| Let There Be Rock | A Rock Music Club | V.2

God dang it :raye:

Omgosh guys. :kira: CheVelle is coming out with a new album and the new song is absolutely AWESOME!!!

They're coming up with names for the album. So far they have Emotions in Color, Never Bet the Devil your Head, and The Blood Club

I like Never bet the Devil your head :inlove:

the new song is Face to the Floor

The song is sex for the ears. I mean, I've never had smex but I think it should be like how this sounds :inlove:
I should probably want to join this club. Too many bands that I enjoy but to name a few there's
Motley Crue
Alice in Chains
Guns & Roses
Three Days Grace
ZZ Top
Lynard Skynard
Demon Hunter
Lamb of God- so on and so forth.
Welcome to the Rock FC!!

Feel free to glance at the first post to see the weeks days of events.

{Calendar Info for some days of the week:}
Sunday: Classic Sunday, post songs that are of Classic rock (Led, ACDC, Pearl, etc, etc) Any band before 1995 is eligible.
Monday: Heavy Metal Monday, Post your favorite heavy metal bands.
Tuesday: One Band Two Song Tuesday, post two back to back songs of your favorite band.
Wednesday: Alternative Wednesday, post your favorite alternative bands.
Thursday: Guitarist Thursday, Post an awesome guitar solo or a self written song by the said guitarist (Example: Jimi Hendrix)
Friday: Before & Now Friday, Post a past song than a recent song of your favorite band.
Saturday: Free for All Saturday, where you post any band you want, all damn day.

There's also a list of bands I've got with different categories that you might wanna glance through. if you see a band not on the list just tell me their name and what genre they fall into.
Today I'm dedicating my guitarist of legend to Kirk Hammet from Metallica. He learned his sick skills from the legendary Joe Satriani a long @$$ time ago and has greatly improved on his work. Some of his best talent is shown from the 80's into the early 90's while the latest album Death magnetic brings back some of the old school thrash metal style that I've come to know and love so much.
Today I'm dedicating my guitarist of legend to Kirk Hammet from Metallica. He learned his sick skills from the legendary Joe Satriani a long @$$ time ago and has greatly improved on his work. Some of his best talent is shown from the 80's into the early 90's while the latest album Death magnetic brings back some of the old school thrash metal style that I've come to know and love so much.

I agree that Kirk Hammet is indeed a great guitarist, and DM did indeed have some of Metallica's Thrash Metal roots, but I just don't think they'll ever regain the awesomeness they had in Master of Puppets, and Ride the Lightning.

And with that said, today is Free-For-All-Saturday.

Yup, going with one of my favorite bands, Eyeshine. :ryan:
I agree that Kirk Hammet is indeed a great guitarist, and DM did indeed have some of Metallica's Thrash Metal roots, but I just don't think they'll ever regain the awesomeness they had in Master of Puppets, and Ride the Lightning.

And with that said, today is Free-For-All-Saturday.

Yup, going with one of my favorite bands, Eyeshine. :ryan:
I think I may agree with you that they will never play like that again. But let's keep in mind that their lives have changed and they have families now and are balancing life as famous rockstars with the life of a husband/father either or both and that can affect how someone plays or what comes from their inspirations or what even inspires them after that. Now DM was a step towards regaining the heavier sound that was lost for some time. Personally I think it's one of the better albums that have been done in a long time but I agree that my favs are back in the RTL, and MOP days. Truly masterpieces of their time and even today. But let's keep our eyes and ears open for what comes next. Metallica still has more candle whick to burn and I'm looking foward to seeing how much changes.
I think I may agree with you that they will never play like that again. But let's keep in mind that their lives have changed and they have families now and are balancing life as famous rockstars with the life of a husband/father either or both and that can affect how someone plays or what comes from their inspirations or what even inspires them after that. Now DM was a step towards regaining the heavier sound that was lost for some time. Personally I think it's one of the better albums that have been done in a long time but I agree that my favs are back in the RTL, and MOP days. Truly masterpieces of their time and even today. But let's keep our eyes and ears open for what comes next. Metallica still has more candle whick to burn and I'm looking foward to seeing how much changes.

No doubt there, my friend. I hope their next album will be a good direction for them as a band or else I fear that they'll just go down in shame as the band that could be.

Heavy Metal Monday

Blink 182 ~ Up All Night

I love this song, and since its Alternative Wednesday I wanted to post them to honor their new album and get together (thought this day would never come!) Great album great song, Tom and Mark they sound like heaven to these ears! :gonk: And Travis is Godly on those drums.
There's a few really awesome songs on their new album, for sure. I love Tom Delong's singing :inlove:

Also, CheVelle's new song

I. About. Died.


It is awesome. :cali:

That's how I felt when I heard this new song. :inlove: My jaw dropped. :ryan:

It is the coolest song I've heard on the radio since Sc-Fi Crimes. :melody: I'm so in love with that slow but strong guitar rift. It's so sick sounding. :ohoho: I love how his voice just drops in outta nowhere, too. The drums in the background are as strong and powerful as they ever are. :inlove: Pete's vocals are... amazing!! :gonk: They're a mixture of his wonder what's next and this type of thinking could do us in album style of vocalizing--and guys, it is a SICK-WICKED way of singing.

The lyrics are really really awesome though. They're just perfect.

I am so stoked for this album. Sucks it drops in December, though. :sad3:

My mood for the rest of the day will be this:



Also, I'm gonna post my favorite Avenged Sevenfold video of all time :inlove:

As a part of Then And Now Thursday, I'm going to pay tribute to one of my favorite metal bands of all time, Dream Theater.

for the then, I have a song from their very first album.

As for the Now, a song off of their latest album with new drummer Mike Mangini.


The Used Lunacy Fringe

Gotta love The Used, especially this song; one of their best. A great album of course. And since its Free for All Saturday it means a I can post them today.

And some Tool, one of my favorites, and every time I listen to it I am sad that they haven't had a new album for so long - _ -
Well since it's Classic Sunday, and any song before 1995 is acceptable, why not a song that came out the year I was born.

Nirvana was not only the pioneer for the Grunge genre, but also one of Music's most influential rock bands. :ryan:
Alternative Wednesday again! Strange how I keep posting on this day, but oh well I love alternative rock anyhow; I think I will post that little ole' band called; Cage the Elephant and their song called; Ain't no rest For the Wicked. I love this song so much; and this band! But this song is the best by them imo <3

I had to post this video,its amazing, and thats just a plius on an already awesome song, this is a fan made video but the awesomeness doesn't decrease because its both funny and kick ass!

On of my favorite My Chemical Romance songs here;
