Legendary Weapons

I think that Yunas and Tidus Celestial Weapons are really easy to achieve, killing all Belgemine aeons or racing and wining with 0.0:0, isn't that difficult.

Off topic : Can I do the cactuar thing without doing the lighting dodging? Cuz I'm a little stuck in that part. Other thing, every time I get with a lighting it deletes my count till now, or the dodging still counts for the 200?
I got Tidus' Caladbolg, Yuna's Nirvana, Auron's Masamune, Rikku's Godhand, and Lulu's Onion Knight. I'm going to work on getting Kimahri's legendary weapon, but I'm probably not going to try for Wakka's this time because I really don't have the patience to play (and win) a lot of blitzball games. I'm sure the next time I play FFX I'll start playing blitzball as soon as I can and slowly make my way up to the amount of games needed.

Out of all of the ones I got so far Tidus was by far the hardest to get because of the Chocobo racing. Sometimes I got so frustrated with it I wanted to throw my PS2 out of the freaking window. lol.

It took me four days (a few hours a day) to finally get the 0:0:0 time and when I finally got the Sun Sigil I almost started crying, I was so happy. Then I tried to get Lulu's Onion Knight. I think that was the second hardest because I tried dodging the lightning at different times of the day and night, and I agree with what a lot of people say when giving advice: try to do it at night. It does help you see the flash of lightning. After about two days I finally found a good spot to keep running to, got the timing down, and just started listening to music while watching for the flash of lightning.

The easiests ones to get were Auron and Yuna's legendary weapons. Yuna's was kind of time consuming but very easy. Rikku's was pretty easy but annoying. I didn't really enjoy the finding the cactaur mini-game.

Next I'll try for Kimahri's Spirit Lance.
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Oh my god, the lightning was the easiest thing to do. Everybody makes it seem so hard. I did it on my first try, I was surprised how people cant do this. Its not difficult, you just need to be good.

No, I think everyone's problem is not the fact that it's difficult. It's that dodging lightning is so time consuming. 100 of them at that. =/. It strains the eyes and takes so damn long. I didn't find it "hard" to do per-say but I did get annoyed with having to keep repeating myself; Look for flash, push x, repeat...
I've got all legendary weapons, but only Nirvana and Masamune is upgraded into their full potential. I couldn't bother to get the others' sigil. I tried getting Tidus' Sun Sigil, but fell short 1.8 seconds!:gonk:
i got some of the legendary weapons in X, but i know there not powerful, and i heard theres something to do with unlocking the power..anyone care to explain that?
Update: Got Kimahri's Spirit Lance now all I need is the sigil for Wakka. I've been playing blitzball for days trying to find it in the league. People keep telling me to reset the data until I get it but I don't want to lose all the levels I got. :(
i got some of the legendary weapons in X, but i know there not powerful, and i heard theres something to do with unlocking the power..anyone care to explain that?

I think you are looking for Sigils. They are all over Spira. If you collect them and take them to Macalania forest you can upgrade your weapons to full power

Update: Got Kimahri's Spirit Lance now all I need is the sigil for Wakka. I've been playing blitzball for days trying to find it in the league. People keep telling me to reset the data until I get it but I don't want to lose all the levels I got. :(

I never reset my data. I just kept playing until it showed up. I thought you had to be a certain level or somesort? I really don't think resetting it will help. haha.
TIDUS:(sun crest) in the dome after beating yunalesca (prepare for a battle) defeat this boss and you will obtain the crest. as for the sigil: you must beat the chocobo trainer with a time of 00:00:00(get the ballons to delay time)

yuna:(moon crest and sigil)the crest can be found at besaid beach(where you first appear with tidus at the left(swim)as for the sigil you must defeat all of belgamine's aeons at requiem temple

RIKKU:CREST:IN A CHEST LEFT OF CACTUAR VILLAGE.sigil:find all cactuars in the miniquest in bikanel.

Wakka:crest:aurochs changin room.sigil:won as a prize in a blitz league

kimahri:top of mt.gagazet after you battle seymour.sigil:complete butterfly mini quest in macalania woods

auron: crest:at the bottom of the m'ihen highroad.sigil:generate 10 creatures during the arena conquestor species conquest and the zoolab guy will give it 2 you.

lulu:crest:go back to farplane and open chest.sigil:(THIS IS A MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASS!) in the thunder plains evade 200 lightning strikes in a row and open the chest at the travel agency to receive the sigil.
Tidus' and Yuna's are the easiest for me to get. I have managed to get all of the weapons, but upgrading them is really time consuming and I haven't gotten them all upgraded yet.
I spent like two hours in front of the tv trying to get Tidus' for the choccobo race. It sucked mega.
Lulu's was also a pain in the butt cause you had to dodge those 200 lightning bolts, which i gave up on. I only managed to get like sixty before i gave up.
I got everybody elses' though.
I'm just without Kimahri and Lulu's weapons powered up now. I didn't have the patience for them. I mean, they are hard enough to get as it is, but on my current save, those two are the ones that have fallen behind in the levelling, so I don't really have much incentive to get them.
I never reset my data. I just kept playing until it showed up. I thought you had to be a certain level or somesort? I really don't think resetting it will help. haha.

You have to have all of Wakka's overdrives but I don't think you have to be at a certain level.

I eventually decided to reset my data a few times and finally got the Jupiter Sigil. So I officially got all the legendary weapons. Yay! :yay:
So, resetting your data really does work? Well, shows how I am wrong. lol. Good job. =).

I've gotten all legendary weapons and sigils. =D! Full Powered on everyone. I hated getting Lulu's.

Khimari's was just a bit tedious because if you hit the wrong butterfly it kinda screwed you over. Other than that it was not that bad.
As I know, the count will repeat back 0 and do it all over again...that's waste of time, cause I don't have patience...
Oh god. I've never come to close to launching a controller through a tv screen before. That GOD DAMNED butterfly minigame was just unbearable. I just COULDN'T get it right. I did get it in the end (the perfectionist in me just wouldn't let me leave it be), but it was incredibly tedious.

I've never been as infuriated by a game before.
Oh god. I've never come to close to launching a controller through a tv screen before. That GOD DAMNED butterfly minigame was just unbearable. I just COULDN'T get it right. I did get it in the end (the perfectionist in me just wouldn't let me leave it be), but it was incredibly tedious.

I've never been as infuriated by a game before.

LOL! It was quite frustrating. Hitting the wrong one and getting into a battle which takes off of your time. It was a freaking bitch, no doubt.

Sometimes it felt like the butterflies were in one place and you'd walk around a corner and they'd somehow be there! It made me mad because i swore I was going around it. =p
The hardest legenadary weapon for me to get was Kimarhi's Stupid Spirit Lance aaaargh stupid butterflies the most I can ever catch is 6 I can never seem to find the last one
Yeah, I got all of them. I remember at one point I already had all of the weapons and crests, so I had to dedicate a weekend to getting the sigils. Tedious!

I thought the easiest were Wakka's, Yuna's, Auron's and Rikku's. I loved playing Blitzball, so that wasn't a problem. I thought fighting Belgemine's Aeons was fun - I looked forward to going back to Remiem every time I found a new Aeon. Capturing monsters wasn't that bad either, and I didn't have a problem with the Cactuar Village quest.

Tidus and Lulu gave me problems. There was one bird in particular that seemed to hit me every time. I was sure Chocobo racing was going to kill me until suddenly I got lucky and got the 0.0 time. And something crazy happened on Thunder Plains - I remember counting up to somewhere in the 180s when I was hit by a lightning strike. I ran back to the shelter thinking I may as well pick up whatever consolation item they were going to give me before starting over again, but the Venus Sigil was there! I still can't believe I miscounted by that much. I must have been tired.