sephiroth or cloud fan?

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In regards to the OP.....

Sephiroth has run his course, sadly. Although he still retains some sort of power in the lifestream, I don't honestly see how he will be able to come back to do anymore damage to the planet, unless he does it directly from the lifestream instead of using a catalyst like he did in Advent Children.

And how they intend to revive Aerith and Zack?.......Yeah, not gonna happen, unless they throw logic and balance out the window just to revive the compilation. Let's face it, Sephy is finished. Even he himself knows it. Cloud has finished his job, and is done with his role.
Yeah well, Kuja only had to wave his arm around and some lights flew about and destroyed Terra in the blink of an eye. Sephiroth had to summon a giant rock from space, because he himself couldn't do it. And something to point out here, It was sephiroths presence that corrupt the lifestream, it was Jenova. That is clearly stated in the movie.

And yes they are better. They are better in character developemnt, and achievements. It's not opinion that Kefka became a god, it's not opinion that Kuja destroyed existence. It happened and that's fact. Learn to interpret peoples words, or go back to school, your choice.

I'll also have you know that assuming makes an ass of you and me. I don't dislike things that are popular because they are popular, I dislike things because they are unlikable to my specific personality. This is just one fucking topic, K? Do you know what one of my favorite bands is? Avenged Sevenfold. They are popular and I fucking love them. I'm not even preaching, get your words right. Not to mention your own hypocrasy, because you are also stating everything you say as fact when a lot of it is opinion, and I am stating my opinion, then following with the facts as to why, then voicing why I think they are better on a personal level. Honestly, are you 8?

Now, I never did play 6 so I'll not talk about it, I just like the concept and Kefka, as I have done some research on it, so here I admit I had faults.

And if you pay attebtion and interret what is said in the story of nine, yes Kuja did completely destroy it. The only reason he survived it's mass destruction was by going to memoria. And Kuja never "Came close" to shit, he did it. Another point of interpretation, if you carefully notice (Sarcasm on carefully) what is said at the last scene before fighting the necroses, Kuja did destroy everything. He succeeded, but then not only was life and all existence brought back, but Kuja was also changed by Zidane and co.'s will to live and passion.

Honestly, I admit I am an ass, but this is not a topic to bring it in. Be an ass to me and I give you your own ass back, so have fun attempting to interpret this one. I can't wait to read your fail response :rofl:

- Kuja glassed a small area in a cutscene, burning some trees with his ultima. Destroying the planet is literally blowing it up, something he couldn't do. He at best lifewiped it. Who do you think jenova is at the end of FF7? Seph is stronger than the planet, so much stronger that the presence of his spirit in the lifestream causes it to corrupt. Not that he needs it now anyway since he's got his own.

- Kefka became a "god" and was soon put down. Kuja glassed terra, and was soon put down. Sephiroth almost became god, proceeded to reject death, become a demigod, spread a plague on gaia, and almost complete his main objective(kill cloud). He can easily do what these two cannot, which is destroy the planet(either destroying it with meteor, absorbing the lifestream, corrupting it and using it as a spaceship). He's just not really interested in the planet now. No, his goals and achievments are different from that of those two.

- Better in character development:dry:

Please enlighten me on kefka's and Kuja's absurd character development's. Sephiroth went from hardened battle general to omnicidal suppressed maniac. Then to having an unhealthy hate on cloud. All the while maintaining either a calm and demure, stoic appeal while fighting cloud, even though what he really wants is to be laughing manically while cloud watches his friends get maimed.

- Honestly, have you even been to the internet?? You're getting way too riled up, if i insulted you it was not my intention. I go with what i see, and you demonstrated the behavior of someone who just doesn't know anything about FF7 and hates it for it's popularity over other FFs. Statements like:

"Sephiroth is a mamma's boy wimp. When you compare him to these guys, he becomes a schoolboy in tights who accidentally was accepted into the girlscouts and is selling cookies at your front door. And to top it off, he's happy doing it."

When you've show to have bias and incorrect knowledge of the character is what i am referring to when i say you are "preaching".

- Kuja lifewiped, making the planet unlivable in. Destroying it would be completely removing it or blowing it up. He succeeded, but was then defeated by Zidane and CO.

Sephiroth also succeeded in creating his lifestream, and he did succeed in his main objective of defeating cloud 1-on-1, but after he won he taunted cloud, inciting zack's memory and cloud's will to launch an omnislash. They have different objectives, seph could snap his wrist and dominate the lifestream or summon another meteor anytime he wanted to, but that's not what he wants, even if he says so.

You really take the internet too seriously.......if i insulted you somehow im sorry it was not my intent, i was simply trying to correct you on your knowledge of sephiroth's character.

If you are an ass on every aspect and discussion out of pure nature or want in the internet then......well im sorry for you:worried:
Even if Kuja only "lifewiped" the planet, it was still more than silver haired emo shit Seph could do. However, seeing as how after Kuja destroyed Terra everyone refers to Terra as destroyed and even goes as far as to mention that there is no way that they can go back to Terra on account of it no longer being there...

Yeah, okay.
Even if Kuja only "lifewiped" the planet, it was still more than silver haired emo shit Seph could do. However, seeing as how after Kuja destroyed Terra everyone refers to Terra as destroyed and even goes as far as to mention that there is no way that they can go back to Terra on account of it no longer being there...

Yeah, okay.

And to add to what Darque said, Kuja's "magic" was powerful enough to shatter Shimmering Island on Gaia - the portal TO Terra.

I would say that, if anything, is "destroying a planet".
And to add to what Darque said, Kuja's "magic" was powerful enough to shatter Shimmering Island on Gaia - the portal TO Terra.

I would say that, if anything, is "destroying a planet".
And to top it off, it was only ONE spell in Kuja's arsenal. He one killed you so many times with Ultima, it wasn't funny. You even lose the final battle...
Kuja didn't lifewipe Terra? Did you see the cutscene? Have you played FFIX? I'd say what he did was lifewiping enough. I mean, Zidane had to evacuate its residents. And you don't take into account all the monsters and enemies on the planet. Can you fight them again? Does anyone live there anymore?

One word: Lifewipe. :ness:

And I would also like to point out that you both are also stating opinions about Sephiroth. I don't think it is a good decision to accuse Blow of giving you nothing but opinion and insulting him, and saying everything about Sephiroth is fact.

And to stay on topic, I still stand that no more movies or games need to be made and the storyline should be left alone. :mokken:

He did he did. My bad on my wording.

Also i don't understand what you mean in this sentence, could you clear it up for me?

It shouldn't be made, but i would be counting on it being made, cause of seph's line in ACC and the ending of DoC:wtf:
I have a rule. Don't touch games/movies that are epic because you might break it. The other sied is, Don't touch games that are shit, because you will make it worse. No matter what, if FFVII was epic or shit, which is our choice to decide, there should be no more touching it. It already has been done, though I did like DoC.
He did he did. My bad on my wording.

Also i don't understand what you mean in this sentence, could you clear it up for me?

It shouldn't be made, but i would be counting on it being made, cause of seph's line in ACC and the ending of DoC:wtf:

What I meant was that you and the OP have been going on about Sephiroth as if everything you say about him is fact. I may have interpreted it wrong, but that is how I have viewed it. Whenever someone mentions how Kuja, Kekfa, etc, is better, you write it off as merely opinion.

At least for me, I just find that, in the spirit of debate, wrong on many levels.

Again, I probably just interpreted your arguments wrong.
What I meant was that you and the OP have been going on about Sephiroth as if everything you say about him is fact. I may have interpreted it wrong, but that is how I have viewed it. Whenever someone mentions how Kuja, Kekfa, etc, is better, you write it off as merely opinion.

At least for me, I just find that, in the spirit of debate, wrong on many levels.

Again, I probably just interpreted your arguments wrong.

What i say about him like:

-creating a lifestream
-holding back holy
-being able to destroy the planet with meteor
-corrupting the lifestream

Is fact, because these are actual facts of the compilation.

The rest is just opinion, and if i stated it a bit strongly then you might have misinterpreted it.

Im still not quite sure what you are trying to address to me friend, when i hear that kefka or kuja are better, and then i hear things like what they accomplished and so on, i state what sephiroth's character has done and what he is. Because this is an entirely debatable topic and who has done more is entirely debatable, as i never stated sephiroth is outright better than the two, just that i wanted to spread some knowledge of the character.
It's going out of topic!!!

Answering the thread, NO

I only want at most 1 more item to the compilation that concludes everything, occuring after DoG. But never ever revive Aerith or Zack. Cloud should not 'die' again. He 'died (or whatever limbo state)' once in AC. It's a little stupid (luckily it's interpreted beautifully in the movie, with the 'mother' thing) how Aerith somehow managed to reject his death and 'revive' him. Killing cloud again would make little logic and sense.

They should in fact exterminate Jenova cells once and for all from the Planet and lifestream, because Jenova is the source of most problems in the story after all. I personally feel that jenova is a very interesting lifeform. Future story can focus further on the science/magic behind her cells.
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I was going to say something with regards to the topic but i'm too busy LOL'ing.

Sephiroth needs to stay dead, seriously even Seymour is a better villian than Sephiroth. He might not have got exactly what he wanted, but he was close to it, and in terms of the battles, i reckon more people got shitty at "Flux" than at any of the Jenova battles OR the final battles (Bizzaro, safer and himself).

They should make a movie based on FFIV, would be awesome, or better yet, FFXIII, the gameplay is epic.
GO CLOUD GO! Sure sephy is a badass....but cloud is just a bigger one. I mean think about all the shit he has to deal with before he can even face seph....now what was seph doing in the same time.

Take 7 for example....Cloud fights his way as a rebel and agaisnt shinra, jenova, his OWN MEMORYS. and the rest of the damn world trying to get to sephiroth.

What was sephiroth doing? Picking on the little guy ^^. staying out of the real harms way. Hacking down girls. letting his puppets do his work for him while he laughs.

I think it would be a joke if sephiroth won after all the cloud endured trying to reach his ass. And I honestly think he deserved it more. Sure sephiroth might have had a mental breakdown or 2....but he gave cloud his mental breakdown...and while sephiroth caved in too evil....CLOUD Battled his mind and won in the light of goodness.

Props too cloud.
Sephiroth will exist as long as Cloud exists, so in a way, Sephiroth is everlasting...err, at least until Cloud dies. :/

Still, Sephiroth could come back a hundred times, it'd still never really be the real Sephiroth that Cloud beats. But, real Sephiroth or not, Cloud will always win. He's the anti-hero, he can lose the battles, but he always wins the wars. :ryan:

The way I see it, Sephiroth doesn't show his real self for one reason and one reason alone; he's afraid Cloud will kick the chiz out of him. :ryan:

Kefka is kewl and yes, even bad arse. But, Sephiroth is way more of a better villain. :wacky:
hmmmm this is hard coz im a fan of both but i think if they should let sephiroth win in the next story should there be one then it would leave the story open for the next story and then cloud can kick his arse either that or sephiroth somehow became good again and they both end up winning for the side of good. he much more fun as evil though lol
hmmmm this is hard coz im a fan of both but i think if they should let sephiroth win in the next story should there be one then it would leave the story open for the next story and then cloud can kick his arse either that or sephiroth somehow became good again and they both end up winning for the side of good. he much more fun as evil though lol

Lol yeah, Sephiroth turning good again.. we can all see how long that'll last!

are you kidding me?! sephiroth turning good again would be like the best thing ever! then they could make one last game/movie showing how cloud converted sephiroth back to a good guy and could end it with sephiroth and cloud and company taking on the world and protecting it. that would be awesome! then ff7 would be over... that's what SOME PEOPLE want... not me. anyone agree with the above?
This has probably been said over and over, but I'm going to put out my opinion here.

Firstly, I put myself down as a Cloud fan. Why? Well, it's not because he's the anti-hero and always wins the battle. I find myself more drawn to him than Sephiroth. Sephiroth seems to be like a fly and only exists for the sole reason of annoying everyone.

He shouldn't be brought back ever again. The storyline of FFVII should be left alone. Heck, with AC and DoC, it shouldn't be touched now. As others have said, it would be exhausting the compiliation. It should be left alone.

And no offense to the original poster, but Sephiroth could never be good again. It's not in his nature after discovering his origins, committing the terrible acts he did and the amount of times he comes back to haunt Cloud and everyone else. Plus, you have to think of the fans. A lot of people were drawn to his evil nature. And the vast majority of the fans would be disappointed if his characterisation was turned around completely.
I'm just gonna answer the thread owner's question.

No, I don't think he should come back again and destroy Cloud and rule over everything. (Although someone mentioned that Cloud thing for Sephy... :hmm)

The first page contains what I was gonna say about it. Repeating it and repeating and repeating and repeating -- oh you get the picture xD

Sephy wouldn't be as good as he is now if he were good. Why people love/d him so much was because of his evilness. C:
Ok, he didn't create the lifestream. That was there before anything involving sephiroth or Jenova was in existence. How much attention did you pay to Bugenhaggen?

Any disgruntled 5 year old with mental disorders could have summoned meteor using the black materia. It wasn't all that great.

And for the second time, Jenova was what corrupt the lifestream. They Directly say that in the movie, in fact, it's VINCENT that says it! I get the feeling I'm debating with someone who does not interpret things correctly.

But Alcu, you are on the better end of the debate, it's the other guy that's being arrogant, I'm just an ass, and a proud one at that :griin: But I admit it, so it could be worse :monster: