sephiroth or cloud fan?

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Ugh I just want this series to die. I mean the hype of the game was too much and I think the hype is pretty much blown out of proportion because it was the first 3D final fantasy and I believe the first with advanced technology :hmmm: I could be wrong on that but I haven't played 4 or 5...But anyways FF7 had a lot of firsts for the series so it got waaaay too hyped. I mean, I just played it and I feel as though the character development was too rushed. Cloud all of a sudden becomes nice to Aerith in a snap after being a badass? Sephiroth knowing all these facts and teaching cloud and just conveniently snaps and becomes obsessed and eventually evil? The heroes just deciding to up and race across the world after Sephiroth saying "AMAGA WE GON SAVE DA WORLD!"? The story was no masterpiece but it worked just like any other final fantasy and it should be laid to rest. No more Jenovas or lifestreams. I've had it.

And as for villains, all of them are defeated in FF so it's only those who get what they want who win. Kefka got what he wanted. He just felt like playing around with his prey which led to his downfall. Sephiroth doesn't really seem like that much of a villain. I'd say Jenova played a bigger villain role than him. Sephi acted on account of Jenova, ACC had cells from Jenova, not Sephiroth, JENOVA. Sephiroth was just a recipient of Jenova's cells. But anyways this whole villain arguement is crap. The only "best ff villain" out there would have to be one that destroys the world, kills the heroes, and accomplishes his/her goal without dying in the process. Since none of the villains have done all of this at once....fail...Is there an ff villain that does all this?

Ugh whatever this series should have died before Advent Children despite how cool FF in movie form is.
Ok, he didn't create the lifestream. That was there before anything involving sephiroth or Jenova was in existence. How much attention did you pay to Bugenhaggen?

Any disgruntled 5 year old with mental disorders could have summoned meteor using the black materia. It wasn't all that great.

And for the second time, Jenova was what corrupt the lifestream. They Directly say that in the movie, in fact, it's VINCENT that says it! I get the feeling I'm debating with someone who does not interpret things correctly.

But Alcu, you are on the better end of the debate, it's the other guy that's being arrogant, I'm just an ass, and a proud one at that :griin: But I admit it, so it could be worse :monster:

He created the negative lifestream(which is implied to be lifestream bent towards his will that feeds geostigma and himself energy in ACC). You know that black stuff that flows out of the sky in ACC to cover the battlefield so cloud would be disconnected to his friends?? Yea that's it.

Meteor takes quite an amount of will to summon, given that holy, it's counterpart had to be summoned by a cetra. Besides sephiroth has done far more than just summon meteor.

Have you ever read case of the lifestream - Black/White? http://thelifestream.net/ffvii-adve...-smile-lifestream-black-and-lifestream-white/

"The woman had sensed a different presence within the Lifestream cycling around the planet. It was the vehemence of a strong will, one that would never join with the planet. She knew this consciousness. It was the man who had taken her life. A merciless spirit hidden behind a beauteous wall. That spirit was now operating from within the Lifestream."

"When the people who were trying to escape, or those left unable to do anything but stand still, were enveloped by those streams, he decided to leave them with his stigma."

"This is the result of his influence reaching the surface, she thought. The woman drew closer to the souls that had just entered the Lifestream, spirits filled with hate, and tried to heal them. Beneath the surface of enmity were hidden memories. Memories from their lives as normal people. While unremarkable, they had many joyous memories as well. She released those thoughts and dissolved them into the Lifestream. Having lost the core of their emotions, the surface animosity disappeared. The woman had found a solution, however more and more spirits steeped in spite appeared, and it was too much for her to bear. She rushed through the Lifestream in search of other souls to help her. "

"Despite mankind’s troubles, life on the planet had returned to normal. The man became aware of the increase in spirits— they could be called the darkness of the heart— melding with the Lifestream. He cherished that lingering darkness. Even more so when he considered that the stigma he had left on the surface was what created it. He thought that he could possibly enjoy himself with that. Filling the Lifestream with this darkness."

Sephiroth was corrupting the lifestream in spirit form(probably how he created his own lifestream) and he left the stigma. And also after nibelheim sephiroth himself is jenova. He is using her body/cells and already controlling her, anything pertaining jenova's actions post nibel reactor was sephiroth's doing.

It can always be worse.

Oon regards to the topic, i think it's fairly agreeable that they should have ended the series a bit sooner, and shouldn't make a new game. But i however am thinking they will, given certain scenes that dont spell conclusion in ACC and DoC.
i kind of like the fact that in kh cloud is kind of sephiroths bitch can't you just take that i mean come on everytime sephiroth appared near cloud he just lost all hope and became blubbering baby now i'm a fan of cloud mainly cause sephiroth the son of a bitch is relly hard to beat in kh and kh2 and gave me some bad memories of him going into the air shrouded in darkness to do that attack that suks all mana and your health which is only stoped at 1 by second wind

i say thats a pretty good accomplishment and then in the end cloud and him fight in epic little battle he gets the strength to fight the darkness inside him and they both disapear in a flash of light the end i say that is good enough anyone agree
I think they should just let this series die already. No need for more spins or even a remake. Never saw what's so great about Sephiroth. Sure, he was "cool" on screen but I would say he is a case of form over substance.
end of series...

i think that they should at least make one more movie and/or game because i think the series should go out with a huge bang and, like alucardemi said the ending for ac/acc gives you the feeling that it is not over yet. sephiroth's last words before he vanished into the lifestream again were: "I WILL NEVER BE A MEMORY". that gives you a feeling that sephiroth has more in store. but what was wrong with the ending in doc? i thought it was fine. i didn't see the secret ending with genesis, if that is what you mean. hehe i didn't expect this thread to get so many hits, and turn into a complete war zone. hehe. and yet it only has one star compared to my "sephiroth best villian?" post which has four stars and WAY less replies. doesn't really make sense unless you guys don't like this post or something which is fine, i guess... on another note: REALLY? only THREE people voted as a sephiroth fan? (myself included) i guess there aren't that many sephiroth fans out there and i guess that is one of the reasons why my sephiroth fan club doesn't have as many members as the other clubs... bummer...
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He created the negative lifestream(which is implied to be lifestream bent towards his will that feeds geostigma and himself energy in ACC). You know that black stuff that flows out of the sky in ACC to cover the battlefield so cloud would be disconnected to his friends?? Yea that's it.

Yes, that correction is much better. See, you only said lifestream, nothing about the word 'Negative' in there. Specifics during debate are intensely important

Meteor takes quite an amount of will to summon, given that holy, it's counterpart had to be summoned by a cetra. Besides sephiroth has done far more than just summon meteor.
Exactly why I said the 5 year old had mental issues. Have you ever messed with someone who had mental issues? They will NOT stop until they get what they desire, so given that, a Disgruntled five year old totally has the willpower to summon it. As for the strength, he could easily call on the power of any other materia to assist him, given the black materia is still a materia and the nature and explanation on how materia are made.
Yes, that correction is much better. See, you only said lifestream, nothing about the word 'Negative' in there. Specifics during debate are intensely important

Exactly why I said the 5 year old had mental issues. Have you ever messed with someone who had mental issues? They will NOT stop until they get what they desire, so given that, a Disgruntled five year old totally has the willpower to summon it. As for the strength, he could easily call on the power of any other materia to assist him, given the black materia is still a materia and the nature and explanation on how materia are made.

Im sorry, my mistake i should have been more specific on the lifestream business.

Yea sephiroth will probably never stop chasing cloud. The reunion files stated seph's sole existence now is making cloud suffer. It was stated(an i have downloaded scans) that he really dosent care about anything else anymore.

So while he could kill the planet easily, either by meteor or corrupting it, or using it as his space shuttle like he saysin ACC, he's not going to. He would keep trying to try and troll cloud till the day cloud dies. Cause seph will exist until cloud has memories of him. Given that sephiroth afer FF7 is nothing more than than an embodiment of memories of cloud and hatred.

i never knew sephiroth "created" his own lifestream. i thought he was just slowly but surely corrupting the normal one. and yeah you guys are right. people like sephiroth for his evilness. they like him as a villian. i do as well.
i never knew sephiroth "created" his own lifestream. i thought he was just slowly but surely corrupting the normal one. and yeah you guys are right. people like sephiroth for his evilness. they like him as a villian. i do as well.

It`s actualy pretty unclear how he did it. He was definitely corrupting the lifestream in spirit, but that corruption was somewhat being maintained by aerith with some difficulty. The creators never really cleared the issue of how he commands it or how he created it. I`d guess he corrupted a part of the original one and stole it for himself. But we know it`s there and we know it feeds sephiroth and geostigma energy, and we can see it in ACC when sephiroth calls i from the sky, and changes the weather with it.
isn't that sephiroths sole purpose in KH as well cause you could take that as a sort of continuation that hasn't yet been finished as we are still waiting on KH3 so just don't ask for another one nomura has placed into KH slightly so yeah that should satisfy you right
hehe... unsatisfied.

actually, i never played kh. well i played kh 2 a little, and i didn't really like it. i didn't like that you had to work with disney characters. so i don't know anything about the ff7 stuff in the kh series, just what i've heard, and i've heard that sephiroth is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to beat as a boss. (YEAH! GO SEPHIROTH!) so, no. i'm not really satisified... but whatever...
Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts isn't necessarily relevant, but fair enough he's hard to beat.

There really can't be anything else he can do. He may have hinted that he would come back in Advent Children, but what more can he even attempt to do? It'd be the same circle over and over. The fans would get fed up of it, even Sephiroth fan boys such as yourself. Sometimes it's best to put a villain to rest when they're at their peak instead of vice versa.

i don't know... i'm a pretty big fan of sephiroth. i think it would take A LOT, and i mean A LOT of stuff for me to get sick of him or not like him anymore. but i understand your point and you're probobally right, but then again se hasn't produced any continuation for ff7 for quite some time now, so it may very well never happen...
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Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts isn't necessarily relevant, but fair enough he's hard to beat.

There really can't be anything else he can do. He may have hinted that he would come back in Advent Children, but what more can he even attempt to do? It'd be the same circle over and over. The fans would get fed up of it, even Sephiroth fan boys such as yourself. Sometimes it's best to put a villain to rest when they're at their peak instead of vice versa.

I think Sephiroth said that line before he dissappeared in AC, just to Nark Cloud. If you think about it, Cloud hates him with all his being. Now with Sephiroth saying "I will never be, just a memory", Cloud would probably probably be thinking something along the lines of "Oh, shit, he might come back someday..." He'll be constantly thinking about the possibility of his revival, so to speak.

and Thus Sephiroth won't be forgotten and be more than a memory...

...Well, that's just my thoery anyway....

that's a very good theory masamune. damn... i wish i had thought of it...
also, i don't think cloud hates sephiroth THAT MUCH. i think he hates shinra more. they were both victims of shinra after all. when you think about, sephiroth did what he did and is the way he is today because of shinra. if shinra had never injected him with jenova cells, none of these things would have happened. that's what i think. anyone agree?
this is how i think the next ff7 continuation should go. bring sephiroth back again, have him DESTROY cloud and rule the planet. now unfortunately since good guys have to win, in the movie after sephiroth's victory, have all of cloud's friends bring him back to life, and maybe zack and aerith as well, have cloud fight and DEFEAT sephiroth, not kill him cause he can't be killed, and then let cloud and company help the planet "recover". does anyone agree with me?

I dont know about a whole new game, however I do feel that they didn't make Sephiroth feel evil enough. I would support a continuation, however I doubt it would happen in reality.