FFX-2 Leblanc Who?


The Beauty of The Night
Jun 4, 2008
This is just something that I had to ask everyone else on the forum. Its about Leblanc. Exactly who is Leblanc and where does she come from? Was she in any other games or was she only in FFX-2 as an awful villain character?

Any ideas?
Who is she? No real idea. Although she never appeared earlier in the serie. Leblanc and the whole "Leblanc syndicate" seemed lame enough when they were introduced.

The material they had from X was not enough, so they had to introduce us to an "awful" group of "rivals". Cheap way to introduce someone without at least a decent background.
Yeah, her and her other two losers weren't even hard to fight. They were just annoying because they came when you didn't really want them to. I must admit though, some of the little events you had to do after fighting them were pretty fun.
i think they simply threw her in as a set of rivals, similar to most FF games, such as FFVII's turks and FFVIII's rajin and fujin, her and her 'sindicate' are just a group of people you get to repeatedly beat the shit out of
Very true. I think I remember one part of the game where you had to chase her or something and like a million people of her syndicate kept popping out of nowhere.

I may have that mistaken with something else though but I think it was a mission where you had to get outfits similar to those in Leblanc's syndicate

She was not a good villian what-so-ever. Lol. Could've done much better, IMO. =/.

It was just an annoying pest that kept re-appearing.
Yeah. She was annoying. How long did she stay in the game? My game broke down on the fourth part a little before the end of it so I never fought Vegnagun or learned about what happens. I'm still a bit mad about it.
She stays in the game throughout, I think...=/. I forgot. lol.

But, she stays in for quite some time then is not heard of for a moment.
I haven't played it in a long time, but I'm pretty sure she stayed in the game until the very end.. She even helps you defeat Vegnagun if I remember correctly..

Leblanc was just about the lamest character I have ever seen. She had absolutely no backstory and was just thrown in for no reason. She defintately didn't make the game better and the only thing she was good at was being annoying..

You can always find another copy of the game at gamestop if you want to finish it.. The game's not that great though, so you're not missing much..
Don't know of any Lablanc's in any other FF.

But she was probs just there to bring a few laughs...if that is the case then they !PHAIL'D!
i think she stays in the game all the way through but when you go into the Bevelle underground
shortly before the bahamut fight i think
she seems to vanish, and i don't remember seeing her after that but then again i haven't played this game in over a year now so what do i know
leblanc is jsut a enemy who turnes out to be a ally, they needed a new threat to yuna because think bout it shes defeted sin and bought an eternal calm to the world, so she hasnt relli got any enemys, leblanc is just a rivial sphere hunter with her 2 fighters
I wanna know about her relation ship with Nooj. I'm pretty sure it's one sided because I hope he'd have better taste than that.

Leblanc is... well, I'm not gonna lie, she's hot, BUT... that doesn't make her a good character. I'm really annoyed by how she added nothing to the story. NOTHING!

And above all things I can't figure out for the life of me WHY you have to give her a massage XD Don't tell me fan service because I like ... you know that kind of stuff, but this was just stupid.

I made a Leblanc in the sims though... then my BF made a painting that could clone Sims. I made it clone Leblanc... it was funny, the Leblanc clones did NOT get along . THey all started fighting each other XD

I have a video if anyone's curious.
Very true. I think I remember one part of the game where you had to chase her or something and like a million people of her syndicate kept popping out of nowhere.

I may have that mistaken with something else though but I think it was a mission where you had to get outfits similar to those in Leblanc's syndicate
That... never actually happened. When you go looking for syndicate uniforms, you find them in three different locations in Spira. No chasing or being chased involved.

Anyway. The Leblanc Syndicate was simply a cheap way for the creator's to give you something to compare The Gullwings to, which in turn, would make you think Princess Yuna and her two overly supportive white friends were TEH COOLEST UND MOZT SURRIOUS BAND AUF SPHERE HUNTERZ EVA.

That game was all about putting Yuna's skanky arse on a pedestal.

(... Leblanc, Ormi, and Logos = Team Rocket ripoffs. :confused: Y/y?)
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Originally Posted by Rikku42
Very true. I think I remember one part of the game where you had to chase her or something and like a million people of her syndicate kept popping out of nowhere.

I may have that mistaken with something else though but I think it was a mission where you had to get outfits similar to those in Leblanc's syndicate

That... never actually happened. When you go looking for syndicate uniforms, you find them in three different locations in Spira. No chasing or being chased involved.

Anyway. The Leblanc Syndicate was simply a cheap way for the creator's to give you something to compare The Gullwings to, which in turn, would make you think Princess Yuna and her two overly supportive white friends were TEH COOLEST UND MOZT SURRIOUS BAND AUF SPHERE HUNTERZ EVA.

Sorry about that location thing. I thought that I mixed a few things up. I think I mixed up them finding the outfits with the part in the beginning where you have to find the sphere first and fight that big crab thing.

Your right about that Team Rocket thing. The only difference about them and Team Rocket is that they have some skills. Team Rocket is just pathetic now.>_<
Leblanc isn't in any of the other Final Fantasy titles, and I'm not sure of her backstory in the FFX universe.

I do know that Logos and Ormi were in the Crimson Squad, whether they owned up to it or not, their voices can definitely be heard in the Crimson Spheres you find throughout Spira.

I'm guessing that Leblanc bumped into Logos and Ormi some time after the Crimson Squad fell apart.

And as stated above: The reason she was added to the game was so you could have a recurring enemy, much like Seymour was to FFX.
I don't if she's even a villain, since
she helps you at the last of the game against Vegnagun :wacky:

But she's not a strong villain if you want to consider her as a villain.
Well, Leblanc is Yuna's rival in the beggining.
She only appear in Final fantasy x-2 (a great game)
Leblanc is a sphere hunter that helped too much people in the past, those people were very pleased to join her sindicate.

That's all i know, more info in the game

LeBlanc isn't exactly a villain, as Kel said, but rather, one of those chaotic elements who's occasionally on your side, occasionally not, in it only for herself. She's there right to the end,
even fighting with her dorky sidekicks in the final showdown

I keep wondering if this game would've been much better without the LeBlanc Syndicate. It made it feel like I'd left Spira behind and gone back to Zanarkand. Where did she come from? It's only been two years since Yevon's ban on most machina was lifted -- is she Al Bhed, or was there a band of rebel thugs hanging out somewhere getting proficient in grenades and guns before the Calm started? Those robot snakes were particularly odd.

LeBlanc drives fanfic writers batty. I know folks who are interested in Nooj, and LeBlanc's relationship with him drives them nuts, especially if one considers the hints of Nooj/Paine in the story.
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