaw!)
I think mine would have to be Zell... He just doesn't seem... very real to me. And he doesn't play a real huge part. I mean... Lol, I don't know what I mean. I just don't like him. lol :lol:
My least favourite character is Rinoa. she remains the weakest (even on lvl 100!!!) and she just seems to ... well, her persona is real-like, but i found her to be very... Bi-polar (from one extreme emotion, to the opposite in a short space of time)... yeah, i just don't like her...
I was annoyed by Rinoa because she just kept ruining everything, it seems like, lol. I understand she was there as a pawn to move the story forward, but she just got so annoying in so many parts of the games! :D
I think they are all great, the cast was great, they felt real to me, ff8 was my first ff played and i enjoyed evrybit even their were boring parts, and annoying people here and there but definately better than ff7 in my opinion. :)
I'll have to go for Selphie. She was no use to me. I don't know why they have included her in the game. :giggle:
you are so going to flamed for that. :) But my least fav character has to be ultimcia. i mean, those ending words....

Actually, many members here have clearly and openly stated their opinion and will hopefully continue to do so. No flaming will occur or, at least, wont stay on the boards. Trust me ;)

I voted for Selphie. She was too childish for me. I accept that Yuffie and Rikku were also childish, but I just couldn't tolerate Selphie, you know?
Ugh. I despise Selphie. She's just too. . . upbeat. It gets rather annoying. Like. . . really annoying. She's so shallow, too, and not in the kick-arse way that Zell is.
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I like Squall and Seifer! The girls are so petty so fuck them. Irvine and Zell are cool but not enough to get my attention. w00t! Squall and Seifer are soo cool! Their rivalry is priceless! But you know their best friends inside! Or else Squall wouldn't even had cared, you know... bet you don't
I voted for Seifer-he was pretty weak when I used him at the beginning of the game,and when I fought him as a boss in Deling City,he was STILL pretty weak. I had him beat in just a few rounds of battle.
My would be sophia becase she died every chance I got to use her in a battle I also dont like I Edea because even though she was being controled she still tried
to kill them.
exactly. we never know the real edea, because for half the game, she was being controled by some bitch in the future.
Mine would have to be Selphie. SHE WAS REAL ANNOYING. I gave up on leveling her. Rinoa was kind of annoying too cuz you almost never had her in your party beause she was always kidnapped or something.
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