sephiroth or cloud fan?

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Nov 15, 2010
this is how i think the next ff7 continuation should go. bring sephiroth back again, have him DESTROY cloud and rule the planet. now unfortunately since good guys have to win, in the movie after sephiroth's victory, have all of cloud's friends bring him back to life, and maybe zack and aerith as well, have cloud fight and DEFEAT sephiroth, not kill him cause he can't be killed, and then let cloud and company help the planet "recover". does anyone agree with me?
Sephiroth's will is tremendous and he does take a hell of a lot a beating to defeat him.

It is really only Clouds friends that allow him to beat Sephiroth, but if Seph were to be victorious a would think new heroes would emerge to defeat him in the again.

Sephiroth is nearly immortal all he need do id wait for the life times of those who stopped him previously to expire and then he can claim the planet for him self un-opposed.

Yeah let thee guy in long black Cloak win..............what could g wrong:lew:
damn straight!

damn right. nothing would go wrong. he would actually be saving the planet. i elaborate on this more in my post cloud and sephiroth i think. but you gotta admit, that would make a great ff7 continuation. this way, everbody wins. sephiroth fans like me win, and one movie after, cloud fans win. does anyone else agree?
I read half the first line and facepalmed hard. You can only bring someone back so many times before it becomes beyond ridiculous. Seriously. Not only that, but Sephiroth had extremely poor characterization. Let me tell you, NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!


Besides, Kuja was the real awesomeness Villain :griin:
why kefka?

why is it that ALMOST EVERY TIME i post about how awesome sephiroth is, someone ALWAYS compares him with kefka or kuja and says kefka and kuja are better? KEFKA AND KUJA ARE NOT BETTER! if sephiroth and kefka or kuja were to fight, sephiroth would OBLITERATE kefka AND kuja. sephiroth is way cooler...
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Not to mention, a continuation would just be further milking the Final Fantasy VII game. You can only milk something so far before it becomes something no one wants to deal with, you know?

Continuing this with a victory for Sephiroth, and then doing another movie or video game with a victory for Cloud's friends again (and pulling some Dragonball Z stuff of reviving Cloud) would be pointless and annoying.

Also, reviving Aerith (or even Zack) would destroy the emotional impact of his/her death in the first place, and, in a sense, "ruin" it for everyone in the future. And would probably make many people rage.

EDIT: Also, Blow said KUJA. Not Kefka. And I would have to agree with him. Has Sephiroth destroyed an entire planet by casting a single spell? I think not. :mokken:

you do have a pointt magic masher. people do get tired of seeing the same shit over again, but maybe in the movie where they bring cloud back to defeat sephirothh could be the last ff7 movie? these ARE just ideas you know...
Not to mention, a continuation would just be further milking the Final Fantasy VII game. You can only milk something so far before it becomes something no one wants to deal with, you know?

Continuing this with a victory for Sephiroth, and then doing another movie or video game with a victory for Cloud's friends again (and pulling some Dragonball Z stuff of reviving Cloud) would be pointless and annoying.

Also, reviving Aerith (or even Zack) would destroy the emotional impact of his/her death in the first place, and, in a sense, "ruin" it for everyone in the future. And would probably make many people rage.

EDIT: Also, Blow said KUJA. Not Kefka. And I would have to agree with him. Has Sephiroth destroyed an entire planet by casting a single spell? I think not. :mokken:

I agree with the milking part.......though i'm sure there will be another last installment. There was a point to the ending of DoC and the series doesn't exactly feel concluded. I hope then can make a good game out of it, at least let it be as good as CC.

Also, Sephiroth would most likely defeat the two(well i have my doubts about kefka). All they have is a buttload of raw power, while sephiroth has much more versatility and hax, actual physicall power and skill.
you do have a pointt magic masher. people do get tired of seeing the same shit over again, but maybe in the movie where they bring cloud back to defeat sephirothh could be the last ff7 movie? these ARE just ideas you know...

The point is, two more movies..or video games...to continue the story aren't needed. FFVII has been milked. The utters are sore. It needs to be laid to rest and the story left alone.

Cloud and Co. saved the world. Sephiroth was "defeated". Aerith died. Zack died. Leave the storyline alone. Let it be as it is.

i agree with you completely alucardemi. sure sephiroth didn't cast a spell that wiped out an entire planet. he did better/cooler. he summoned the biggest fucking meteor ever and blew up midgar. and there should be at LEAST one more movie for ff7 before it ends like you say alucardemi...
why is it that ALMOST EVERY TIME i post about how awesome sephiroth is, someone ALWAYS compares him with kefka or kuja and says kefka and kuja are better? KEFKA AND KUJA ARE NOT BETTER! if sephiroth and kefka or kuja were to fight, sephiroth would OBLITERATE kefka AND kuja. sephiroth is way cooler...
Ok, review time kids. What did Sephiroth want? To destroy the planet. What was his progess there? Destroyed an evil corporation that was bound for damnation no matter what. What did Kuja want? To destroy existence. How was his progress? He destroyed an entier planet, then he managed to kill off all existence, but Zidane and companies will to live saved everything. What did Kefka want? To destroy everything. How far did he get? He literally became a god.

Did you ever think that if THAT many people think these two are better, then maybe, there is even a slight possibility that they are better? I mean come on, face the numbers. Besides, Sephiroth was small time compared to any game, not just final fantasy. I mean, look at Melbu Frama from Legend of the Dragoon! Look at the Melenium earl from the anime D. Gray-Man! Sephiroth is a mamma's boy wimp. When you compare him to these guys, he becomes a schoolboy in tights who accidentally was accepted into the girlscouts and is selling cookies at your front door. And to top it off, he's happy doing it.
Ok, review time kids. What did Sephiroth want? To destroy the planet. What was his progess there? Destroyed an evil corporation that was bound for damnation no matter what. What did Kuja want? To destroy existence. How was his progress? He destroyed an entier planet, then he managed to kill off all existence, but Zidane and companies will to live saved everything. What did Kefka want? To destroy everything. How far did he get? He literally became a god.

Did you ever think that if THAT many people think these two are better, then maybe, there is even a slight possibility that they are better? I mean come on, face the numbers. Besides, Sephiroth was small time compared to any game, not just final fantasy. I mean, look at Melbu Frama from Legend of the Dragoon! Look at the Melenium earl from the anime D. Gray-Man! Sephiroth is a mamma's boy wimp. When you compare him to these guys, he becomes a schoolboy in tights who accidentally was accepted into the girlscouts and is selling cookies at your front door. And to top it off, he's happy doing it.

Just want to point some things out.

- Sephiroth DID NOT want to destroy the planet, his intention was to cause a wound in the planet so that he could subjugate it and absorb the lifestream to gain even more power. He got pretty close to it, summoned meteor and it was about to strike, but Cloud foiled his plans when he defeated seph in the lifestream, making it impossible for him to hold back holy.

He could easily destroy the planet in ACC, his mere presence in the lifestream causes it to corrupt. He has risen above this ideal in the fact he has his own lifestream circling the planet in ACC. In FF7 terms he is a Demigod. However his goal after he was defeated in FF7 shifted to his sole purpose being that of killing cloud, since his core became his memories and hatred for cloud in the lifestream. So this underwent the whole movie with his objective of reclaiming his physical body and fighting cloud. That's the reason that planet is not destroyed or used as a spaceship by him in ACC.

- They are better?? In what aspect? Not that it matters since you are only giving me an opinion, you shouldn't state these kinds of things as facts....it only makes you seem like an ass. Im also pretty sure Sephiroth has way more fans than either Kefka or Kuja. "mamma's boy wimp".....statements like this when you've shown me you have little knowledge of what sephiroth has accomplished makes me think you are one of those people who are only preaching to the choir on the FF7 hate because it's popular to hate things that are popular.

- Also i see you greatly emphasize Kuja's and Kefka's accomplishments. Kuja glassed the surface of a planet, did not destroy it, he didn't even lifewipe it. Kefka did become a god, but was then sadly defeated without accomplishing much more. Sephiroth almost succeeded in controling the planet and using it as a shuttle, and almost succeeded in his goal of killing cloud. Really their accomplishments are basically the same, only sephiroth's shifts to killing cloud when he could dominate the planet from the lifestream or simply bust it with meteor.

Edit: Sorry he did lifewipe, i meant to use destroy.
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Yeah well, Kuja only had to wave his arm around and some lights flew about and destroyed Terra in the blink of an eye. Sephiroth had to summon a giant rock from space, because he himself couldn't do it. And something to point out here, It was sephiroths presence that corrupt the lifestream, it was Jenova. That is clearly stated in the movie.

And yes they are better. They are better in character developemnt, and achievements. It's not opinion that Kefka became a god, it's not opinion that Kuja destroyed existence. It happened and that's fact. Learn to interpret peoples words, or go back to school, your choice.

I'll also have you know that assuming makes an ass of you and me. I don't dislike things that are popular because they are popular, I dislike things because they are unlikable to my specific personality. This is just one fucking topic, K? Do you know what one of my favorite bands is? Avenged Sevenfold. They are popular and I fucking love them. I'm not even preaching, get your words right. Not to mention your own hypocrasy, because you are also stating everything you say as fact when a lot of it is opinion, and I am stating my opinion, then following with the facts as to why, then voicing why I think they are better on a personal level. Honestly, are you 8?

Now, I never did play 6 so I'll not talk about it, I just like the concept and Kefka, as I have done some research on it, so here I admit I had faults.

And if you pay attebtion and interret what is said in the story of nine, yes Kuja did completely destroy it. The only reason he survived it's mass destruction was by going to memoria. And Kuja never "Came close" to shit, he did it. Another point of interpretation, if you carefully notice (Sarcasm on carefully) what is said at the last scene before fighting the necroses, Kuja did destroy everything. He succeeded, but then not only was life and all existence brought back, but Kuja was also changed by Zidane and co.'s will to live and passion.

Honestly, I admit I am an ass, but this is not a topic to bring it in. Be an ass to me and I give you your own ass back, so have fun attempting to interpret this one. I can't wait to read your fail response :rofl:
thanks for the support!

thank you for the support alucardemi. oh yeah? if sephiroth is a "wimpy momma's boy" then kefka is just an overpowered clown and kuja is just a failed actor who couldn't take it so he decided to take his anger out on the world and failed at that as well. they are not anywhere near as smart as sephiroth is. sephiroth thinks and plans what he will do before he does it. even in battle. why do you think he is so precise? alucardemi, you seem to be a sephiroth fan, you should check out my club.
thank you for the support alucardemi. oh yeah? if sephiroth is a "wimpy momma's boy" then kefka is just an overpowered clown and kuja is just a failed actor who couldn't take it so he decided to take his anger out on the world and failed at that as well. they are not anywhere near as smart as sephiroth is. sephiroth thinks and plans what he will do before he does it. even in battle. why do you think he is so precise? alucardemi, you seem to be a sephiroth fan, you should check out my club.
First off, Kuja was never an actor, he was a manipulator. Second off, read my above post, yes he did succeed, but Zidane was just being more badass in the end. And yes, I admit, in the end Kuja did go out with a temper tantrum. Oh wait, no he didn't, he went out by saving everyone with his last power. That's right, I DID pay attention to that game.
Please do not resort to insulting each other. I'd hate to have to delete posts or close this thread because people have to resort to personal insults. This is your only warning. :)
Kuja didn't lifewipe Terra? Did you see the cutscene? Have you played FFIX? I'd say what he did was lifewiping enough. I mean, Zidane had to evacuate its residents. And you don't take into account all the monsters and enemies on the planet. Can you fight them again? Does anyone live there anymore?

One word: Lifewipe. :ness:

And I would also like to point out that you both are also stating opinions about Sephiroth. I don't think it is a good decision to accuse Blow of giving you nothing but opinion and insulting him, and saying everything about Sephiroth is fact.

And to stay on topic, I still stand that no more movies or games need to be made and the storyline should be left alone. :mokken:
Oh boy, here we go.

Sephiroth didn't want to destroy the planet, he wanted to inflict enough damage on it to gather the power from the lifestream to become a God. Sephiroth spent a majority of the game in that cavern place or whatever. You think just because Kefka and Kuja did more that they are the superior characters? WRONG. Sephiroth just got stopped before he was able to do all that he had planned.

Sephiroth is cool and I wish he would win as well, but he'll never be anything more than he is right now. Cloud's punching bag. They should have left FF7 alone, stopped making sequels and prequels. Cause as far as I'm concerned, FF7 is ruined now. Even with Crisis Core.

Now that all is said and done. Bow before a real villain. Exdeath.
Yes, Cloud is a punching bag, we agree there. But seriously, your wording wasn't much better. So he just stopped? What kind of villain does that? I rest my case :mokken:

[thread closed]

If only I had mod powas :sad3:
Yes, Cloud is a punching bag, we agree there. But seriously, your wording wasn't much better. So he just stopped? What kind of villain does that? I rest my case :mokken:

[thread clossed

I never said Cloud was a punching bag, I said "SEPHIROTH IS CLOUD'S PUNCHING BAG." And I said that "HE GOT STOPPED." Not that he stopped of his own free will. Christ, you need to learn how to read.