Lenghty Introduction


The Strange One
May 15, 2011
Greetings, fellow fans of Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy has – in all its varying incarnations – been a much valued home and refuge for me since the later 1990s. So many great stories, memorable characters and unforgettable moments has this long-running series of videogames brought me and – as I am sure – many of you here, which in their deepest essence go far beyond simple entertainment. It is an experience. A passion. With Chocobos.

Now, I am pretty sure I’m not the most social person on earth and it does actually take a certain rare kind of mood for me to willingly initiate contact with other people. Sounds strange? Yeah, that is pretty much the essence of me. I will not go into any details here, but whenever I do say hello to a new community, I simply like being honest and thus, to openly state just what kind of person I am. Which basically comes down to: a strange one.

So… here I am, and I did not come empty handed. Not the reason, but certainly a special motivation for my registration here is that I recently – in the wake of one of the aforementioned “moods of extreme socializing” (it’s my personal Limit Break) – uploaded two Final Fantasy music videos I created last year, after I had finished Final Fantasy XIII. Although I’m aware that the overall quality of the most recent entry into the series (apart of XIV, of course, which is a whole different deal) is debated over with even more controversy than any of its predecessors, I believe this community here might still be one of the most promising places to harbor people to whom those videos might actually mean anything.

Therefore I have made up my mind to throw caution over board and to share them with you, since I believe that every single person who enjoys something I created makes it worth sharing (which does not come easy to me). The videos can be found here and here.

This is, of course, not merely meant to be self advertising (from which I would not profit anyway). I do plan on sticking around for the time being, read into your discussions and maybe even throw in a word or two of my own. Always in short, of course, as I am so impressively demonstrating here. Well, feel free to let me know what you think about my humble creations. Also: just ignore those other videos on my channel. They are old and, uhm… were made by a young boy on a crappy computer some years ago.

I guess that’s it for now. It better be, eh? Brevity is the soul of wit, they say… thus I stand witless. Oh my...
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Why hello there, strange one. I do hope you find the community fitting at least. :) Welcome and see you around.
Awesome job on the videos. The footage goes along nicely with the soundtrack as well. :lew:

Welcome to the forums! Do stick around and enjoy your stay. =]
The first video made me jump, damn you volume -shakes fist-

Cool vids :monster:

Oh, and welcome too!
Welcome to the forums :dave:
Thank you all for your warm welcome. And I assure you: I can write short posts, too… on my best days (or worst – it’s all a matter of perspective, after all).

I suspect that I’m slowly but surely running into a social dead end, though. The day will come when I will have been in just enough online communities, that whenever I join a new forum I will instantly be recognized as “that guy that writes too much”. Until that day comes I will keep terrorizing the people of the internet with blocks of text that no one wants to read.

Mark my words. :stang:
Well Hot Damn, welcome to the forums and enjoy.