Least Favorite Character

Who's your least favorite character?

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zell annoyed the hell out of me. What was with that stupid tatoo on the side of his face and that stupid hair of his.

I almost voted for Rinoa... I don't like her much,since I first saw her in the game. But I still putted "I LOVE EM ALL!" because um... I don't know quess I just like them all,though... Rinoa also...
RINOA! I TOTALLY HATE HER! She's the one character I CAN'T stand... the rest are so awesome... they all remind me of someone I know. Zell=my ex best friend. (he seems real to me) Irvine=ZACHY POO! Quistis= my geometry teacher (everyone is in love with her). Selphie= me (WHOO HOO!) Squall=me (whatever.) Yeah, I'm bipolar like that. Laguna= Jordan (people often doubt his intelligence, he's really smart) Rinoa= I don't want to say, I'd feel awful.
Selphie was not the best character, she was the worst, her personality mgiht be a bit good but i still hate her in fighting.
I would most definetly have to say Rinoa. Its like you had to save her sorry butt throughout the entire game. It just got so irritating.
we'll i didn't hate selphie that much... i like it when my enemy tastes her "the end" but anyway for me its raijin and fujin.... their names are the opposite of their character capabilities.... sigh...
well i dun quite like zell cause i get very irritated with his limit break always pressing the wrong arrow
Quistis, couldn't stand her :p She was too whiney, and I didn't like the way she acted around Squall, but she was pretty, she had that sexy teacher thing going on, lol.
Siefer is my least favorite, he's pretty much just a punch hiding behind a gunblade. He picks fights too often, and he's dumb cause he's failed the SEED test so many times!

Zell on the other hand would have to be my Fav, he's funny. He always says funny things to Seifer when he gets mad, and his tatoo is cool, but that smile when you first saw him, priceless pic!
I don't like Seifer..
I don't know he's just to bossy for me. He acts cool but he aint.
He says he's strong but he doesn't know the meaning of it.
oops,i forgot to say that Irvin worths too.

and yeah,i think too that Selphie is a little uselass than the others.
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